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Parameters setting

Parameters setting

im starting to slowly lose my mind from an error message ive only recently started getting: "Parameters setting error! Access declined. This operation has bene recorded by our system." I lose tons of points as it takes me sometimes 30 - 40 times with refreshing the page to be able to view a show, and sometimes i can't even after all that. DOES SOMEONE KNOW HOW TO FIX THIS? Thanks


Reply 1#1 jamiliz's post

It's when you internet access cut off when connecting the error happens This error depends internet connection-more stable it is you hardly ever get this but more unstable it is you experience this error quite a lot


The message "Parameters setting error! Access declined. This operation has bene recorded by our system." happens when your ip address has changed since loading the page (this can happen for a lot of reason e.g Router restarts, having a dynamic id address). To prevent this from happening do this, everytime you wish to watch an episode you should refresh the page before clicking on the link. To regain any points lost send your viewing history to zhang2000 and any points lost will be regained (Be sure to explain the situation.) Ps You can click the same episode more than once (30 times) in a 24 hour time peroid and you will not be charged additional points. [ Last edited by 01torres at 7-14-2008 15:25 ]
The pen is mighter than the sword.


To this problem

You can try again , or just reopen your browser .If this still not work , just try it later


This has been happening a lot lately. Login automatically no longer lasts very long, and videos often have connection issues after about half an hour, and I have to login again and refresh.



I have this so often that it is now my routine to just refresh the browser and I'm able to view at once. No waiting at all.


still a huge problem for me, its only recently been happening. i refresh 20 times, please someone help!~


Reply 1#1 jamiliz's post

i see, and we would work harder to solve the problem. As a matter of fact, you may as well try again , refresh the browser or restart the video,if that would still not work , contact me


Reply 7#7 jamiliz's post

I only get this problem when my internet connection is being unstable. (There are times my internet will go down every 3 minutes!!) Have you checked your internet connection while this is happening? If this starts to occur, monitor your connection status to your ISP.
"To be nobody but yourself in a world that's doing its best to make you somebody else, is to fight the hardest battle you are ever going to fight. Never stop fighting."
E. E. Cummings

