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Subject: 2 years with you, it's getting worse ! [Print This Page]

Author: MrTouz    Time: 2-3-2009 11:02     Subject: 2 years with you, it's getting worse !

Hello, MrTouz here ! I just wanted to post around and ask a few questions. First is the CS real ? is it an automated answer ? First things first, I am really really disappointed on what this service became in the past 2 years. Registered Time: 2007-02-17 22:27:00, it's been pretty much 2 years that i have been using VIP (i believe it's not far from when it was created) When TV video site had only 10 or 13 different shows around and no VIP section. Well where my disappointment comes from ? - Website load time - Forum load time - Shows that are out of sync or dead - 20 minutes shows for 2points - CS being a total BS Website Load time Well, I live in France, i have a 12gb internet speed connection at 100 Mbits/s with the best Internet Provider in France... my connection to worldwide website is SUPER FAST and i never had any issues with any websites BUT Somehow loading your website takes 2 minutes. Each click is worse than the other... clicking a show 20 seconds, showing the different seasons 20 seconds, showing the episode of that shows 20 seconds... What can be the problem ? Not my call but by looking at the source code : Javascript being called outside of the < head > tag Use of css code (bg color) inside the < head > tag when you have an external css No doctype Use of css inside the DIV elements when CSS should be used inside the CSS document The use of tables (tables should be used for DATA not to display layouts Capitalization of TAGS... DIV should be div, HEAD should be HEAD At the end you have a page 200x bigger than it can be. Well... i dunno ? You guys provide a service which invovls $$$ the least you guys can do is have a valid layout... with CACHE... this is something i am sure you guys don't have. CACHE makes your site load faster ! integrate it in your CMS. Should not be that hard. Forum Load time That is a mystery just like Bigfoot. Server location ? even that should not be a problem... something is wrong what i dunno ? Perhaps use phpBB which is safer and faster and free ! Shows that are out of sync Damn... this is one serious problem, Just for the last 3 days, Burn Notice, Gary Unmarried, 24. 3 of them have episodes that are messed up. Booo 2 of them are free at least when i watch them... but if i go back to the last 6 months ! DAMN i probably lost 100 points just for that... NO i never came to the forum to claim my points back, it's taking 5 minutes to load this page and post here ! Im not gonna come back every night (yes i watch TV shows EVERY NIGHT) 20 Minutes shows for 2 points This is just not fair... no matter how much you want to argue... 40minutes shows for 2 points OK but 20minutes shows... come on... it's just not fair. CS being a total BS I dunno, i explained my issues and all i got was :
No.2-Customer-Support : 19:17:16 we are sorry for that No.2-Customer-Support : 19:17:19 As far as your problem is concerned , you may as well try it at a later time
What's a later time ? Please check my history... i watch at least 2 shows per day... sometimes 5. I don't have a TV... news on my iphone and series from you guys. At night i come home i put up viptv and that's it... i use your services 5days a week. Everyday i see its lagging... at least don't tell me to come back a later time... it's already a later time ! _______ I don't care about my points ? what i lost 50 points? 100points ? i don't care.. im gonna pay anyways. Problem is... i understood the service not being 'perfect' at the begening but come on... lets play the 'honesty' card quoting your forum " members: 210134 " Knowing that if you register you get registered to the site. Lets do some math ! (i know people hate it... !!!) Assuming half of the registered people are 'fake, double join, free users, forum users' it leaves us with 100 000 people paying for your service! Right ? Assuming all of those users paid at least ONCE the lowest service of 10$ that gives you a $1 000 000 of money. I believe a domain name is 8dollars... you guys have like... 5of them. A server (expensive i admit) is around (if you own the datacenter) 10 000 bucks a month bendwidth included. That leaves you with over 800 000 dollars of improving your services. Again... assuming they get 10$ service... i spent ~150$ here... so you see my point ? No ? My point is, all the above would been OK and i say 'OK' if you guys were free services... or just begening to make some $$ and could not afford a 'perfect' place. But come on ! I would like an explanation on why is this place so slow, why the service is not 'perfect' or at least... close to perfect ? extra: I don't want anybody telling me how hard it is to manage this site and forum, or telling me i am a dush or anything else. I am a webmaster, i know how websites work and i know there are no reasonable reasons for this slowness on the system. And please.. i beg... Don't tell me there is an error that is being fixed, or that i should try later.. oh and that you are sorry... and that the admins are doing their best to provide good service and the rest of the blabla... Oh and... no matter what the answer is... i will still pay you to provide me with your service. I just felt like i had to 'scream out loud' and know why is this happening ! Thank you very much
Author: waterlilybarb    Time: 2-3-2009 11:43     Subject: Reply 1#1 MrTouz's post

You are a valued member Mr. Touz and I know one of the other mods was going to direct the admin's attention to your post. You have valid questions which I'm sure other members would like answers to as well. Thank you for such a detailed description of your issues and I hope we will be able to continue to meet your needs. ~Barb
Author: salfordlad44    Time: 2-4-2009 08:38

I agree with this guy i just tried to get help from the cs and all he said is refer to the main page i mean how is that going to solve anything im not thick i can read and because it wasnt on the main page thats why i asked btw it was cs 2 not happy at all.
Author: lbjedward    Time: 2-4-2009 19:53

sorry for this, MrTouz, your words are impressed and we must take action now. Thank you. I will release update when I check over all stuffs. I agree with you, especially on one million USD per month revenue I can use this big fund to hire more full-time staff(most of technical support, server maintenance, show update, customer support are part-time )
Author: MrTouz    Time: 2-5-2009 05:45

Thank you for the replies. I appreciate you're taking my message seriously and that you understand my feeling.
Author: spoiledbratdee    Time: 2-9-2009 00:07

i am feeling the same frustrations as mrtouz. but i still love this site anyway. I just wish things will improve because I am still going to pay, and pay , and pay. lol I am a glutton for punishment hahaha
Author: spratt89    Time: 2-9-2009 04:38

I have done 3 or 4 unlimited viewing and the only problem I have is when the site goes down for a few hours for maintenance
Author: vic1992    Time: 2-9-2009 22:43

I never have any problem and I'm on stinking DSL. See, I live in Hootervile USA. I see a problem with bandwith at peak times. You may have lots of subscribers in my time zone using the US server. Which is why I use EU server in the evening. The problem could be anywhere in between the server and the computer. My specialty doesn't lie in web coding. As I can deal with computer problems myself, I never used CS so I don't know if this service works well. Perhaps Mr. Touz could help with coding? Perhaps Mr. Touz could get some free viewing out of it? Hint hint. Maintenant, Mr. Touz, vous pourriez aider ce site. Je ne saurais comment m'en passer. Vous vivez à Paris ou quoi?
Author: vic1992    Time: 2-10-2009 21:56

I forgot to add that all subscribers who have trouble watching shows because it stalls or won't load quickly enough should do a traceroute. It doesn't matter what kind of connection you have, there could be a bottleneck somewhere in between servers and our connection and that's out of anybody's control.
Author: MrTouz    Time: 2-11-2009 03:07

Maintenant, Mr. Touz, vous pourriez aider ce site. Je ne saurais comment m'en passer. Vous vivez à Paris ou quoi?
Ouai... je sais pô ou j'ai bien pu metre que j'étais Francais. J'perd la boule ? J'ai donner mes conseilles en temp que webmestre dans mon premier post mais bon... He asked me if i could somehow help the site, i replied that i gave what ever i could at the very first post. ____ Again i personally never have issues with the video them selves... and if i do, if i ever stop / restart the movie the issue is gone (or i wait to load) my personal problem is the 'site / forum' load time. when i hit a link it sometimes takes 2 minutes just to show the page :/ Anyways, thanks again for the considaration.

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