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just thinking out loud

just thinking out loud

i am a web design and development student and i am tryin to use what i have learnt. Now i am thinking of making an application that you will be able to click what shows you have just watched basicly a memory system that would show you what shows>series>episodes you have watched. unfortunately since i am not within this site i wouldnt be able to tie in the systems If anyone would be interested let me know and ill make a post when i have completed. To forum admins if this is either misplaced or not appropriate plz just delete or move it... thanks ya'll [ Last edited by pjheliking at 8-17-2008 19:32 ]
"Curiosity killed the cat, But for a while I was the suspect"


Reply 1#1 pjheliking's post

The site does have a way to see what you have watched through the viewing history. You can find this by going to the member center at the top right corner of the vip channel page and selecting viewing history.


ye i know but it is in no order... what i was suggestin is a recently watched like that and a way of looking through series if you get what i mean its just a project for one i would like order
"Curiosity killed the cat, But for a while I was the suspect"


Reply 3#3 pjheliking's post

I like the idea of being able to check what was last episode of each individual series you have watched. You should send a PM about your idea to Stone and Lbjedward. I am sure they would love to hear your idea. BTW Love the signature it gave me a good laugh.


something new would be nice ...

no offense, but the way the viewing history is set up now sucks. I recently wanted to see where I had been in a show I stopped watching months ago, but had about 150 pages of viewing history to go thru, which wasn't all that fun. plus, I think the page count should be the opposite of what it is now, so the first show you ever watched is on page one, and it adds up from there, so a particular entry (show x, season x, episode x, watch date x) is always in the same place. cheering you on from the sidelines, p-king PS also, for some mysterious reason, an entry will be listed multiple times, as tho i watched an episode multiple times, even tho I didn't, unnecessarily taking up much more space. [ Last edited by Mercuriel1 at 8-27-2008 23:56 ]


Reply 5#5 Mercuriel1's post

It shows up every time you click or re-click on an episode (whether you watch it or not), that's why you have so many entries. I know how frustrating it can be, trying to find a show you watched a few months ago. It would be great if we could add something, that is based on the seasons and shows, rather then in chronological order. pjhelikingi like Tina said you should send a PM to stone, and see if you can help us out!!


Reply 6#6 gypsiegirl66's post

sorry to be contentious and I'm not sure how much it matters, but an episode will be listed anywhere from 1-5 times in my viewing history when I only clicked on it once. if the episodes were only listed as many times as I clicked on them, I wouldn't have mentioned it. anyway, for the most part I keep track of what I've watched on my own in a word doc. much more convenient! keep up the outstanding work ppls.

