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Subject: free tv online [Print This Page]

Author: hjfrey    Time: 11-14-2008 00:22     Subject: free tv online

if you were running a quality business, competition shouldn't bother are now editing my posts to remove names of better quality sites which are free? because you know people would rather watch better quality than pay for cheaper quality. let this be a business lesson to you: people will pay good money for good quality...fix your quality and you will have no problems...and now that you have gotten me started...who is to say i won't email everyone who has a complaint, collect their names, information, and permission and start a class action lawsuit? why on earth would you edit my posts?!? doesn't edit their discussion boards when people mention,, etc.....a clear indication you are trying to hide something... anyone can google 'free tv online' and find a list of venues so i'll refrain from mentioning them knowing that you edit people's wrong...and such bad business ethics...which will only come back to bite you...
Author: dognxtdoor    Time: 11-14-2008 00:36

I have edited your posts...and I believe we are all being very patient with you. I do not appreciate your threats, it is not needed this is a friendly site. However, we do ask that you not post other tv sties in our forum. It is not that we think anyone is not capable of finding them on their own, it is just simply we feel we have a great product, if you disagree we thank you for your time and donation. We apologize that our service is not what you expect, but we are growing exponentially everyday, and are doing our best to make the changes needed to keep up with demand. It is evident we need to upgrade again to suit the needs of our current users, and we are working on that. We reserve the right to edit any posts, or delete as we see fit. I have not deleted or changed the context of any of your posts simply removed the names of the sites you were comparing us to. I feel that is fair, I am sorry if you do not agree. I ask again that you try to keep your posts in a friendly tone, and stop with the threats, it does not help any of us get our service to you any faster or better. Thank you, Dog P.S Thank you for the compliment in comparing us to such greats as AMAZON.COM [ Last edited by dognxtdoor at 11-14-2008 08:40 ]
Author: hjfrey    Time: 11-14-2008 01:28

Nice try. But, if you re-read my post, you will see that I was saying you are nothing like Amazon, as they DO NOT edit posts to remove the names of their competitors like, etc. They believe in freedom of speech. As do I. Furthermore, your post makes no sense. You tell me that you have gone through my post to delete the names of sites that I was comparing you to and yet you end your post by thanking me for comparing you to So, let me get this right, it is not that I was comparing your services with that of others, but that I was comparing it unfavorably with that of others? It is ok as long as it is in a favorable light? Have you heard of constructive criticism? I didn't realize you 'all' were being patient with me (quite popular I've become!). For the record, I am being very patient as I await a response to my last inquiry regarding the many problems this site has and the fact that I, like many many others who post here, am paying for a service which is unsatisfactory. Yes, no more veiled threats. Actions speak louder than words. My apologies. PS I was reading through some other complaints and notice that you advised one paying customer to try and use this site during off hours. Nice.
Author: dognxtdoor    Time: 11-14-2008 07:19     Subject: Reply 3#3 hjfrey's post

Let me also correct you. No one is paying for any service here. I am sure you will love what I am about to say but this is true, has been true, and is what this site is about. This was a 100% Free Site, that collected donations when it was founded. The site was and still is The original few hundred of us that supported that site did so, with the low quality that site offers, and its unreliability in the hopes that we could help the site to grow. Which it did, and we started testing our VIP site. This site was created for those generous enough to donate to help support the site. If you look at what is being charged per episode, it is ridiculously cheap. Under 25 cents for a 1 hour program in most instances. This money is to pay for servers, maintenance, etc...all those costs that are to be expected by a site that is now supporting over 200k users. Your "payment" as you call it is still a donation, and the VIP site is still a Thank You to those people who donate. We do our best to help everyone enjoy the quality that we know you all expect, but your threats, are just not needed. I personally am giving my own time (I and all the other mods are not paid!!) to work with you to help you. Instead you come on here to attack us, blame us. As for the solution of off hours, I personally have never suggested that. However, some moderators do recommend to some people who really want to watch a show and are having problems that during non peak hours there is more reliability. What is wrong with that? Every service company has peak times, where it is nearly impossible to offer flawless service, and it is during off hours, that you can get that service. An example is try going to a Restaurant at dinner time, then go an hour before or 2 hours after. You will get more attention and better service during the OFF hours, then during their peak business time. Thank you, Dog
Author: grah3    Time: 11-16-2008 10:16     Subject: i am a fan of this site

Dog, i have just read the last few messages,and i can say that i have logged on here over 300 times i think(not sure) but i have only had a few problems,but they were sorted out ASAP. In fact just this past hour i have had problem with the European server,well it fact no problem because all i did was watch from the USA server,see no problem. Anyway, i agree some problems can occur but i would rather pay your very cheap price compared to some of the free ones because i have tried some ,and ok some are ok but i have found most to be of poor quality indeed,example being the sound track being out of sync. i wish to add my support to viptv graham from the UK
Author: LaveticusPrime    Time: 11-17-2008 18:46     Subject: Reply 1#1 hjfrey's post

lol. I normally wouldn't say this but.......what a clown(sorry mods for the name-calling but...sheesh..this member is really behaving like one). hjfrey, I read your previous posts before editing and every site you mentioned is no where close to the quality of this site. Plus, going to their forums rarely does any good as far as customer service and getting any problems solved goes. I was so happy when I found this site. The service is great and it is always being upgraded plus the forum is actually really fun-something rarely seen. The dedication to this site from its mods is second to none. Yes, you are getting so much attention because disgruntled users like you are quite rare compared to the amount of total users here and so yes, the mods do try their best to help, console, and reward each and every user. You are only so "popular" because you are a valued member-however, you yourself are not acting like one. You are really acting very immature and are missing the fact that if no one cared, you would receive no response and since you know your posts can be edited, you should ask yourself why your post was not just deleted entirely. What could this site possibly have to hide? And FYI - you are not posting anything new or damaging-mostly everyone knows there are other sites, and yes most others know without your help how to find alt sites. The difference is, only someone as rude and confrontational as yourself would be so disrespectful as to post them because everything is not going your way. Plus, as much as we ALL surf around and check out many sites everyday, we all know where to come when we want the best quality combined with the best service and most reliable complete seasons and coolest forum with more fun, games, complete shows and direct interaction with mods that we can find anywhere. I can actually start any show from the many and continuously updated shows offered here and have the confidence that even if it has 20 seasons, I will be able to watch them entirely without any searching around for the missing episodes in between like we would have to do with ANY of the sites you mentioned. You know, if you would spend as much time getting your computer and everything configured correctly as you do whining and starting friction in this forum then you wouldn't be in the position you are in. [ Last edited by LaveticusPrime at 11-18-2008 03:06 ]
Author: salfordlad44    Time: 11-18-2008 16:27

While I am a committed user of this website i understand the comments being made. The site should be proud of what they are and allow competitors to be posted on here to show how good the site is. I know several sites which do not charge however I do find myself back at vip for videos such as series I fully support the work the admins and such are doing however do think sites should be allowed to be posted
Author: LaveticusPrime    Time: 11-19-2008 05:33     Subject: Reply 7#7 salfordlad44's post

Now that, my friend, is the way to state an opinion. Nicely done and I do respect the opinion. However, personally, I still disagree [ Last edited by LaveticusPrime at 11-19-2008 13:35 ]
Author: kitosdad    Time: 12-10-2008 12:21     Subject: Free TV online.

Man, that guy sure was nit-picking. Believe me, this is the best site I have ever found in 5 years, and I've always been amazed at how cheap the viewing rates are. Well done all, and don't give up on your sterling efforts.
Author: Feralbreeze    Time: 1-5-2009 09:40     Subject: It's not only about quality

Really guys. I've just read the conversation in that thread and i was kinda disappointed. First of all, the threats that were mentioned here is something immoral. Of course everyone has the freedom of speech and no one gonna disagree in that. But still like the democracy is telling "The freedom of a man ends where the freedom of the other begins". So you are free to tell whatever you want but if your words can harm someone it's can be considered even a crime in some cases. And the quality of the site (Which i think is quite good) Is not the only criteria by which you must judge. The community of this site is nice and friendly. The moderators and the admin are making the site better everyday. And the game site is something that i must mention here (Thx guys) And even if these two theories are not much for you than just think about the effort of the team of this site. I mean a guy was selling some pixels on a single web page (The one million dollar site ,i believe you heard of it) for ads and he took a million dollars for nothing ( He had one million little squares on a screen and he was selling every square for a dollar i think). So if you think about that then surely the people who made this site and maintaining it surely deserve ,at least, our respect. Making a site like this is something that needs time, knowledge and effort. I'm into web design too so i know what i'm talking about. So if you don't like this site then just don't bother (I mean every website or anything else can be liked by someone and disliked, it's hard to be liked by everyone.It's kinda matter of taste). i also can't say that i'm mad about this site, but still i like watching the movies here, i enjoy the community, i like playing the games and i kinda like the point system, it's something like a challenge (xexexe) .But writing threats and offending the others is not the right way, believe me. And excuse me if i offended someone somehow. cheerz...

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