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Lost points because of mistake - suggestion for friendvista

Lost points because of mistake - suggestion for friendvista

I just made a mistake and clicked on an episode that I've already seen (and don't want to see again) and I lost points because of a simple mistake. I think there should be some kind of warning pop up, like: "You've already seen this episode, do you want to continue? Yes / NO". I don't know if that is difficult to do, but it would be something that I'd find very useful. Edit: Thanks for the points Waterlilybarb! [ Last edited by serena75 at 10-26-2008 10:57 ]
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  • waterlilybarb Points +2 Good idea! I don't know if it will be 10-25-2008 16:17


thats a cool idea...i second that idea...what be good to have that kinda alert =)


Reply 1#1 serena75's post

Good suggestion. In the mean time you can check you viewing history in the Member's Centre which, is located in the top right of the VIP site. Sorry for the trouble.


Reply 1#1 serena75's post

This why you always check viewing history before continue to watch the next episode


Reply 4#4 bala's post

Yes, but you could still accidentally click on the wrong episode even knowing which one you are looking for. I know I've done that before. For instance, I meant to click on episode 5 and hit episode 4 but accident. It happens !! It's a good suggestion Serena. I think as long as you have a history of viewed shows, that should be something the admin team can do (I'm guessing!!). However, once the history is cleared (which happens) you may not get the warning because there is nothing to base it on anymore.


Reply 5#5 shinny's post

yeah i know i always click new episode updated


Reply 3#3 cshapiro's post

I actually did check my viewing history in the Member's Center, but I clicked on the wrong episode by mistake. I'm going to be more careful in the future!


Reply 5#5 shinny's post

That is exactly what I did. Last episode I saw was 6 and I was looking for episode 7, but clicked on 6 anyway! Really annoying when that happens! Do you get a warning before the viewing history is cleared? If not, I might have to keep a viewing history of my own, because of bad memory


Reply 8#8 serena75's post

unfortunately we get no warning when it cleared most recent viewing will still be there.


Reply 8#8 serena75's post

Yeh, there is no current warning. I was just saying that if our admin team managed to apply a warning, it would only work when there is history. It's a bummer alright.


Reply 10#10 shinny's post

Thanks Bala and Shinny. How often is the viewing history cleared?


this is a very good suggestion. I watch a lot of shows and having to look through history all the time is just too exhausting. Would appreciate if something like this would be incorporated on the site.


OK, here is a fix for both situations, mistakes and after viewing history clearance... and now that I think about it, may even help with another problem on this site. Have a big prominent button on the main page, that, when pressed, immediately cancels the stream of the show, whatever it was, and returns the credit to the viewer. Make it so you have to hit the "eject" button before say, five minutes of the show has run. THAT should give you time to either A: discover you fumble fingered the mouse, B: realize you've seen this one before, and C: Realize you are having too bad of a connection to try to watching now and pull the plug on it, to wait for a different day or time to watch. I don't know all of the technical aspects to it, but I imagine that it would be fairly simple to cause a pressing of this eject button to clear the download queue... and maybe have a script that, say at midnight, double checked to ensure you didn't click the same episode again that day, and if so... adds the credits at the end of the day. So long as you didn't watch it all the way through on the same day, it would seem, to me that you could kill a couple of birds with one stone on this. Good idea?


Love the idea. I must have lost lots of points due to mistakes over opening the wrong episode. While the viewing history is OK it's not easy the search for a show you saw a few weeks ago.... Hope something like this can be done....

