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Subject: Very slow viewing [Print This Page]

Author: slikvic2000    Time: 1-4-2009 05:00     Subject: Very slow viewing

For the past two days my speed with your site has been awefull! At times it takes an hour to load a 20 minute episode. Yet at times everything is fine. I cheked with my internet service provider and everything seems to be working fine. Please let me know if there is a temporary problem with your site or what else i could do to view the episodes normally. thanks.
Author: slikvic2000    Time: 1-4-2009 06:00     Subject: is anyone else having this problem now?

having this problem now?
Author: codebreaker    Time: 1-4-2009 06:13     Subject: Reply 2#2 slikvic2000's post

I just clicked on a episode of Crossing Jordan and only took 25sec to load and play in pop up window and only stopped 3 times for about 3sec each
Author: serena75    Time: 1-4-2009 07:01     Subject: Reply 1#1 slikvic2000's post

I watched an episode of Life on Mars yesterday without any problems. I tried an episode of JAG today without any problems. What episodes are you having problems with? Are you using the pop up window in firefox or the Real Player Theater Mode?
Author: deanna_ware    Time: 1-4-2009 07:30     Subject: Poor viewing

I have been having problems viewing on the site for the past 3 days now. I have checked my bandwith coonection, connection speed,and internet service provider and I have tried letting the shows load for longer periods of time yet they still stop constantly to the point that I can barely finish watching them it is so annoying. They skip, stop, pause and have digital deterioration in some of them. These things have happened in every episode I have watched in the following : Supernatural, Without a Trace, Jag, and Crossing Jordan. Are you having site problems? I have been a member for months now with no problems and LOVE this site otherwise. PLEASE HELP!
Author: slikvic2000    Time: 1-4-2009 07:33     Subject: yes

I am trying to watch them in Real Player Theatre mode, which I always used. I don't know why the problems started. I am trying to watch Scrubs and Bones!!!
Author: deanna_ware    Time: 1-4-2009 07:36

Oh....yes I am using Firefox for my Browser and Real Player to watch them.
Author: shinny    Time: 1-4-2009 07:52

Slikvic and Deanna, there could be some problems with your Realplayer settings. Have a read of this thread and follow these instructions. Shut down and restart your computer afterward also. Please let us know if this doesn't help. RealPlayer Troubleshooting Guide (Solutions & Tips)
Author: deanna_ware    Time: 1-4-2009 08:41

Thank you for the quick response,but unfortunately it didn't help. I had done most of those things already from reading previous posts on this site in the past when I have had problems and it has helped but not this time. The video did play on the test site (fyi). It seems like it just started after a recent update to Firefox (v.3.0.5)....could there be an issue? Also, I'm using a MacBook so I have Real Player v.11.0.1 but I have checked the software and it is up to date. My husband is having the same problems on his PC and we did the troubleshooting as well and it didn't help either.
Author: shinny    Time: 1-4-2009 08:57     Subject: Reply 9#9 deanna_ware's post

I'm using V3.0.5 too and I'm not having any problems. The only other thing I can think of is are you sure you added all the plugins when you upgraded to the new version? You should be able to get these from the Firefox website. The other thing you could try is open realplayer, open a new web page and type in the address of the episode you are trying to view (actually open the episode and the address should be at the top of the player). Sometimes this seems to work.
Author: deanna_ware    Time: 1-4-2009 10:00

So far...nothing is working. My husband is pretty computer savvy too and we are not having any luck. I'm curious if this is helping out Slikvic?? Or if anyone else is having problems?? I hate to be negative, but it will be many sad days for me if I can't resolve it and can no longer use your site.
Author: waterlilybarb    Time: 1-4-2009 10:31     Subject: Reply 11#11 deanna_ware's post

Have you tried a Clean Uninstall of RealPlayer? If not, here are the instructions: Clean uninstall..... After you uninstall RP, you will see a pop-up after you uninstall RP, that it was unable to remove some of the RP files. If all of the files are not removed it can cause many problems, some very small, some very bothersome. So it's best, to do a "clean uninstall". To do that, first go to Control Panel>Add & Remove Programs>uninstall Real Player. Then close Control Panel and go to My Computer>C-Drive> Program Files>(R-click on "Real" and delete the file). Then while you are still in Program Files double click on Common Files>(R-click on the "Real" file and delete the file). Then reinstall a fresh RP. Hopefully this may prove useful to you. I know one of our mods had a few problems since updating his Firefox & RP, so the reinstall might prove helpful. BTW, since you are on a Mac, please see HERE for Mac troubleshooting for RP. Don't worry about using RP 11. The guides were written when it was srill in beta and caused some glitches.
Author: deanna_ware    Time: 1-4-2009 12:20

The clean uninstall you just wrote up....does it apply to MAC? The reason I ask is because MAC simplifies things and doesn't have any of the file folders or system files you just named off. Usually to uninstall in MAC you just delete it from the Applications folder. Thanks for the help!
Author: ropxjf    Time: 1-5-2009 12:51

it is extremely slow and frustrating to watch all the shows now....please find a solution fast...none of those mentioned above work
Author: ragamoffyn    Time: 1-7-2009 10:46     Subject: lots of disconnects for me

It's gotten slow for me, too, the past few days. Any show I watch will pause and hang several times during a viewing, sometimes breaking the connection with the server. Everything was fine up until recently, but now the site is just irritating. If it helps, I'm using the EU server.
Author: deanna_ware    Time: 1-7-2009 15:48     Subject: site is till slow

I am still having this point are you looking into the problem or what is going on since we have not had another response from a moderator? Now it is very frustrating and I'm not happy with the service. If administration is not trying to resolve the problem than I would like a refund of what I have remaining and would like to cancel my service.
Author: shinny    Time: 1-8-2009 04:02     Subject: Reply 16#16 deanna_ware's post

Hi Denna, I think we are at a loss as to what else you can do if none of the normal suggestions worked. You can try the Live CS guys (on the homepage of VIPtv) when they are online. Also, send a PM to lbjedward and explain your problems. Let us know how you get on.
Author: gdi3    Time: 1-9-2009 02:58

Hello. I have to agree with Deanne and Slikvic. I am also experiencing the problems they mention and have also tried all the suggested remedies. I have been a member for a couple of years but have not experienced these probs before.
Author: spoiledbratdee    Time: 1-9-2009 05:54     Subject: having the same problem

yeah, me too. i had problems with csi miami and eli stone. sometimes its fast, sometimes its just terrible. i use the real player mode.
Author: shinny    Time: 1-9-2009 08:31

Hi all, I have directed our admin team to this thread. Hopefully they can provide more answers.
Author: lbjedward    Time: 1-10-2009 04:48     Subject: Recommend to reinstall RealPlayer

Hello, Latest version Realplayer does not work well in the firefox. If you can not play videos, we strongly recommend to reinstall Realplayer(download it from Official Site: .
Author: sayinjin    Time: 1-10-2009 11:28

iono i d/l it again but still every few minutes it pauses because connecting again//// iono why all of a sudden its been doing this
Author: deanna_ware    Time: 1-10-2009 14:58     Subject: Reply 21#21 lbjedward's post

That seems to have worked so far for me, thanks! The link you provided gave a download for version 10 instead and reinstalling version 11 which I did before and it seems to have made a difference. Thanks!
Author: stephaniecloris    Time: 1-14-2009 13:26

Hello there! I encountered the same problem you did using the latest version of Real Player and Firefox(I am using a Mac), so instead of using Firefox I am using Safari and it works fine. Hope it works for you too.

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