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Subject: My Point count is wrong [Print This Page]

Author: potterdog    Time: 2-22-2009 19:43     Subject: My Point count is wrong appears you are 'double dipping' and counting me double for shows that I had to re-load more than once in order to watch episode. Please review my viewing history and you will see this. also, i do not believe my Members Challenge points have been attributed to my account. Also, I asked you ro refund the entire 3rd season of veronica mars, either by giving me my points back or by counting that as 18 indiv. alerts that this show loads slowly, freezes multiple times and is, in general, very frustrating for the viewer.

Please respond to these overcharges.

thank you very much,
Author: serena75    Time: 2-23-2009 02:55

Sorry to hear your having problems. I know how frustrating it can be!

About your problem with viewing: Have you tried changing the settings in Real Player? Read this thread.

I'm guessing that you've already sent a PM to admin about your lost points. If not, read this thread.
Author: waterlilybarb    Time: 2-23-2009 11:25     Subject: Reply 1#1 potterdog's post

Sorry to hear you are have probems.  Just to make sure, you DO know that just because somthing shows up more than once in your viewing history does NOT mean you have been charged more than once.  It only indicates how many times you had to click on the episode to watch it all the way through.

As for points from the Member's Challenge, I am assuming you are referring to the Fix the Bugs challenge.  If the error you reported is found to be working fine for others or has been previously reported, points will not be awarded, as indicated in post #1 of said challenge.  If you are awarded points there, you will have to wait to accumulate a minimum of 10 points and apply to convert them to VIP points in the weekly thread in the Points Conversion Board.

Please also see Serena's suggestions in post #2.  Hope this has proved helpful, and please don't hesitate to repost if you have any more problems.

BTW, there are going to be some improvements made as regards the viewing.  The bugs need to be worked out prior to implementing them.

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