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The girly`s ......giggle box

  I actually haven't started my interning yet, so I haven't had any clients to make mistakes with. But I am sure that I will (no one is perfect!).  One of the biggest problems right now is under diagnosis of post-traumatic stress disorder, especially in soldiers (who have returned home from fighting overseas, at least for US soldiers). So, many therapists has made that mistake.  And I'm not sure how many times you can re-take the test. but I know that once you start interning (and I believe you have to take a test to be able to do that) you have only 6 years to finish interning. So you can't just be lazy about it and see a client here and there.  Sorry I don't have all of the answers!

Cshapiro, I know you are a doc. Do you work in a hospital or PP?  And do you know if there are actually therapists in hospitals, like they show Meredith going to in Grey's, meaning for the doctors, not to test the patients.  I know there are therapists for patients, especially when there are kids with huge disorders, or major trauma patients. That would be a very interesting career choice, working with doctors, that is.


Reply 2321#2321 themegababe's post

i'm sure you had classes where lecture asked you something on fake situation and asked for diagnosis


Reply #2290 waterlilybarb's post

wow, two pages later! you guys certainly keep busy ....waterlilybarb, we came over to find out if you were back -- sorry about the stone age dialup glad to hear you're settling in, hope the unpacking isn't too tiresome. (although i dream of packing and unpacking  -- we finally found the perfect place but it looks like we're going to be stuck in this mold house forever, stupid banks )

hey to everyone else! behave yourselves! (unless the weather is really too beautiful.)  oh, that makes me think, no one is getting run over by a hurricane are they?
...the starry heavens above me and the moral law within me


Reply 2323#2323 sddvasquez's post

No hurricane running over here (but we did run over the in UofMiami it was a big win for the Gators!).  From what I hear Ike supposed to hit Cuba so Florida probably won't get the 'cane but S.Fla might get some bad weather.  The weather has actually been pretty nice up here in North Central Florida.  

Well, I gotta run off to lunch now but its nice to see everyone back (even if it is just short visits due to dial up frustration )


I think we're getting the tail end of these hurricane's from over the pond. The weather is awful here today. Windy, rain......feels like winter already

Ooh, I just found out that I'm going to be an Aunt again !!


Congratulations Shinny! How many nieces/nephews do you have already?
"You're on the ride, you might as well open your eyes!"


  Well, since I have only had 2 days of classes so far, I haven't had to diagnose anything. But I will let you know once we start getting fake cases and having to diagnose.


Reply 2327#2327 themegababe's post

don't worry we just want see what all the fuss is about

you can ask me anything about accountancy?


Reply 2326#2326 meljones_83's post

Thanks Mel. I have 4 nephews and one niece. They are all under 5 and little treasures!!


Reply 2321#2321 themegababe's post

I am a surgeon so obviously I work in a hospital.  I work in a pediatric hospital so there is a huge psychiatric and counseling department.  When you deal with kids there has to be support for the families as much as for the patients.  There are also at least 10 full time social workers in the hospital.  The way it works here is that a therapist is assigned to each case and is part of the medical team.  All the therapists spend their mornings working with and meeting with the doctors to discuss the psychological and emotional issues relevant to the case and developing a family support strategy.  They also determined if any follow up support is needed at discharge.  For me this has been a very valuable tool to have the therapists on board from the beginning and have someone to discus the case with.  As far as actual therapy for the physicians in the hospital, there aren't any adult therapists.  The hospital will send us to one of several psychiatrists that they work with if they need an assessment or for therapy where deemed necessary.

Most people don't appreciate the difficulty of therapy.  The mind is so complex and a persons life and experiences, most of which are unknown to you, make everyone's situation complex.  To get someone to trust you with their deepest secrets takes tremendous skill and most of all, to provide the emotional support your patients need is very draining.  It's very easy to miss the smallest detail that, was actually a sign of a major issue and the stakes of being wrong is huge.  I really enjoyed my post grad work.  I loved being able to explore things independently and begin developing my own ideas.  There was also a great dynamic with the other students and the proffs.  We became quite a tight knit group and we all felt part of something important.

Good luck to you in your studies and I'm sure you will be a great therapist one day.


Reply 2329#2329 shinny's post

Ah, I'm sure they are!

I should have a new cousin in about a month and I'm really looking forward to it - it's the first time anyone I'm close to has had a baby since I was about 13 (when my last cousin was born.) We're just hoping that everything goes well so that mum and baby can both be at the wedding, and if it's a girl she'll have to be an honorary bridesmaid as I'm having my other two female cousins and wouldn't want to leave one out!
"You're on the ride, you might as well open your eyes!"


Reply 2330#2330 cshapiro's post

Thanks!  It's great to hear that some surgeons value therapists.  One of my professors did an intern rotation at a hospital, and that gave me the idea (I always thought I would go into a private practice before). She said some people just think therapists don't do much, but she had a doctor stop some of his other doctors (not sure what the heirarchy was in the situation) and he told them to listen to what she had to say, because the initial diagnosis was so important.  That doctors really do need to rely on therapists. I like the well rounded approach that your hospital uses, I didn't realize there were therapists on each case.  And since I just started my family therapy class, I can definitely relate to what you said about families needing therapy too.  This is definitely something I am going to look into. I imagine it will be a lot more draining than just a private practice (being surrounded by pain and loss daily), but it would be great to make an impact for awhile.  And thanks for the encouragement!

Shinny, very exciting about the nieces and nephews.  I feel like I'm surrounded by babies right now, but I think it's just that stage of life. Many of my friends are getting married, so it's just natural that babies come next (in some cases before, but no big deal)...haha

Bala, I don't really have any accounting questions.  But I do have a friend who is an accountant in the states and he just got a job in Germany, doing accounting for the military (I think at a US base there). So that's crazy. haha  What type of accounting do you do?


What type of accounting do you do?

Financial-i prepare yearly accounts for client

hoping eventually going into teaching the profession


Reply 2333#2333 bala's post

My fiance is an accountant - I'm never sure exactly what it is he does all day!
"You're on the ride, you might as well open your eyes!"


Reply 2331#2331 meljones_83's post

That will be lovely Mel.

Reply  2332#2332 themegababe's post

Yeh, it does feel like that sometimes !!


Congrats on being an aunt again Shinny, you must be thrilled. I just love babies, I wish someone I knew was pregnant (not my daughter's, of course)

I worked in a private psychiatric hospital in Portsmouth, NH and with a psychologist in private practice, for almost 2yrs or so (as a psych assistant), during my time at Boston College. In the hospital I worked with psychiatrists (mainly there to prescribe meds) & MSW's who counseled pt's daily. You said you would like to work with young women with eating disorders, this is the kind of place that you can make a difference for that type of problem. You can work at a private hospital, if you want. You can choose to work with the kind of pts you want, and really get a chance to (for eating disorders), nip it in the bud. The average stay a pt stays 30 days, and I've seen many, successes. You could also (if you want) see pts part time, and/or be a part of their after care
.As a pych assistant, I worked directly with pt's, with eating disorders, troubled children/adolescents & occasionally with alcoholics/addicts. I found that to be very interesting, especially working with pt's with eating disorders & troubled adolescents. Psych assists, not only sit in on group therapy, but they are the ones who do the listening, when the pt's aren't in  therapy. I learned a great deal from both the counselors and the pt's. Like that listening is sometimes the best way to help most people. Not to insert your own opinions too much, when dealing directly with the pt's. Not that I am comparing a psych assist to a psychologist or MSW. The most important thing I think (as stated above), is to have the ability to hear & recognize, the danger signs, that lead to eating disorders, cutting, suicidal ideation, homicidal tendency and so much more.  That is the hardest part, when you're in private practice. Therapists learn part of that in school, and part from pt's. Working with the private psychologist, I saw that it was much more difficult (although more financially gainful), to have a private practice. All the responsibility, lies directly on the therapist. A colleague of ours another psychologist , had a young pt female 26yo, commit suicide, the day after one of her sessions. She (the psychologist), was well renounced also, had been practicing for 15+ yrs. Although she remained as professional as she should have, I know from talking with her, that it affected her deeply.
You don't become friends with patients (as I think bala thought), because you don't talk to them about your own life. You do however, come to care about at least some of your pt's (if not most of them). I know I cared about many of the pt's I dealt with (as did the Dr. I worked with), you just can't take their problems onto yourself. Therapists learn, that they can do their very best, to help pt's through their troubles, and try to keep them safe. Ultimately they have no control over a pt's choices (not including if they see a pt is a danger to themselves or others), but they can help them see the bad choices from the good.  Of course counseling, is much more than just what I have stated. I have the utmost respect for all that work in these fields, it is a very difficult job. It's like walking a tight wire, with no net at times. I was told by a couple psychologists, MSW's & a psychiatrist, that the best therapists/psychologists/psychiatrists, see therapists themselves.

Just a little insight of what I have seen, and maybe another option.


Originally posted by meljones_83 at 9-9-2008 21:04  
My fiance is an accountant - I'm never sure exactly what it is he does all day!
That the thing-it really depend whether serious or social accountant


Reply 2337#2337 bala's post

Ah, which one are you?

All I know is that he works for an accounting firm and is not often in the office but gets sent all over the place to other companies. I have to admit that I never ask him questions about his job, which is terrible because he's always taking a interest in what I do! (Mind you, that is mostly because he likes reading some of the funny things that the kids I teach have written!)
"You're on the ride, you might as well open your eyes!"


Reply 2338#2338 meljones_83's post

oh right he's an auditor

i try to be a serious one but i still few things to learn-not ready to play with the big boys


If you say so! I'm sure you probably know better than me!

Everyone has got things to learn - am sure you'll be playing with the big boys ( ) in no time
"You're on the ride, you might as well open your eyes!"

