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A big thanks

A big thanks

Guys, just to say a huge big thanks, what with the changes that have taken place i expected a little problem or two,but i have had a good few months now without any hicups at all. keep up the great work. This site is a must for all. Graham


Reply 1#1 grah3's post

Thanks for your positivity. We have experienced problems due to the changeover but it is always nice to have positive comments from our members. It shows you appreciate all the work that is done to bring you quality shows.
trulee - Red is better than Blue, We're the CHAMPIONS so it's TRUE!!


I can't believe I've been here for over a year. Hah.


Reply 3#3 dannixx's post

Glad you stuck with us and hope to see you about the forums more
trulee - Red is better than Blue, We're the CHAMPIONS so it's TRUE!!



I want to say a big thank you for all your effort and how you listen even when people are giving you a chance. Thank you


Reply 5#5 mikecott's post

You're very welcome Mike

