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Q&A: Questions & Answers (Ask Here)

I know I've seen this in a thread somewhere, but I can't seem to find it again. What is the conversion rate for points earned here and VIP points? Is it 1forum point = 1VIP point? Also, do I need to have a minimum balance of points before I can convert, or is that just for Treasures?


Reply 215#215 waterlilybarb's post

Great! Thanks bunches!


Yeah, I'm just full of questions today I went to the game board and did the latest House quiz, but the pic didn't show up when I pasted the results. Someone said to preview the message and click "enabled html" to the left, but there was no "enabled html" when I tried that. Is there a certain level of membership I need or is my computer just wonky?


Reply 218#218 01torres's post

OK, not a quiz, a game. That "which character are you" kind of quizzy thing. Anyway, my question is still valid.


Reply 220#220 waterlilybarb's post

Yeah, that's where I looked, but it shows up as disabled. No big if I'm not allowed, it was just a bit grr-some at the time. And I totally appreciate the help, especially knowing how little sleep went into it.


Hello, back to be a nuisance (with the added bonus of avoiding my finals some more ). I've noticed that 'forum time' is mentioned a lot. How do I know what the time is on the forum (short of posting a quick 'hi' that is)? I mean, is there a clock or something that I can set up? Edit: OK, so I finally noticed the clock at the bottom of the page when I went to hit the post button. [ Last edited by linauri at 5-4-2008 23:19 ]



Just a quick question. I checked my points when I logged in a couple of hours ago, but I've made at least 3 or 4 posts in forums since then and my points don't seem to be increasing. My treasure is going up, though. Could this have something to do with the fact that I put in to have all my points converted this week?


Reply 234#234 dognxtdoor's post

Ah, OK. I guess I've been doing more quizzes and things than I thought then, cuz it seemed like every time I checked my points had gone up a bit. Heh, shows how well I've been paying attention to things. Thanks for the clear-up.

