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Need help, the lyrics of a video

Need help, the lyrics of a video

My fellow friendvista members,
A friend want the lyrics of the video. Could you please find that lyrics and give it to me. That would be apprieciated.
 I can not find it anywhere, thank you in advance!
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Reply 1#1 lbjedward's post

I can only find the lyrics for the original song



Reply 1#1 lbjedward's post

I watched and listened to the video. Here are the lyrics, as best as I could make them out:

We don't want to see any bugs around here.
Don't want to see no germs, they better disappear.
There's bacteria all around so our words are really clear,
Just beat it! Beat it!
We better wash, we better really scrub our hands.
Don't wanna see no dirt, we need a simple plan.
We gotta keep it clean, so let's do what we can.
So beat it, just beat it.
Hygienic, hygienic, everybody here committed.
Don't want it dirty, we're up for the fight.
It doesn't matter, let's just do it right.
Just beat it, just beat it. Just beat it, beat it.
We need to make sure bacteria don't spread.
Say no to infection, let's get clean instead.
The theatres are sterile and the water's spick and span,
'Cause we're hygienic, hygienic.
We have to prove that we really do care.
Don't play with patient health, this ain't no truth or dare.
The germs will cause infection, so let's be hygiene aware.
Just beat it.
Yes, we need to be aware.
Just beat it, just beat it!
Infection needs to be defeated.
Don't want it dirty, we're up for the fight.
It doesn't matter, let's just do it right.
Just beat it, just beat it, just beat it, just beat it!
Hygienic, hygienic! Everybody here committed.
Don't want it dirty, we're up for the fight.
It doesn't matter, let's just do it right.
Just beat it, just beat it, just beat it, beat it.

If they need a time stamp, I'd be happy to go through it again and provide one for each line or stanza.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 4#4 waterlilybarb's post

Thank you a million. I owe you a big favor.
We keep improving services for you.


Reply 5#5 lbjedward's post

You're very welcome. No favour necessary. Just happy to help.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!

