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The girly`s ......giggle box

Okay, just wondering is anyone else seeing page 62 & 63 as the same page? I have gone back and forth a couple of times, and it is the same page for me. What's up with that??

Anyway, I am have a bit of a run, with my connection today and I wanted to say hi to my girlie's,
hi to you too little doggy!!!

I also wanted to send a big.....

To all the sickly!!!

5 MORE DAYS!!!!!


Reply 1261#1261 gypsiegirl66's post

Thanks for the "Get Well" wishes.  I'm sure we'll all be on the mend soon.  As for the pages, they're different when I check them.  Page 62 has a post by Arielle at the top, and page 63 has one by Casper.  You must have had a glitch.

Can't wait until you're home!  It'll be nice to have you with us on a regular basis again, once you have a consistent connection.  I'm counting the days too.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Finally starting to feel better now. which feels good seeing as I only have a week left now until I start school, whoo. I really cant wait! Im gonna be a nurse in 3 years time, and finally I will be having a life outside of home..To have been a stay at home mom have been good, but  its time to be a person again and not just a mom.
i think 5 years at home is definately enough.
I hope everyone could have a bit of my positive energy today! I have so much that I am more than happy to share!
All who are still sick, I hope you get well really soon!


Reply 1263#1263 xareena's post

Glad to hear you're feeling better Xareena.    Even more so, since you'll be up to par when school starts.  Good on ya' for taking nursing.  It's a tough but rewarding career.  Whenever I've been sick and had to be in hospital, the nurses are the ones I remember most.  Plus, there are some in my family, so I think it's great!

I'm feeling your positive energy, as I positively head back to my bed.   I can barely keep my eyes open today, but that's good.  It means my body is working hard to get me better.

Have a great day, and enjoy this next week week with your kids, as you'll be extra busy when school begins.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1264#1264 waterlilybarb's post

I have to agree with Barb about nursing. I only really came to understand what a remarkable job nurses do over the past month, I always admired nurses but never really thought about what a tough job it can be sometimes. I'm so glad that there are so many altruistic people out there!
"You're on the ride, you might as well open your eyes!"


xareena, That is fantastic, that you are going back to school to get your RN. Staying home is a an important job those first years, but it can seem like your life has completely disappeared after a few years. I think it's great, that you are jumping back in and getting your degree. You will meet all kinds of people, both at school and when you go back out into the work force. Enjoy your new venture!!!

[ Last edited by gypsiegirl66 at 1-13-2008 23:02 ]


Reply 1265#1265 meljones_83's post

Altruistic:- had to do a search on that one awesome word and very true, good luck  xareena.


Originally posted by casper27 at 1-14-2008 05:37  
Altruistic:- had to do a search on that one awesome word and very true, good luck  xareena.
I remember that word was one of my SAT vocabulary flash cards.  I really liked the word and ever since I use it every chance I get lol.

Well I have a story for today.  If anyone believes in omens, I'm pretty sure that is what you would call my morning.  Last night before falling asleep I was greatly considering calling in sick to work because I just didn't want to go.  I ended up sucking it up and saving my sick days for when I really need them (like to take a trip to Egypt).  I woke up feeling more sick than usual.  I was getting better after my restful weekend.  Then, while making my tea some of the hot water splashed on my hand, burning me and then causing me to drop my mug, burning me some more.  I decided to take some Emergen-C to boost my vitamin C intake and suck it up and go to work.  I feel better now, but I really wish I would have listen to my conscience and not gone to work today and sick the incredibly bad morning!


Reply 1268#1268 imarielle626's post

I don't believe in omens, but I do believe in listening to your body.

Thought you could use this little reminder.  You may want to save it and tape it to your stove.

But really, I hope you didn't get too badly scalded.

Feel better soon!

Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1269#1269 waterlilybarb's post

thanks for making me laugh =)  and I do hug my teddy bear every night!  In my mind you are never too old out grow your favorite teddy bear (or a build-a-bear your mother made for you when you moved halfway across the world for those nights overcome with homesickness)

p.s. boiling water is not pronounced "hot water" hehe


Reply 1270#1270 imarielle626's post

I know, but I'm glad it made you laugh.    That was so sweet of your Mom to do for you.  I still have my Pooh bear from when I was a tot, and I take him out now and then to give him a cuddle.  I did it more often when I was first on my own (my Mum & brother moved away), so I know what you mean.  They're wonderful, aren't they?
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


that's cute that your mom made you a bear, Arielle.  I hug my stuffed puppy dog that Matthew made for me, every night.  And I just can't wait for the time when it is him that I get to cuddle with every night.  Oh marriage, it couldn't come any sooner.  We got our apartment, and it makes it so much more real.  Granted, he will be living there for a few weeks and then move back home, when I move in there, before the wedding. haha


wow barb, we posted at almost the exact same time!  and i have no idea what time frame mine is now, cuz it's an hour fast! haha


Reply 1272#1272 themegababe's post

You must be getting excited.  It will be here before you know it!  That's nice that you'll get to move in for a bit before the wedding.  If you're anything like my friend, you'll have all those shower gifts put away and ready to use before the big day.

I'm still a bit under the weather, so I'm heading back to bed.  Take care girls, and try not to injure yourselves while I'm gone.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Wait until you have a little one, those beat teddy bears any day. Even when they wipe snot on your shoulder.
Arielle I know you are home sick but at least you get to make it home often. My husband was stuck in the US for 4 years before they would give him a travel visa to go back home and that is the short wait.
Meg I know your excited just keep that going when you fall in the toilet, trip over his shoes, and he tells you he is hungry and his shirt is wrinkled all in about a 10 minute span.


Reply 1275#1275 gabsimom's post

I actually don't get to make it home often.  It's a 14 hour plane ride home, 7 hour time difference.  I've only been home once since September and won't be home again until June, and then it is off to college (this time only a 6 hour drive instead of a 14 hour flight).  But nine months is nothing compared to 4 years!  I don't think my mom could handle me being gone that long!  Now with modern technology Skype makes things a lot easier, because even though we talk on the phone everyday, sometimes you just need to see their face.


We video chat all the time. It is great because my son gets to see his Grandparents, Aunt, and Uncle. He loves to kiss the computer and show them his latest toy.


Thanks everyone for their comments, I do think I am doing the right thing going back to school...Especially since I am literally jumping with excitement..yay!
i get what you mean Gabsimon about the lil ones beating the teddies hands down..especially when they are in a cuddly mood..So sweet...
I was just wondering if anyone knows why I reverted back from member to newbie, i didnt realise that was possible..
Anywhoos take care ya ll...

Ok, I got the answer for the member thing already...thanks anyways..

[ Last edited by xareena at 1-15-2008 21:52 ]


I think it has to do with point conversion. When you convert your forum points you lose your status. Nothing a few quizzes won't solve.


To all my girlie's


from paradise!

1 more day!!

