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New Viptv Site Discussion

Hi everybody, I am one of the members who were tortured by this uppopping sign to replay the show, but as I already said, one cannot expect everything to run smoothly right away.... AND I WAS RIGHT: I have been watching three shows so far WITHOUT ANY PROBLEMS I thought I might as well post something POSITIVE to keep everybody's spirits up!!


I am sorry but I have to say something, because the situation jerseyjules88 is in is almost the same as mine. I also just bough 30 US on points and was only able to use a few of them (I dont even know how much money I have spend in this site for the last 2 years). I am willing to stick around and wait to see if you guys will be able to fix this for us, but so far the answers have been really vague. I get some of the critic with the new site, but again I will be patient for a while and see if suggestions will be implemented. I agree with jerseyjules88 that for us VIP users, the service is a payed one (even if you called it a donation for legal pusposes) and we should be your main concern, to be honest. Bala, your answer to me was very offensive as if you guys didn`t care at all if you lose a paying member. I know that on forums things can get missinterpreted, but the smiley faces for me in this case were a slap in the face. Like "go ahead, just ask the admin for your points back and we are glad you are going". In a friendly enviroment that is this site, I would hope for more understanding also from your side for those of us who are frustrated with the changes.


Reply 21#21 tycoonworld's post

Thank you for posting a positive comment it really means a lot when someone can say something positive. i also am able to watch the episodes with no problem, it's slow to load the page but i can watch the episode that's most important thing. 2 satisfied member only another 220,000 members to go


Bala, your answer to me was very offensive as if you guys didn`t care at all if you lose a paying member. I know that on forums things can get missinterpreted, but the smiley faces for me in this case were a slap in the face. Like "go ahead, just ask the admin for your points back and we are glad you are going". In a friendly enviroment that is this site, I would hope for more understanding also from your side for those of us who are frustrated with the changes.
See what i mean when i try to be helpful people start having a go at me. The smile face was me being nice. i'm sorry you took it the wrong way but like shinny pointed out i'm not a moderator i'm a member just like you.


Reply 23#23 bala's post

I'm always happy but am more happy the forum is a lot quicker today so make the 3 satisfied member only another 219,999 members


Reply 25#25 codebreaker's post

that's good to hear


Reply 26#26 bala's post

Yesterday i tried to send a PM for the Monk Quiz 4 times before it went but the first time i didn't make a copy of the answers


Reply 22#22 alexgirl's post

I am not trying to win the Nobel Peace Price, but alexgirl, what reaction do you expect, when there is an outcry of reimbursement, handing in membership - and all these other harsh and impatient statements after the new site had only been on for less than 24 hours??? With a laughing smiie involved I can't see a "slap in your face" Let us be patient and give them a chance, after all, loading speeds are almost normal again, several bugs have been fixed - THINK POSITIVE!!


Reply 28#28 tycoonworld's post

it was a smile ( ) not laughing-i would never use the laughing one


Reply 29#29 bala's post

Oh dear, I wanted to avoid the expression: "a smiing smiie", that is why I wrote "laughing"


Reply 22#22 alexgirl's post

We really appreciate your patience and I know it's not an ideal situation so I apologise for that on behalf of our admin team. I know they are working on it now as we speak so I expect to see some improvements soon. Shinny


Reply 30#30 tycoonworld's post

Smile is different from laughing Smile means being nice Laughing means you are making fun of the person


Reply 32#32 bala's post

Me foreign - for me laughing means something positivie, too - except you laugh about someone - so sorry!!! no offense meant


Reply 33#33 tycoonworld's post

no need to kiss me Laughing can postive when you watch something but in context in this discussion the situation on here laughing wouldn't be appropriate i just thought i explain myself because everyone misunderstand my comment


Reply 20#20 magic4u's post

You have a very interesting philosophy regarding customer retention, Gary "Super Moderator". Shame on you! The folks here are not some random group of school children whining because we don't like what's being served for lunch. We are paying customers whose "donations" keep this site going. We were sold services that are no longer available at all (in many cases). It is NOT our fault that the proper beta testing was not done before the site went live. Perhaps a smarter approach for a "Super Moderator" would be to find ways to constructively address members legitimate concerns rather than focus on their own misguided "Little Rants".


reply 35 # 35 jerseyjules88's post

I second demotion your post. And moderators should moderate, not to instigate!!! This is for Bala a not so "smiley" smilies but not laughing! I said it before and I will say it again... I salute you Bala!


Reply 36#36 rickman's post

thanks for the support you need understand that member is angry at the service after new update and needs someone blame and they think blame moderator will sort out this mess but it won't, the only people sort out this mess are admin as they actually know what the problem is.


I am closing this thread. Feedback on the new layout should be given in this thread: Poll: Do you like new look and new VOD system?(Updated on May 23)


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