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Season 2

Episode 1 – Dangle's Promotion
Dangle tells everyone that he is leaving because he got a promotion and they will go to dinner to celebrate. But Jones got tickets on the same night to the sold out game.

Episode 2 – Wiegel's New Boyfriend
The other deputies think Wiegel's new boyfriend might be the Truckee River Killer.

Episode 3 – British Law
A British inspector visits the Reno department to learn new methods and share some of his own with Garcia.

Episode 4 – Dangle's Ex Visits
Dangle's ex-wife visits just as the deputies are trying to get rid of the Ten Commandments monument on their front lawn.

Episode 5 – Religion in Reno
A former petty criminal-turned-televangelist broadcasts his "Half Hour of Power" from the Reno jail.

Episode 6 – Firefighters Are Jerks
The Annual Policemen's Ball is threatened when the local firemen schedule their Pancake Dinner the same night.

Episode 7 – Not Without My Mustache
As the deputies struggle to save their moustaches from a county-ordered shave, Jones worries about a psychic's prediction.

Episode 8 – Security for Kenny Rogers
Garcia and Weigel take over security for a Kenny Rogers book signing in a Reno mall.

Episode 9 – More FBI Help
When the Lt. Governor's brother goes missing, a criminal profiler is called in to help with the investigation.

Episode 10 – Raineesha X
Williams discovers the Nation of Islam and sets about changing her ways, as well as the ways of several other Deputies.

Episode 11 – Clementine and Garcia Are Dating
After getting it on with nearly every other man in Reno, Johnson finally hooks up with Garcia.

Episode 12 – Jones and Garcia's Drug Stake-Out
Jones and Garcia go undercover as hippies on a stakeout.

Episode 13 – President Bush's Motorcade
The Deputies in Reno are assigned traffic control for a presidential whistle-stop visit.

Episode 14 – Junior Gets Married (1)
Junior's life is turned upside down by an accidental marriage; Jones and Garcia chase a Milkshake Man.

Episode 15 – Department Investigation: Part 1 (2)
Jones and Garcia are accused of Milkshake Man's death , which makes The District Attorney investigates the sheriff's department.

Episode 16 – Department Investigation: Part 2 (3)
The District Attorney concludes his investigation.



[ Last edited by waterlilybarb at 9-26-2009 17:03 ]
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Season 3

Episode 1 – Released from Prison
The third season opener reveals how the squad is dealing with the harsh prison conditions. Dangle has taken up German, while Clementine cries. Trudy has been having awful nightmares and Junior has been dealing in illegal contraband from his cell.

Episode 2 – Revenge of Mike Powers
The deputies enjoy their new lives in the private sector, but a specter from their past continues to haunt them. And call them.

Episode 3 – Cop School
Back on the beat, the Reno Sheriff's Department adds a new member to the force.

Episode 4 – SARS Outbreak  
While some deputies are quarantined because they may have S.A.R.S., the others hang out with the host of a popular Reno children's show.

Episode 5 – Fastest Criminal in Reno
The deputies try to catch the fastest criminal in the southwestern United States: Fast Eddie McLintock!

Episode 6 – The Prefect of Wanganui
The deputies escort a visiting dignitary from Reno's sister city of Wanganui around town.

Episode 7 –  ...And the Installation Is Free
Jones shows up late for work because he was out recording for a radio commercial. Doing the "and the installation is free" spot for High Sierra Carpeting. He proceeds to show the other officers his new car and announce he is making a TV commercial. The premiere comes and he finds out he has been replaced by an animated turtle with his voice and he only gets paid once for his voice, rather than each time the commercial airs.

Episode 8 – Clemmy Marries a Dead Guy
Clemmy becomes engaged to a rich owner of a hot tub chain. Only one problem: He's dead. Meanwhile, Garcia and Williams guard Liberace's piano.

Episode 9 – Garcia's Secret Girlfriend
Garcia hides who is thought to be his new girlfriend from the other deputies.

Episode 10 – Dangle's Son
Dangle learns that he could possibly have a long lost son he never knew about from his Coast Guard days and the station also purchases a Humvee for the officers.

Episode 11 – CSI: Reno
When "CSI: Miami" comes to town, the deputies of the Reno Sheriff's Department get to work as security guards.

Episode 12 – Naked Stake-Out
Dangle and Junior are involved in a drug sting that goes bad and have to make it back to the station on foot for miles stark naked.

Episode 13 – Wiegel and Craig Get Married
Deputy Wiegel's boyfriend has finally proposed to her. The only downside is that his appeals have run out and he is soon to be executed for multiple murders! Before the execution, the rest of Reno's finest try to put together the wedding of a lifetime for Trudy and her convict fiancee.


[ Last edited by waterlilybarb at 9-26-2009 17:06 ]

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Season 4

Episode 1 – Wiegel's Pregnant
In a short resolution to season three's cliffhangers, it turns out that Garcia and Dangle are pulled out of the car safe (and naked), and, unfortunately, the call placed to the prison was a wrong number, so Craig is killed.
Six months later, Wiegel comes back from her "personal leave" pregnant. It turns out that it was not Craig that impregnated her, but rather via a sperm bank that Junior and Dangle may or may not have contributed to.
Also, Carrot Top goes insane in a Harrah's hotel, throwing furniture out of the presidential suite, shooting at people and stealing police cars.

Episode 2 – The Junior Brothers
Garcia goes undercover to bust employers who hire undocumented alien workers, and Junior spends a day with his brothers.

Episode 3 – Jet Ski Blues
When a lonely deputy dies, the Reno Sheriff's Department inherits his beautiful jet ski. A life-and-death, deputy-versus-deputy battle for its possession ensues.

Episode 4 – Rick's On It
When a crime wave floods the streets of Reno, the Sheriff's Department is helped by Citizens Patrolman Rick.

Episode 5 – Spanish Mike Returns
Spanish Mike" Alvarez returns to wreak havoc on the Reno Sheriff's Department.

Episode 6 – Son of a Chechekevitch (1)
After Sheriff Chechekevitch is killed in the line of duty, the deputies swear vengeance.

Episode 7 – The Investigation Continues (2)
The deputies continue investigating the murder of Sheriff Chechekevitch at his funeral.

Episode 8 – The Department Gets a Corporate Sponsor
Hotty's Restaurants become the corporate sponsor for the Reno Sheriff's Department.

Episode 7 – Reno 911!: Miami
The bumbling cops of Comedy Central's hit television series take a trip to Miami Beach for a national police convention, only to find that they must leap into action when the convention center becomes the target of a biological terrorist attack.

Episode 9 – Christian Singles Mixer
Kimball takes Clementine to her Christian Karaoke singles' mixer.

Episode 10 – Proposition C
Raineesha and Trudy are responsible for collecting the ballots in an election to get the deputies a pay raise. But when they do an official tally and find they've been voted down, they consider taking things into their own hands.
Jones and Garcia tangle with a drug dealer who may be a D.E.A. agent.

Episode 11 – Reno Mounties
Jones and Garcia get transferred to mounted patrol, only to discover that not just anyone can dispense justice from horseback.

Episode 12 – Hodgepodge
Kimball tries arresting a magician performing without a permit, who can get out of whatever restraint she places on him. Dangle accidentally releases a child killer free. A customer wants to file a complaint against the brothel for fraud. Junior and Jones deal with a drunk at a Renaissance Festival.

Episode 13 – Ex-Wife and Her New Husband
Dangle visits his ex-wife and her new husband on their anniversary. Meanwhile, Trudy, Clementine, Raineesha, and Cheresa stake-out a lecherous Meth Dealer and his girlfriends.

Episode 14 – Dangle's Wedding (1)
Dangle accepts a wedding proposition from his ex-wife's husband, but before he ties the knot, Wiegel gives an even bigger surprise than she planned.


[ Last edited by waterlilybarb at 9-26-2009 17:09 ]

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Season 5

Episode 1 – Did Garcia Steal Dangle's Husband? (2)
Did Garcia steal Dangle's husband? What's happening to Wiegel's Baby? Find out in the season premiere!

Episode 2 – Bounty Hunter Tommy Hawk
The deputies run into Tommy Hawk, the bounty hunter.

Episode 3 – Super Knockers!
The department gets new women's specific bullet-proof vests with an unexpected side effect: Super Knockers.

Episode 4 – Mayor Hernandez
When Reno's Mayor shows up at the station asking for help, the deputies must decide whether to uphold the law, or uphold their local government.

Episode 5 – Coconut Nut Clusters!
The deputies go door to door selling Coconut Nut Clusters.

Episode 6 – Dangle's Secret Family
Dangle takes time to connect with long-lost relatives: his black half-bother and half-sister (Guest Stars Gary Anthony Williams and Aisha Tyler) from his father's other, secret family in Chicago.

Episode 7 – Undercover at Burger Cousin
Undercover at Burger Cousin, to stop a string of robberies at a local burger joint, deputies go to work as fast food employees, where they meet a boss (Guest Star Seth Green) even tougher than Lt. Dangle.

Episode 8 – The Wall
Junior and Garcia travel to the Mexican border to participate in the Good Fences Make Good Neighbors program, but will the heat and the smell of carne asada distract them from their goal?

Episode 9 – Death of a Pickle-Thrower
The deputies reach out to Jackie the Pickle-Throwing Hooker, who has life-threatening disease.

Episode 10 – Baghdad 911
The deputies train a squad of policemen from Baghdad.

Episode 11 – The Tanning Booth Incident
While Dangle recuperates in hospital from an overly long tanning session, the fellow officers visit him and make ample use of his incapacitation to share their feelings and thoughts.

Episode 12 – Strong Sister
A reporter from Strong Sister magazine does an in-depth profile on Deputy Raineesha Williams.

Episode 13 – Wiegel's Dad Returns
Wiegel's estranged father gets out of prison and hopes to spend time with his daughter---and go to strip clubs with her coworkers.

Episode 14 – Junior Runs for Office  
Junior decides he wants to be the Commissioner for Animal Carcass Removal.

Episode 15 – Undercover Acting Coach
When the deputies grow dissatisfied with their undercover assignments, they hire a Hollywood acting coach (Ryan Stiles) to help them behave more like criminals and drug addicts.

Episode 16 – The Parade
The deputies try to win an award to the most patriotic float in a parade.


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Season 6

Episode 1 – Training Day
Did the Deputies survive their horrible taco stand accident? Find out in the season six premiere.

Episode 2 – Extradition To Thailand
Jones and Garcia must accompany a murderer to Thailand, but the three cause trouble on the flight.

Episode 3 – Digging with the Murderer
Dangle and Williams must drive around a murderer who promises to show them where the body of his victim is, but he ends up asking for ridiculous demands.

Episode 4 – Murder Mystery Dinner (1)
Lt. Dangle holds a murder mystery party at the Nevada Historical Society center.  

Episode 5 – Dangle's Murder Mystery Dinner (2)
The conclusion of the two-part episode revolving around the murder mystery dinner hosted by Lt. Dangle.

Episode 6 – We Don't Want The Pope
The Reno Sheriff's Department must give a tour of the city to the Pope's advance team.

Episode 7 – VHS Transfer Memory Lane
The deputies flashback to the early days at the Reno Sheriff's Department.

Episode 8 – Helping Mayor Hernandez
Mayor Hernandez requires assistance with a very delicate problem.

Episode 9 – Getaway Trailer
Wiegel and Rizzo get trapped inside a trailer.

Episode 10 – Stoner Jesus
A touring company of Jesus Christ Superstar causes trouble for the deputies.

Episode 11 – Deputy Dance
Director Levon French is hired by the Sheriff's Department to film a recruitment commercial.

Episode 12 – Viacom Grinch
Children's parties in Reno are busted by the deputies for the sale of illegal toys, guest starring the sketch-comedy group Human Giant.

Episode 13 – The Midnight Swingers
Raineesha and Jonesy are assigned to work undercover at a Swinger's club.

Episode 14 – Secret Santa
Strange lights are reported in the desert, and mysterious, unnamed deputies show up around the station.

Episode 15 – Wiegel's Couple's Therapy
Wiegel wants to attend couples therapy, but since she's single she has to find someone to go with her.


[ Last edited by waterlilybarb at 9-26-2009 17:16 ]

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can i do the following Episode guides

  • Easy Money,
  • The Fixer
  • The Philanthropist
  • Bored to Death
  • Lincoln Heights
  • TOP

    Reply 1187#1187 bala's post

    Thank you.  I'll update the list shortly.
    Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


    Season 1 Guide

    1. Nigeria, Part I
    A wealthy philanthropist's life is changed when a hurricane hits the Nigerian town he was visiting. During the storm the billionaire rescues a young boy. These events lead him to pursue his new found passion for helping those in need.

    2. Myanmar
    Teddy visits Myanmar to ask for guidance from a local leader after his company is accused of forced labor by a human rights group. Along the way, Teddy tries to help a father who is trapped in a forced labor camp, who desperately wants to give his daughter one of his kidneys to save her life. Back at home, Olivia and Philip attempt to ease the board of directors concerns over Teddy's actions.

    3. Paris
    Olivia is reunited with an old friend who is caught in a sex-trafficking ring on a visit to Paris. Teddy does everything in his power to save the helpless young women.

    4. Nigeria Part II
    Teddy heads to Kujama, Nigeria, to help rescue his old friend, Doctor Chima Balo. Balo was kidnapped because the local rebels didn't like Teddy and his oil refinery doing good for their town. Back at home, Philip helps an old acquaintance keep his head above water after being laid off from work.

    5. Kosovo
    Teddy meets his ex-wife Julia and tells her about his journey to Kosovo where he tried to get Serbians and Albanians to work together, but learned that the hatred runs deep.

    6. San Diego
    Teddy and Dax travel to San Diego and try to find the thief who stole Teddy's identity. In the meantime, Olivia and Philip find out that Maidstone Rist is in trouble.

    7. Kashmir
    When Teddy tries to close a deal with the Indian and Pakistani governments to rebuild a water system in Kashmir, he disappears on his mission.

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    Season 1 Guide

    1. DNA
    Prestige Payday Loans, a quick-cash company run by matriarch Bobbette Buffkin, finds itself in trouble when thuggish competition joins the market. Now, Bobbette's middle child Morgan must come to the rescue and confront the family business' competition, while also juggling the rescuing of his irresponsible older brother Cooper from trouble with a corrupt detective, an investigation about a possible childhood secret that may have serious implications on his life, and spending time with gorgeous grad student Julia.

    2. Sub-Prime
    Morgan and Julia's research leads Morgan to believe that he may not be related to any of his siblings, thus implying that he may possibly not be a Buffkin. Meanwhile, Brandy and Mike find themselves arguing over Mike's money problems, and Morgan is forced to confront loan business rival Manny Mamayo when Mamayo's shady methods are brought to light.

    3. Collateral Damage
    While Julia is busy wondering what the reason behind her lab partner's strange behavior may be, Morgan confronts Bobbette about the flaws in her stories about his childhood. Meanwhile, Mike has an inconvenient encounter with Prestige's new rivals when they come to collect.

    4.Chock Full O' Nuts
    Morgan, knowing now that he is adopted, sets out on a search for the true details about his past. Bobette gives him a small detail about his adoption, but still keeps him close since she needs his help in the family business.

    5. Extra Mayo
    While the computer system at Prestige Payday Loans goes haywire, Morgan gets an out-of-the-blue message from long-lost cousin Doug Johnson and is excited about the prospect of meeting a blood relative.

    6. Bassmaster
    Defaulting borrower Gibby gives Morgan the keys to this Bassmaster fishing boat as payment to fulfill his debt. Gibby's boat happens to be locked away in Larry Conroy's storage facility, who is marrying Madison, Morgan's ex. Larry refuses to hand the boat over to Morgan, leading Bobette to seek legal council.

    7. Bella Roma
    Chuck Habib, an RV salesmen who is late on his payment to Prestige Payday Loans, pulls a gun on Bobette and Morgan, being rattled by a visit they pay him. Julia finally gets to meet the whole Buffkin family when Bobette invites her over to their family supper, much to the dismay of her lab professor Dimitir, who thinks Morgan is nothing but a gangster.

    8. Bags, Bangles & Booty
    Marijuana growers Dan and Melody McBride are unable to pay back their loan from Prestige because they are being blackmailed by Det. Yapp, so Bobette asks Morgan to help them out. But Yapp himself is in a financial bind between his wife and his girlfriend Tiffany. Meanwhile, Morgan tries to repair his relationship with Julia, who can't easily excuse Morgan's work for Prestige. Bobette joins Brandy at Madison's bridal shower, where she can't resist going to great lengths to discredit one of her debtors in front of the other guests. Cooper gets away from his marital troubles by spending a leisurely day with Roy.

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    Season 1 Guide

    1. Episode One
    John Mercer is released from prison after serving only five years of his life sentence. It was a double homicide; revenge against his aunt and uncle for abusing his sister. Things change when he meets Lenny Douglas, a police officer retired for his "ill health." Lenny is an operative though, tasked with bringing down those who think they are above the law. Mercer discovers though that his freedom comes at a cost. Made a hitman for the state he is assigned to bring down Jacob Gould, an untouchable criminal response for a hit on a police officer.

    2. Episode Two
    When the ruthless head of a crime family dies, Lenny visits his successor; a police mole by the name of Jude Cassidy. Lenny wants to persuade Jude to go under police protection because he and an accomplice were recently acquitted of the murder of a young black man.

    3. Episode Three
    Lenny is determined to rid the City of a notorious Albanian gangster; not by killing him, but by destroying him and making him a broken man.

    4. Episode Four
    Lenny's next assignment for John is to kill a violent criminal who was acquitted of the murder of a young woman.

    5. Episode Five
    Lenny sends John to kill Patrick Finch, a man who has been committing vigilante killings. When John goes to kill him he discovers that Patrick was his predecessor in the unit.

    6. Episode Six
    Lenny's target is Richard Blakeney, the kingpin of a network of corrupt police officers and judges. In order to get to Blakeney, the team is focusing on exploiting Blakeney's own hitman thug - Georgie.

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    Season 2 Guide

    1. Episode One
    Having overcome his unease at being a hitman, albeit an official one, Mercer goes after a drug dealer whose sideline is trafficking in children.

    2.  Episode Two
    It is determined that, to put a stop to the global child trafficking network they have uncovered, Mercer and McKenzie must take out the kingpin of the operation, which requires them to return to the prison where they first met.

    3.Episode Three
    Former soldier Mercer's latest assignment becomes personal, as he is to take down a drug dealer whose operation in Afghanistan has cost the lives of British servicemen. But a serious injury compromises his effectiveness.

    4. Episode Four
    Killer and rapist Richard Miller, the cause of the end of Rose's career as a police officer, comes back to visit Rose. Her plan is to date him and trap him to finally send him to jail. However, things get complicated when Miller abducts a chambermaid and the team impart their justice on him. Secrets are uncovered and Symmonds shows his superiority over the fixers.

    5. Episode Five
    John is given a new task involving killer Sean O'Driscoll and his son Connor, a cage fighter. Father and son are dating the same girl, Gemma. Connor kills her because he is afraid of his father but blames John. This forces John to fight against him. Will John be able to complete his task?

    6. Episode 6  
    A hitman arrives from India on a mission to kill a baby boy who is the heir to a huge fortune. His death would spark off a bloodbath in the Indian criminal underworld.


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    Season 3 Guide

    1. Glass House
    Eddie and Jenn go to the beach for a romantic getaway, leaving the kids with Momma Taylor. Unfortunately, Cassie and Charles sneak back to the house for some personal time and find themselves caught up in a robbery tinged by vengeance, and no one's sure if Eddie and Jenn will make it back before it's too late to save them.

    2. Sex, Lies and Secrets
    Lizzie is offered an academic opportunity, Cassie and Charles make a big decision, and a new minister arrives in the neighborhood.

    3. The New Wild Ones
    Lizzie has difficulty adjusting to the new school, Lund battles his daughter and a growing addiction, and Jenn dislikes the newly appointed board member.

    4. The Day Before Tomorrow
    Mrs. Kingston puts Jenn in an impossible situation when a tragedy occurs, and Cassie is less than pleased with Sage's new home.

    5. Number One With a Bullet
    Tay is endangered when Eddie involves himself in a robbery attempt.

    6. Disarmed
    Eddie opposes the release of the man responsible for his mother's murder and reaches out to a surprising person for help. Cassie and Charles find themselves in a difficult situation. The neighborhood bans together to help one of their own. The Sutton family loses a friend.

    7. Ode to Joy
    Each of the family deals with their loss in his or her own way.

    8. Price You Pay
    The Sutton's find themselves on the wrong side of the law, which has surprising consequences for Eddie and Charles. Tay gets himself into trouble at the local recording studio and meets a girl that causes more chaos for him and his mother.

    9. Prom Night
    An unlikely couple attends the prom that Jenn and Eddie have agreed to chaperone.

    10. The Ground Beneath Our Feet
    Everything the Suttons have worked for may disappear when an earthquake rocks Lincoln Heights, endangering both people and property.

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    Season 4 Guide

    1. Home Again
    The Suttons regroup after the earthquake and deal with its many complications. Not least is the news that the death of Charles' stepfather may be ruled a murder, whether the family will stay in their home and Tay's sudden illness.

    2. Persons of Interest
    Turmoil surrounds the Suttons as the rivalry between Tay and Nate Ray comes to a head, Lizzie must choose whether popularity is more important than what is right, the police continue closing in on Charles who begins to doubt Cassie's support, and Jenn may risk her marriage by voicing her problems with Dana and Eddie's friendship.

    3. Aftershock
    Lies affect the Suttons, not least when Sage breaks Charles' confidence about the money, and Bishop returns seeking revenge.

    4. Time to Let Go
    Lizzie helps a young Mexican boy who has just moved to Lincoln Heights fit in. Charles reaches out to his father, and Cassie goes with Charles to meet his new family against her parents' wishes. Tay's desire for expensive stuff overcomes his commonsense, and Lincoln Heights' new Robin Hood, the Bandanna Bandit, strikes again.

    5. Trash
    Charles depression over his new family threatens to take over his life.

    6. With You I Will Leave
    Lizzie makes her peace with Johnnie's death, and Sage's invitation to go out on the town with Cassie may do more than take her mind off of Charles.

    7. Relative Unknown
    After causing a ruckus about Eddie's attention to Nate Ray, Tay still rationalizes foregoing bonding with his dad for a singing contest. Meanwhile, Jenn finds herself in the hospital and the medical team can't diagnose, or treat, her condition.

    8. Bully for You

    While Jenn awaits her test results, Cassie is invited to New York City for her birthday and Lizzie takes a dramatic turn.

    9. Lucky

    Charles' career plans worry Cassie when he talks about joining the military, and Lizzie's budding thespian career may be cut short when the school musical is canceled.

    10. The Gathering Storm

    Lizzie finds herself in trouble after an incident at school, and Cassie's art may take her back to New York City for college.


    [ Last edited by bala at 11-22-2009 13:16 ]
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    Season 1 Guide

    1. Stockholm Syndrome
    When Jonathan Ames's girlfriend Suzanne moves out (because he allegedly spends too much time drinking white wine and smoking pot), he comforts and distracts himself by reading a Raymond Chandler novel, 'Farewell, My Lovely.' Jonathan posts a listing on Craigslist offering his services as an unlicensed private detective.

    2. The Alanon Case
    During an unsuccessful attempt to win back Suzanne, Jonathan gets a a new case: a woman named Jennifer wants him to tail her boyfriend Gary to see if he’s been unfaithful. After learning that he and Jennifer share a common pastime (drinking), Jonathan heads out in search of her boyfriend – with uncomfortable results.

    3. The Case of the Missing Screenplay
    At a New York film-society party, George introduces Jonathan to filmmaker Jim Jarmusch, a fan of Jonathan’s first book, who is interested in having him rewrite a screenplay. Later, after leaving his personalized script in a therapist’s office during an ill-advised late-night tryst with a (very) young party girl, Jonathan convinces Ray to pose as a patient in order to retrieve it.

    4. The Case of the Stolen Skateboard
    Jonathan falls for his latest client, the mother of a boy whose skateboard was stolen by a neighborhood bully. Meanwhile, Ray agrees to help a lesbian couple start a new family, to his wife Leah’s chagrin, and George has a nostalgic “armpit crush” on a young publicist he hopes to woo at the opening of a new Brooklyn restaurant.

    5. The Case of the Lonely White Dove
    A smitten Russian parolee contracts Jonathan to track down a chanteuse known as “the Lonely White Dove.” After a vodka-fueled reconnaissance mission at the Brighton Beach restaurant where the singer works, Jonathan persuades Suzanne – along with Ray and Leah – to join him there for dinner the next night, without revealing his true purpose.

    6. The Case of the Beautiful Blackmailer
    Jonathan is enlisted to retrieve a sex tape that a female escort is using to extort money from a married New Jersey man. With Ray and George in tow, Jonathan ends up in a motel room with the escort, who attempts to blackmail him as well. Ray and George must save Jonathan’s neck before the woman’s enraged brother breaks it.

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    can i do this

    Three rivers & Trauma


    are you only doing the episode guides


    Reply 1197#1197 spratt89's post

    yes i tend do the episode guide only but if you want me to about i can


    that's ok I will do the abouts for those 2 shows, will update my small list


    Originally posted by spratt89 at 10-26-2009 13:11  
    that's ok I will do the abouts for those 2 shows, will update my small list
    you call that small list ?


    its a small and old list but nobody else has offered to take any of the abouts

