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Subject: Points STOLEN away from me... [Print This Page]

Author: stefanben    Time: 10-12-2008 18:01     Subject: Points STOLEN away from me...


I´ve had some major cutbacks on my points from watching the same episode more than once (clicking more than once on the same 24 hrs) or watching free episodes while logged in. I would like to recommend that the programming for point reduction be FIXED! It is stealing away points and only people who find out and complain get some of their points back... why should everyone else pay for the sites lack of integrity?? I am paying for this service and the service should be flawless. This has been an ongoing problem since I started and so I feel justified in saying it should have been fixed by now.

I will post my viewing history if needed. ( the one that has not been erased... why is it that all but my most recent viewing is erased by the way?) But since I know it can be viewed without me posting here (indicating this is not my first complaint... actually it „only“ the second one but still...) I would like to ask that ALL the points I have lost wrongfully FROM SCRATCH be restored.

The points I have wrongfully lost are a lot of shows that were FREE but are now VIP (from way back, star trek voyager is a recent example) and also the new FREE shows I have been charged for. Also I have been charged for VIP shows more than once on a 24h basis repeatedly.

Even if there haven´t been A LOT of incidents where this has happened, there shouldn´t be any. I am paying... so the service should provide what I pay for without fault,  or be fixed with satisfactory compensation as required by law.

The site claims to NOT CHARGE for the same show in the same 24 hours... the programming of the site is such THAT IT DOES CHARGE for service and it seems it charges „accidentally“ OFTEN.

Why this is the case I do not know... but it is not mine to figure out... FIX IT but do not make it the customers loss... please.

Love and best regards,
Stefan (which currently has 489 points where there should probably be A LOT more)

[ Last edited by stefanben at 10-13-2008 02:09 ]

[ Last edited by stefanben at 10-13-2008 02:09 ]

[ Last edited by stefanben at 10-13-2008 02:15 ]
Author: gabsimom    Time: 10-12-2008 19:23

Quick Question, Do you believe that your viewing history is also a history of point deductions?
Author: stefanben    Time: 10-13-2008 12:17     Subject: Reply 2#2 gabsimom's post

I have at one time had my deductions fixed a while ago so I know I have a history of deductions.
It seems that despite my complaints about the programming it stillworks the same, deducting where it shouldn´t.
Author: gabsimom    Time: 10-13-2008 13:10     Subject: Reply 3#3 stefanben's post

Your viewing history is not the amount of times points are taken from you. Perhaps Admin. Gave you the extra points last time because a long while back we were having this problem. Everyones viewing history is the same. It will record every time you watch a show whether it takes points or not. I have tested the system myself and no points were taken for free shows however they are on my viewing history. If you honestly feel you are being cheated please record the amount of points you have and after every viewing and see for yourself. At this time I am unsure any points have been taken and can only direct you to clearer understanding of how the sytem works until you do what I suggest.
Thank you for your patience.
Author: BonnieMunro    Time: 10-13-2008 22:18     Subject: stefanben: It's not being STOLEN simmer down

I understand when we get balled up with tension and frustration...adrenaline is a powerful thing,  I have not had your problems Stefanben.  Yes, I have had some points deducted, and yes I have had problems accessing the site, and yes...Stefanben, it is frustrating.  I dont personally feel anything has been stolen from me.  Computers have problems's not a perfect buttoned up world.  Take a deep breath...think about what you say in the future...remember that when you point a finger at someone...three point back at you.  Just sayin....

Bonnie Munro
Author: stefanben    Time: 10-15-2008 15:44     Subject: Reply 5#5 BonnieMunro's post

Ah, true... a bit of an adrenaline rush on that STOLEN comment, kind of lacked the irony that was supposed to drip off it. I appologise if any1 feels I have wrongfully accused them of being criminals, that really wasn´t my intention, but to ask for a review of the history I have not got access to and for repairs to my point status if it would be found out that I am indeed correct about the deduction.

gabsimon, I just realised that I misunderstood your question: No I do not believe that the viewing history is a record of how many times points are taken away.
Of course I was a bit hot headed when I wrote this, and I have taken gabsimon´s advice and recorded my point status as of right now, and which shows I watch.
I would suggest that this be made possible for members on the site, seeing their deduction history as well as their viewing history. Then this would never even be an issue and I might be proven right, or indeed wrong.

That being said I will take the advice of simmering down... and suggest that this seethrough option (the deduction history) be made available to prevent similar outbursts in future
Author: BonnieMunro    Time: 10-16-2008 21:45     Subject: Well said

All good points.  Bravo Bravo

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