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Subject: viewing history [Print This Page]

Author: gst    Time: 5-26-2009 10:24     Subject: viewing history

Either i don't understand the new viewing history format or its not correct?! It just shows correctly the last day or so, but then there are parts missing. At the bottom there are a whole bunch of ; what appears to be page numbers, but they don't make sense. One more thing: what does promoted shows mean? Please advise! Thanks!
Author: magic4u    Time: 5-26-2009 10:54     Subject: Reply 1#1 gst's post

hey if the numbers are like before you click to go backwards through your history as for premoted shows it means they have come from free to vip i think.
Author: waterlilybarb    Time: 5-26-2009 11:22     Subject: Reply 1#1 gst's post

Also, there are only a couple entries from March (when they did the initial back up) so most of your viewing history is gone. The numbers at the bottom indicate how many entries are there. Mine says 9/10, so I currently have 9 entries out of the 10 that will show on one page.

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