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Flash Vs Realplayer

Can't hear the flash shows

I keep trying to watch them - especially now that torchwood is uploaded on the flash side first - but does anyone else have a problem with the volume on the flash shows - My computer volume is at maximum - the flash volume is maximum and I still have to put head phones on and squash them to my ears to block out even my own breathing to hear 1/3 of what is being said - the rest I get later when I rewatch the program in real player - (the volume there needs to be almost turned off or it is too loud) - is this a problem with the flash and will they be fixing it before they remove real player all together?



Thanks for all the tips - it is good to know it is not a general problem and one I can probably fix. I will let you know which fix works when I try them - right now am too busy to spend much time on it - but I will probably try viewing in chrome as I already have it on my computer as well as safari - I have only been using firefox up until now - and never ie. Thanks again

