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Family Members Sharing Account

Family Members Sharing Account

Wanted to know if my daughter and I can share the same account. Didn't want to open up two separate accounts within the same household.


Reply 1#1 BwayPhanMe's post

you cant do it on the site!!!!!! no no no ( but what you do at home is up to you) ,if you wish to share details you may ,just don`t try signing in at same time it may block you both [ Last edited by magic4u at 7-7-2012 22:18 ]
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Reply 1#1 BwayPhanMe's post

Sharing an account is allowed, but as Gary said, if you are trying to watch at home, using different computers at the same time, it might cause an issue.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


thanks so much!


Hey, if you are both on the same router and therefore same IP it will allow you to sign in at the same time. The only time it is an issue is if you are both on different IP addresses; then one of you will get abruptly kicked out!


I noticed is if you use different servers (EU vs US) it doesnt kick you out. I found this out when I got kicked out, using a different computer. Some episodes I had loaded up dissappeared and some did not.

