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JW Player issue

JW Player issue

All latest TV episodes with JW player starts with the play button that turns red and boom in few seconds goes to the end.. 

Not able to watch anything from yesterday.

Kindly fix the issue.


JW Player not working

I have the same issue with JW Player play button red and jumps to end in less then a sec when you click play and then stops.


I apologize for the inconvenience. I sent an email to Admin - lbjedward so hopefully we will have an answer and or solution to the problem


Reply 3#3 Milks26's post

Same problem here. Thanks Milks26!


thank you Milks26


Hi, same issue here. No updates yet?!


Experiencing the same issue! Please fix! Thanks!


Hi all, we got a reply back from LBJedward and he’s advised the issue is fixed now. I just tested a few shows and they are working fine. If you’re still experiencing issues clear your cookies/browser and try again.


Reply 8#8 shinny's post

Thank you! It all seems fine my side as well now (series + movies)


Reply 9#9 lolotte's post

Thanks Lolotte's for letting me know


keep reloading

I still have issues when I watch, it´s stopping to load every other second.... I´ve cleared the cookies and all that, the issue remains. I´m on a laptop, win 10 on chrome browser

It´s not that it aint buffering, that is not the issue, it buffers fine, but the "effect" looks the same as if it doesn´t...I tried the VPN trick someone here mentioned, that didn´t do jack, I´ve trippled checked that everything is up to date, which it is.
I´ve also tried several different shows, still the same...
Anyone else have any issues? any tips?
[ Last edited by Crixan at 5-7-2021 16:07 ]

