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Subject: LOST POINTS [Print This Page]

Author: rd27302    Time: 4-24-2009 04:49     Subject: LOST POINTS

Hello, what do I do about lost points? I know we're mean to contact ibjeward with a viewing history. I have done this a few days ago but have not had a response. This happens every time - points are lost and takes ages for a response. Any suggestions?
Author: rd27302    Time: 4-24-2009 04:50

i meant to write 'we are meant to contact' not we are mean to contact in the above post.
Author: trulee    Time: 4-24-2009 16:46     Subject: Reply 1#1 rd27302's post

If you have sent a PM to lbjedward and remembered not to check the save a copy box, he will recieve it and respond. Please be mindful that he is not located in the same part of the world as you and as such this may contribute to percieved delays for responses.
Author: rickman    Time: 4-24-2009 17:25

Trulee, I sent a PM to lbjedward yesterday but when I check it today it is still unread... How about this Trulee, since you have an access in Site Management forum page, you can check if there are announcements or updates about the problems we are encountering... and then you can relay it to us regular members by posting it in the regular forums... I already ask the kind attention of kwargalla who's the moderator of Site Management but no reply as of the moment... Is it possible? If not then we will just have to wait untill everything be back to normal.
Author: waterlilybarb    Time: 4-24-2009 18:10     Subject: Reply 4#4 rickman's post

Any announcements Admin makes are to the entire forum. The only thing exclusive to Site Management is information pertaining to the forum that the moderators need to discuss or feedback that Admin needs from the mods prior to making it known to the forum members. As for kwargalla, she is a volunteer as the rest of us moderators & super moderators are, and may have a very busy work schedule or just be unable to check in as regularly as usual. We have made the issue known to Admin, but we have yet to hear back either. As soon as we know - we will pass along the information to you.
Author: rickman    Time: 4-24-2009 19:53

Well said and done Barb... Big thanks! as what you said... we are just hanging in here
Author: trulee    Time: 4-25-2009 04:13     Subject: Reply 4#4 rickman's post

Like Barb said, when we know you will know. In this world of instant access and gratification, patience, a long held virtue seems to be taking a backseat. We mods are members just like you and if the site isnt funtioning as normal, we have to wait just as you do too.
Author: rickman    Time: 4-25-2009 17:36

hanging in

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