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Small Post at 12-3-2010 14:16 Author Only
Season 3

Episode 1. The Gang Finds a Dumpster Baby
In the series' third season premiere, the gang discovers an abandoned baby in a dumpster. Mac and Dee decide to try and get rich off of him by breaking him into show business. Meanwhile, Dennis takes an interest in environmental activism, while Frank and Charlie discover how many treasures can be found lying around in the garbage.
Episode 2. The Gang Gets Invincible
The Philadelphia Eagles are holding tryouts for the public, and Mac and Dennis use this as an opportunity to prove who the better football player is. Dee joins the competition, determined to outplay both of them. Charlie and Frank also get in on the events by tailgating the tryouts. Unfortunately, their plans are disrupted by the McPoyles, who are there to support their brother.
Episode 3. Dennis and Dee's Mom Is Dead
Dennis and Dee's mother has died. And now for the bad news: she left all of the money to Bruce, Dennis and Dee's philanthropist father. She also left ownership of her house to Dennis. He, along with Mac and Charlie, decide to use it as a "party mansion." However, the three soon realize that they have no other friends and search for some new guys to hang out with. Dee and Frank received nothing from the will, so they come up with a plan to trick Bruce into giving them his inherited money.
Episode 4. The Gang Gets Held Hostage
The gang is held hostage when the McPoyle siblings barge into the pub with guns and demands. They begin to form alliances and try and figure out the best way to get themselves out of the situation. However, all of them prove to be disloyal friends who have no problem stabbing one another in the back. While all of this is happening, Frank is stuck crawling through the vents of the pub in search of his will that's hidden somewhere up there.
Episode 5. The Aluminum Monster vs. Fatty Magoo
Dee learns that Ingrid, a fellow loser from high school, is now slimmed down and successful. Inspired by Dee's childhood dreams of having her own clothing line, Ingrid now runs her own clothing store. Not wanting to be outdone by "Fatty Magoo," Dee designs a dress and employs Charlie to sew the prototype. This draws the attention of Dennis, who draws up his own fashion plans. Frank and Mac start a sweatshop to manufacture Dennis' designs to sell to Ingrid, whose disinterest in purchasing them is ignored.
Episode 6. The Gang Solves the North Korea Situation
It's time for the annual pub crawl, and Paddy's holds the coveted spot as the final stop of the night. Well, it did until a Korean restaurant decides to sign up for the event. The gang must ensure that they give their customers a better experience than the Koreans can give, including a better microbrew and a better talent competition.
Episode 7. The Gang Sells Out
A corporate rep offers the guys a large amount of money for their precious pub. Naturally, they give in without much hesitation and try to push the deal even further by setting some more demands. While the guys look to gain a bit, non-partner Dee has now lost her job and must find a new place to work.
Episode 8. Frank Sets Sweet Dee On Fire
Mac and Charlie, certain that they can create better, more honest news stories than what's currently being broadcast, go out in search of stories to report on. Frank joins them, while Dennis and Dee argue that people want news about celebrities and stardom instead of real-life upsets. The two then try to become famous themselves by hanging out at the dance club in hopes of catching people's attention.
Episode 9. Sweet Dee's Dating a Retarded Person
Dee's new boyfriend, Lil' Kev, is a local rap celebrity. He's also retarded, according to Dennis. Mac figures that if a retarded person can become a famous musician, what's stopping them from doing the same thing? He, Charlie, and Frank form their own band in hopes of becoming local celebrities, though creative differences could disarray the band's state of cohesion. Meanwhile, Dee tries to figure out her boyfriend's state of mind.
Episode 10. Mac Is a Serial Killer
Mac's strange and mysterious behavior just happens to coincide with a string of recent murders. Frank concludes that Mac must be the serial killer and wants to torture a confession out of him, preferably with a chainsaw. Charlie uses his knowledge from Law & Order to protect Mac and tries to convince Frank that Mac is not the killer. Dennis and Dee try to find the real culprit by thinking and acting like serial killers.
Episode 11. Dennis Looks Like a Registered Sex Offender
A nearby prison has just released some of its inmates due to overcrowding. This becomes problematic for Dennis, who looks exactly like one of the ex-cons. Another one of the released prisoners is Mac's dad, Luther. This is an exciting time for Mac, who desperately wants to bond with his father and have the childhood he never got to experience. While Mac tries to bring his parents back together, Charlie tries to break his parents apart when Frank leaves him for Charlie's mother.
Episode 12. The Gang Gets Whacked: Part 1
The gang discovers a bag of cocaine hidden inside some speakers found on the street. They collectively decide that the most logical thing to do is to sell the drugs. However, the drugs belong to the mob, who demands they return them at once or pay the money they're worth. With the drugs already sold for a very measly sum, the guys must resort to the lowest means possible to get the money. Unfortunately, Frank refuses to pay the difference, so the gang attempts more drug-selling in addition to prostitution.
Episode 13. The Gang Gets Whacked: Part 2
The gang continues to try and earn enough money to pay back what they owe the mob. Charlie and Dee go back to selling drugs and run into an old friend to help them out. Dennis, with Frank's guidance, maintains his role as a male escort. Mac, after being abandoned by the rest of the guys, goes to the mob in hopes of being accepted as a member of their group.
Episode 14. Bums: Making a Mess All Over the City
Masturbating bums have become a problem. Mac and Dee turn to a neighborhood crime watch group for help in cleaning up the streets but find they're going to have to take matter's into their own hands. Frank, Dennis, and Charlie are less concerned with the entire neighborhood and look for a junkyard dog to keep undesirables away from the bar. They happen upon an old police car and take to impersonating cops.
Episode 15. The Gang Dances Their Asses Off
Charlie signs the bar up to host a dance marathon hosted by a popular radio station. However, he mistakenly submits the bar as the grand prize. Now the gang must, well, dance their asses off in order to win the contest and keep the bar. This won't be an easy feat once they realize that some people they've screwed over in the past show up, determined to outlast the gang.
Source: tvrage
contributed by codebreaker