Subject: Help paid threw paypal not showing up [Print This Page] Author: mrsgroom Time: 10-25-2008 16:18 Subject: Help paid threw paypal not showing up
Hello, I paid 20.00 to paypal but my points are not showing up only 22 left yecks. help quick
who do I tell? Author: waterlilybarb Time: 10-25-2008 16:30 Subject: Reply 1#1 mrsgroom's post
Please send a PM to kelseybb. He is the Admin in charge of helping in situaltions like yours. Author: mrsgroom Time: 10-27-2008 16:18 Subject: Help
Reply to keisybb still no answer. Author: shinny Time: 10-27-2008 16:25 Subject: Reply 3#3 mrsgroom's post
Hey there, can you check the "tracking" section to see if Kelsybb has read your message? If it's bold it hasn't been read yet.
Hello again, I am so embarrassed I did not know you have to CONVERT the points. It was there all this time......
Sherry, But thanks for you kindnessAuthor: shinny Time: 11-22-2008 16:47 Subject: Reply 5#5 mrsgroom's post
Don't worry about it, that's what we are here for. Glad you figured it out.
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