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loading problems

loading problems

Hi, since a few days loading stops at 53%.I talked to CS n line and they said they would pass it on to the tech experts. Now loading goes till 77%. Not good at all. What do I do? I've got all the latest upgrades and sometimes it does work. But lately that doesn't happen very often .If it would load I could see it in Real player but it doesnt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 Desperate. Please help.


loading problems

It is comforting that I'm not alone.It 's not that it freezes. it doesn't get to that point at all. I've upgraded everything I could and it still does not load. I've been using this site for one year and this is the worst it has ever been. Any suggestions?


Reply 6#6 shinny's post

hi, it loads up to 98% once even 99% and then zilch. I've updated and done everything I could. Stil desperate. I'm in bed with a bad flu attack and need somecheering up


loading problems

I want to thank everybody for their good advise. Qute often it is not the site. But it is good to know that there are people there that do care. I love this site and I can understand people getting frustrated. .You never get any feedback from people that are satisfied and that's sad.So here goes: You're great and keep it up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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  • dognxtdoor Points +5 Thank you for the positive feedback. 2-10-2009 23:18
  • dognxtdoor Treasure +5 Thank you for the positive feedback. 2-10-2009 23:18



no problem. it's a pleasure .I have lots of fun with your site and appreciate it greatly. Living in Southern Italy can be very frustrating.Telecomunications are beyond description here. CS is a myth in this part of the world.But at least the weather is good.And the Pizza is supposed to be the best in the world. Have a nice day and thaks already for future help. Just to know that there is somebody out there makes it better. Sometimes it is hard to figure out WHY it doesn't work.

