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TV Shows that could be updated on 12th May

TV Shows that could be updated on 12th May

Delays are to be expected over at least the next two days!

Shows Pending From Previous Updates

Show Name Episode Name GUT
Hannah Montana The Way We Almost Weren't20:00 Monday
How I Met Your Mother Rebound Bro 20:00 Tuesday
One Tree Hill Cryin' Won't Help You Now20:00 Tuesday
The Big Bang Theory The Bat Jar Conjecture20:00 Tuesday
The Big Bang Theory The Nerdvana Annihilation20:00 Tuesday
The Big Bang Theory The Shiksa Indeterminanc20:00 Tuesday
Without a Trace Driven17:00 Friday

Tomorrows Updates

Show NameEpisode Name GUT
Aliens in America
Wake at the Lake20:00 Monday
Brothers & Sisters
Prior Commitments 20:00 Monday
The Simpsons
Mona Leaves-a 20:00 Monday
The Tudors
Season 2, Episode 720:00 Monday

Just because they are on my list does not mean they all be updated!

The site has to find a good and reliable source for all these episodes so this means that some episodes may take longer to get uploaded than what is expected.

Please remember that and be patient. <img

(GUT means Guested Upload Time)
(All times are posted in forum time)  [ Last edited by 01torres at 5-12-2008 13:09 ]


like I said before...

not cool posting bogus info

the word Estimate is not exactly the same as Guess. These times change daily and you offer no explaination except for that you said Estimate and you can change the times whenever you want. You need to understand that while you can change your time and keep guessing until the episodes have been updated, some members are under the impression that you actually have some kind of idea when these updates will take place. But it seems like you don't considering your upload times change constantly. Misleading info based on a guess is not really helpful.


Reply 1#1 01torres's post

dr who has already been updated


Reply 2#2 LaveticusPrime's post

Prime you have make your issue known in the last post do not post again about it (and  nothing is going to change to the post til bala decides to start doing again.)
The pen is mighter than the sword.


Reply 4#4 01torres's post

Torres, as long as this is an open post, I have the right to make my issue known as often as I like. Maybe intead of being so defensive, you should stop and think about the situation. Helpful threads should not breed frustration or confusion and should work with the admin and staff and not against.


Reply 5#5 LaveticusPrime's post

Fine make your issue known everybody if you want. I do not care, it will not change my decision (It's not like many people read this thread only about 100 a day) and what frustration I am breeding it only you that complaining. There should be no more confustion because I changed  Estimated to Guested.

Ps Another Note I see that you have not put down your thoughts on the thread "Does Jack Die?" like you said you would. Why?

[ Last edited by 01torres at 5-11-2008 13:16 ]
The pen is mighter than the sword.


Reply 6#6 01torres's post

Wow. You are really offended that I should suggest that we shouldn't mislead members with information that we can't even remotely verify. I have nothing against you and it shouldnt matter how many people complain, you should worry more about how many members are maybe trusting this info on the assumption that since the information on your thread is offered, that you must have resources for your information. Excuse me for wanting to help maintain the integrity and dependability of this forum. And you changed Estimated to Guested based on my post so dont imply that my reply was pointless. sidenote: I believe the appropriate word would be 'guestimated'.  You know - I have a pretty good idea that Sex and the City will eventually be added to VIP site, but I'm not going to go and make a thread saying "Guestimated Show additions". It just doesnt make a lot of sense IMO and for members, especially NEW members, it would be misleading because I have no actual proof or even any tentative info that this show will be added. Just because no one may be complaining, it doesn't mean that no one is disappointed by your estimate/guested/guestimated upload times. It just means that no one has decided to speak out on it. Considering it is a new addition to your post, I wouldn't be so quick to point out that there have been no complaints-it does take time. I (and Bala I must say) only tried to warn you of the possibility of members being disappointed. But you don't want to listen because you refuse to believe that you could possibly have to change something on your perfect post. Anyway, it's your choice but like I said, don't tell me to stop posting my opinion because as a registered member, I have the right to and will do so when I feel it necessary.

Ps. I dont remember promising to put my thoughts on that thread -  but I don't feel a need to because I have already thought logically on the matter and am confident that I am accurate based on the premise of the show.


For all those frustrated over the possible time a show could be updated. As many of you know Moderators have no prior knowledge of when a new show will be added or updated. However we are experienced enough with the site to take a gander as to when a show will be updated. Something many members appreciate as well as my self. Also you should know all Moderators are volunteers therefore I ask you appreciate the time and thoughtfulness that is taken in creating a post such as this. If it really bothers you that that the information on here is not a promise then please stop causing yourself further distress by reading them.  

Thank you 01torres for keeping us apprised as to when a show could be updated and what we are still waiting to have updated.


Reply 8#8 gabsimom's post

Since, I guess this post was aimed at my comment, I must say that It has nothing to do with experience on this site considering the upload staff is obviously not on any particular schedule and new members are joining every day. Like I said before, I am considering ALL members, not just us experienced members.  Anyway, as usual, constructive criticism falls on deaf ears here.   lol...ridiculous. Before, the TIME a show was updated was not an issue since no promises or predictions were made. Now if this continues, it certainly WILL become an issue. I see trying to prevent any inconvenience or disappointment by our members is not a shared objective.

btw: I know mods are volunteers and I also have made posts and continue to make posts voluntarily, but I also understand that with offering these posts comes a responsibility to be able to at least remotely verify the information I am offering. This was never about not appreciating anyone's time, it was about preventing any undue stress or criticism to this site/forum.

[ Last edited by LaveticusPrime at 5-12-2008 11:07 ]


Reply 9#9 LaveticusPrime's post

I know you are long upstanding member of the site. I also appreciate that you are only trying to prevent backlash from newer members or members who do not take the time to read the initial post all the way through to understand that it is just a tool to help you keep track of when a show could be updated and what has yet to be updated. And it should in no way be taken as a matter of fact statement. Your suggestion has not fallen on deaf ears it is just this thread has stopped the 10 or so new threads daily of members asking when so and so will be updated including shows that are not even in a current season. I am sure you understand why we wanted a common place for members to come and see what is now being currently updated and what new episodes of programs the site is missing. I addressed my previous post to everyone who you seemed to be speaking for as I assumed more than just yourself had the same concerns. Alas I guess there just won't be a perfect answer to suit anyone but along with member suggestions such as yours we will always try and improve and find some way to make at least the majority happy.


Reply 10#10 gabsimom's post

Good point. Understood and Agreed

