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Hi, VIPTV, I don't know whether this is the correct route to discussing a problem, but . . . Did you know that Alphas is not listed under any of the headings, such as: Drama, Action, SciFi, etc.? It is listed in the A--Z list at the top of the page, just not listed in any of the category columns. I did notice that when clicking on A and finding Alphas in the A list, the genre is left blank. I would, if it were up to me, put it in the SciFi category. Just saying! Thanks, Donnamps


Reply 1#1 donnamps's post

No, I didn't notice that (since it's not a show I watch), but many of the shows are either in the wrong category or in multiple categories. It does make it a challenge to find them - other than searching alphabetically or typing the name of the show in. I think some get lost in translation, which is why they are in the wrong category. I think it's just an oversight that Alphas isn't in any category. Ahh, the joys of the internet.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!

