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Slow updates

Slow updates

The past few days i have noticed shows are being uploaded a bit later. Usually it is done by lunchtime, however recently it is not done when i get home at 4pm. It is not a big issue i was just wondering if there was any particular reason? Thanks in genral for the great service


Reply 1#1 fatgerbil's post

hi It really depends on how many shows that need to get updates obviously the more shows to be updated the longer it will take. This has been an on going issue since the site launched, sometime it fast and sometimes it takes time. The best advice i can give is just be patient, there plenty of shows on here watch in the meantime


Reply 2#2 bala's post

I have been a sqeaky wheel about long updates mostly because the internet is my only access to the programs I love and wait impatiently for - VIPTV has been a great place for a constantly traveling TV junkie to keep up. I guess part of my problem is that I don't really understand the update process, past the fact that it is suppose to take 6 hours after something is on the air for it to be updated for viewing. I could even have that part wrong, until I set one of my laptop clocks to GMT, I could never sort out what time zone I was in and the difference between the two. I would love to know where to look for more information or an explanation of who does the updating, what is the process for accessing the shows in the US, BBC shows and the Australian shows I love that is used by VIPTV and in general how do things work. As always, I really do appreciate all you folks who answer the many questions and comments - Thanks.


Reply 3#3 gramywheels's post

All we know is that the admin work really hard to get episodes up as fast as possible and we have no idea when episode will be updated but we all told most episode will updated within 24 hours of particular episode airing. The reasons for the delay happen when they find can't find the episode or there is problem with the uploading process otherwise episode will be here. I hope you understand this


Reply 1#1 fatgerbil's post

It has been almost a week since Episode 20 of the Mentalist aired, but it is STILL no here.... any ideas?


Reply 5#5 iydgiydgi's post

I already replied to the thread you started on this topic, but according to, episode 20 doesn't air until April 28th.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!

