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Is there any way around an episode that stops loading?

Is there any way around an episode that stops loading?

I've tried pausing while half the episode loads and then pressing play. Sometimes i get to see the whole episode; other times not. Today Merlin stuck at 6:47 and just would load no longer. I clicked here, I clicked there, I clicked everywhere, to no success. ('ve done this many, many times for many episodes, a few times something magical happens and the episode continues loading. Since I don't believe in magic, I wonder if I've accidentally done something to restart the loading. Anybody have any advice? It is sort of a hassle to have to try to reclaim lost points. MUCH appreciated.


Loading stuck

Yes, VIP.TV Yes, for some reason I HAVE to use Realplayer; that's my only box/choice to click on if I want to load an episode. But sometimes, more times than I'd like, like today, when i let it run to load, it gets stuck like i said, before I even have a chance to watch it. Thanks for replying.


loading and Realplayer

Thanks for replying. When I click on the episode (UK or US; I try both if there's a problem)the next box that pops up is Realplayer. And I have to choose that to proceed. There is NO choice of Theater Mode. Just Realplayer. I think there are a number of bugs and sensitivities to this system; but I really hate losing points because it takes so long to try to retrieve them. And I don't always, because time is valuable and dealing with frustrating stuff tends to drain my spirit. donnamps

