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Subject: Points purchased and not credited [Print This Page]

Author: tarlee    Time: 11-16-2008 02:41     Subject: Points purchased and not credited

Hi I purchased 20F$ on November 11th and got the confirmation from paypal (I can provide transaction id in an email), but appear not to have had the 200 points added. It's peculiar as I was sure they were there right after but now they're not, and it's not in the transaction log. As I said, I have the transaction id from paypal and it's gone through my account.  Please can you fix this asap? Thanks

[ Last edited by tarlee at 11-16-2008 10:42 ]
Author: shinny    Time: 11-16-2008 03:09

Hi Tarlee, just two questions;

1) Are you using the same login? We've had problems with people using 2 different logins.
2) Did you convert your F$ over to VIP points in the Member Centre?

Thanks, Sinéad
Author: tarlee    Time: 11-16-2008 11:03

Hi Sinead
Thanks for your reply. To respond to your questions:

1) I only have one log-in and have always used the same one.
2) Even though I have bought 20F$, it is not showing up on the "acquire VIP service" page.  It says I have 0F$ - even though I bought 20 last week.

Not quite sure what that means!  I hope someone can get to the bottom this soon. Never had any problems before.
Author: shinny    Time: 11-16-2008 14:45     Subject: Reply 3#3 tarlee's post

Hi there, no problem at all. We're here to try and help.

Ok, I understand your problem a little better now. Unfortunately you will need an Administrator to resolve this for you. Follow this link and send a PM to Ibjedward. Tell him exactly what you have told me here and give him your paypal transaction receipt too. When you send the PM be sure not to tick the box at the end to save a copy. It won't send it if you do (glitch in the system).

Let us know how you get on.

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