<font face="Verdana"><p align="center"><img src="" border="0" alt=""></p><br><br>
This is the place to report any errors you come across while watching TV show episodes or movies. The problems can range from a missing episode, out of order episodes or seasons, and video/audio lag, including if the picture or sound disappears completely. Once you have reported the problem a mod will then confirm that the problem exists and add the problem episode into the table at the bottom of this post. After a problem is confirmed, points will be awarded. Members will get 6 points (3 for the episode problems and 3 for reporting the bug) for each bug reported - including bugs reported on free shows. If a bug has already been reported, but is not on the table, members will receive 3 points. Once on the table, no points will be awarded. <br>
Note: Point amounts for reported errors have been updated because the price to watch has gone up. <br>
The information we need you to include is quite simple. <br>
<font size="3"><b><font color="Blue">SHOW or Movie TITLE</font></b></font><font face="Verdana"> - the title of the show or movie you were watching.<br></font>
<font size="3"><b><font color="Blue">EPISODE (for TV shows)</font></b></font><font face="Verdana"> - which episode it was. Please include the name & number.<br></font>
<font size="3"><b><font color="Blue">DEVICE</font></b></font><font face="Verdana"> - what type of device you are using to view - computer, tablet, smart TV, etc. <br></font>
<font size="3"><b><font color="Blue">PROBLEM DETAILS</font></b></font> <font face="Verdana">- Be sure to <b>include times</b> of when the problem occurs (very important for video/audio lag).<br></font>
<font color="purple"><b>** Please only post errors that are impacting your ability to view the episode. Minor Audio/Video glitches should not be posted here and will not be recorded on the table. You are welcome to post incorrect title names, inaccurate pictures etc also however they will not be recorded on the table.</b></font><br><br>
<font size="3"><b>**<font color="DarkRed">To request reimbursement for lost points, please send a <a href="" target="_blank">PM to lbjedward</a>, as explained in post #1 <a href="" target="_blank">here</a>.</font>**</b></font></font><br><br>
<table border="5" width="50%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="3">
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<th colspan="6"><br><h3>Error Reporting Thread</h3></th></tr>
<th><b><font size="2"><font color="DarkOrange">Date Added</font></font></b></th>
<th><b><font size="2"><font color="DarkOrange">Title</font></font></b></th>
<th><b><font size="2"><font color="DarkOrange">Episode</font></font></b></th>
<th><b><font size="2"><font color="DarkOrange">Problem Details</font></font></b></th>
<th><b><font size="2"><font color="DarkOrange">Device</font></font></b></th>
<th><b><font size="2"><font color="DarkOrange">Last Checked</font></font></b></th></tr>
<td>Finding Dory</td>
<td>HD version</td>
<td>Message: Error loading media</td>
<td>PC & Tablet </td>
<td>The Big Bang Theory</td>
<td>Message: The requested URL was not found on our server.</td>
[ Last edited by waterlilybarb at 7-1-2018 13:14 ]