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Subject: i want my money back [Print This Page]

Author: vicfc07    Time: 1-26-2009 13:33     Subject: i want my money back

vip tv net is useless I have not been able to view any shows for the past week some videos do not even load up if they do then about 20secs loads then it gets stuck - takes about 3 hours to view a 45min show i keep losing points & i have not even been able to watch any epsodes straight thru Live CS is never online I want a refund for the money I paid the become a vip member & i will never use this site again very diappointed with the quality of the site even this forum takes forever to load sort it out or more people will leave
Author: spratt89    Time: 1-26-2009 13:42

Maybe you have a connection problem as I have been with the site for almost 8 months and I have never had a problem before with Missing points, slow connection or anything else.
Author: mcleod    Time: 1-26-2009 14:59

i agree with adam, it will most likely be because of your connection, you could also try some of the tips on this website to speed up your viewing or selecting to view the video in real player, pausing it and then letting it load through also using firefox helps if you are not using that currently
Author: serena75    Time: 1-26-2009 15:02     Subject: Reply 1#1 vicfc07's post

Sorry to hear that you're having problems. I know how frustrating it is. Why don't you tell us exactly what has happened? Did it work without any problems before, and suddenly a week ago you started having problems? You can always get your points back. Send a PM to lbjedward (admin) with a copy of your viewing history and how many points you've lost. If you decide to stay, always use one of the free shows to try and solve your problems. That way you won't lose any points.
Author: penny3760    Time: 1-26-2009 15:10     Subject: Reply 1#1 vicfc07's post

Hi Vic! I am so sorry you are having problems. I have been a member for almost 2 years now and I love the site. Believe me when I tell you this because I am old and I don't know that much about computers. If I had a lot of problems with the site I would want my money back also. I very rarely had any problems watching the shows. Once in awhile the site is down because they are working on the servers. You should e-mail one of the moderators. They are great people and will help you right away with the problems you are having. Granny Penny
Author: grah3    Time: 1-27-2009 08:58     Subject: vicfc07, wanting his money back

i am also a member for a while now, and never have any major problems, i have tried some other site and they are free, but very poor, so i can say here and now VIPtv is the best around so far. Ok probs do happen but i have always been sorted by the people on here. the mod, the techi guys all are very helpful indeed. All i can say is ask for help and you will be sorted out, ok not always right away,but you will be sorted , i promise you. VIPTV is the best for valve, when you consider the other sites giving poor sound or adverts all over the place,even sound out of time to the actors. So VIC07 hang in there, you will get you money back just ask for help. [ Last edited by grah3 at 1-27-2009 17:00 ] [ Last edited by grah3 at 1-27-2009 17:01 ]
Author: trulee    Time: 1-27-2009 10:13     Subject: Reply 1#1 vicfc07's post

Sorry you have been experiencing problems sufficient to make you want a refund. Have you tried the tips shown here? If you have and have also checked that things are not awry at your end then please send a PM here with your refund request stating your reasons. Let me say now the site thanks you for your original donation and hopw you will reconsider.
Author: monkbiker    Time: 1-27-2009 11:35

Internet connection problems can make viewing so difficult it's not even worth the bother. I've been there and I can sympathize. What works for me is: a) Use Firefox rather than IE. It's a quick download and it's safer to use than IE because there aren't so many people ticked off at Firefox as there are at Bill Gates. b) Make sure to clear out the internet cache, cookies, temp files and so forth on a regular basis. c) If it takes more than 30 seconds to load, it isn't going to load. Just exit out of the site completely and try re-entering from a fresh browser window. If it still doesn't work try clearing out all your temp files (see "b" above), then re-boot your machine. That should do it. d) E-mail one of the moderators with some very specific items so they can help you work through them. Quite honestly, this site appears to be working pretty well for me too. If you're having trouble it's probably a relatively simple issue that should be easily resolved. Don't give up, let people help you figure out what the problem is. You'll be glad you did. Come on back and let us know how it worked out for you!
Author: vicfc07    Time: 1-27-2009 12:18

i have tried all of the things mentioned before posting my comment i have been a member of the site for over a year and suddenly these problems have just started - i loved the site before this happened nothing has changed - im using same laptop, same broadband, always use firefox not IE, no probs with other sites i dont have the time to be posting the viewing history to get the points back & to be honest im not that fussed about the money i feel i have had my moneys worth in the past with all the great shows i have watched thanks for all the help & suggestions but im just gonna stop using the site - its not worth the hassle its causing guess i'll just have to buy the boxsets of all my shows!!!!
Author: gabsimom    Time: 1-27-2009 12:37     Subject: Reply 9#9 vicfc07's post

Just please be patient, It is Chinese New Year and perhaps Tech support is on Holiday. And some times updates that we make in our programs can affect your viewing. Sorry again for your trouble.
Author: serena75    Time: 1-27-2009 14:25     Subject: Reply 9#9 vicfc07's post

Copy viewing history is simple. You log in to your account at viptv, click on Member's Center and then Viewing history in the menu. Copy and paste into a PM to admin. Done!
Author: serena75    Time: 1-27-2009 14:31     Subject: Problems on and offline

I tried to watch a rented dvd here the other day. It stopped half way through and my first thought was that I had to reload the page. Wait a minute... I'm watching tv!
Author: lemhgd    Time: 1-27-2009 16:43     Subject: Reply 4#4 serena75's post

Great advice, though I am sure everybody should know these solutions by now! The site was funky for the past two weeks - I've had that confirmed by the online support. Maybe it's a regional thing, and maybe some of you got lucky, but I don't think that trying to convince members that all the problems resolved due to connection problems on their sides, is the right approach (I know that's not what you wanted to do serena75)! I have also lost loads of points and reporting to the admins is a huge hazard. Let's acknowlegde that.... Still this site is exeptional - so far I haven't seen a better one! I am positiv that someone will refund you for all your troubles vic... Good luck!
Author: rd27302    Time: 1-27-2009 18:03

can i just say, the posters who are saying theyve 'never lost a point' on this site are LYING. EVERYONE I KNOW THAT USES THIS SITE HAS LOST POINTS AT SOME POINT OR ANOTHER, EVEN THE ADMIN HAVE OFTEN AKNOWLEDGED THIS AND THERE IS AN ENTIRE THREAD DEDICATED TO THE LOSS OF POINTS. other than that, i think this is a great site and its unfortunate that people want to leave...but i think its really unfair of some people to lie about things like not losing points just to make their point!
Author: gabsimom    Time: 1-27-2009 20:40     Subject: Reply 14#14 rd27302's post

I did not notice anyone saying they have never lost points but just say they have never had major problems. I honestly think it has to do with the holiday. I know I have troubles sometimes but playing realplayer mode usually fixes most of my issues.
Author: tedhowell    Time: 1-28-2009 17:55

Try also to reload realplayer ...Ive had to do this twice in the last week or so . but after the reinstall it works great again. Just a thought and my 2 cents
Author: kitosdad    Time: 1-31-2009 04:00     Subject: my twopennorth.

Due to my financial circumstances I am now reduced to watching the free shows. All thanks to Englands OAP payment of 420 quid a month now being only worth 420 Euro a month. My only bright spot is viewing here, ( albeit free ) and I've always been treated with respect and efficiency. This is, without doubt, the best site on the Internet for viewing.Give the staff a chance. Use Firefox and Realplayer, and if you still have a problem, then the good folk here will help you through it.

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