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Subject: Point lost Points lost always [Print This Page]

Author: noonin    Time: 1-28-2009 17:05     Subject: Point lost Points lost always

It says that you can click one show up to because as we all know the show drops discons ect. and you have to restart it. that is fine , anoying but ok. What is not ok is the fact that this does not seem to hold true, my points have vanished. Case in point , the last episode i tried to watch , i got droped. I attempted to start the same show again imediately and it used up more of my points . I like this site but feel i am being robed or at the very least lied to about the allocations of point per click. please help. Frustrated user
Author: gabsimom    Time: 1-28-2009 17:26

please send a copy of your viewing history in a pm to lbjedward. Tell him the amount of points you have lost as well. We have been experiencing some glitches as of late and I thank you for your patience.
Author: will316    Time: 1-30-2009 22:51

its a rip off be cos a lot of os dont send a copy of your viewing history when or points go missing and ye no it do some thing about it it.s going to far dis was a v good site not any more
Author: shinny    Time: 1-31-2009 03:20     Subject: Reply 3#3 will316's post

Please do not make multiple posts about the same thing. I have already addressed your concerns here => ... tid=9247&highlight=

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