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Buffering Situation

Buffering Situation

If you play the tv show in real play how long does it take if you just left it to buffer all the way as at my end it seems pretty slow and I have the best possible internet with 50mb broadband.


Reply 1#1 spratt89's post

20 minutes on 40 minutes episode i have 8MB broadband but only use 2MB download i never let buffer all the way i usually play and buff at the same time.


Reply 1#1 spratt89's post

Honestly, it depends on the traffic on the site, not your broadband capabilities. I've had it load in about 10 minutes, other times it might take 20, 30 or 40 mins. Never longer than 40 though.


Reply 1#1 spratt89's post

I have just tried it with the latest episode of Dollhouse and it only took 20 min


really? it takes me about 30 seconds or less usually!! is this normal for other users?


Reply 5#5 rd27302's post

Do you mean to load (as it %)? Yeh, normally takes about that, but we are talking about when you play it in Realplayer mode and it plays ahead, as in the bar goes blue all the way to the end.


nope, i meant in real player!


I was talking about with the blue bar as I always play it in Theater Mode


21:15, and I was able to load the entire 43:28....
A Fine Member of the Mod  Squad!

