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Subject: Connection Glitches Rising [Print This Page]

Author: lbjedward    Time: 10-6-2008 03:00     Subject: Connection Glitches Rising

Hello, my buddies,
Recently, I received lots of complaints about connection glitches(parameter setting error, timed out, no loading while playing and login problem). We admins apologize for this issue.
It may be caused by:
1. Increasing traffic since September because lots of shows are back recently.
2. User center uses more resource of the user database server.
3. Some bugs exist in codes.

Our solutions as follows:
1. Check codes to fix bugs.
2. Monitor the traffic on all servers to check out whether it should be upgraded.
3. Please feel free to send us your pts refundment request via Email at or pm to lbjedward

Tips for reducing connection glitches:
1. Play video in Realplayer via click on Real icon on the bottom and pause it for two minutes at the start.
2. Try to watch video via EU server if video can not be loaded via US server.
3. Don't worry, you can watch the same ep for 30 times in 24h with no additional cost.

We are taking action and hope you all know this.
Thank you!

Author: gabsimom    Time: 10-6-2008 04:58

Thanks For the update and keeping us all involved in the sites progress.
Author: magic4u    Time: 10-6-2008 05:03     Subject: Reply 2#2 gabsimom's post

yes thanks lbj we are all aware of start up problems and as such patience is needed pretty sure if you check the conection between the three sites you might solve a few of the timeout troubles a lot of members are getting .
Author: stone    Time: 10-7-2008 01:35

copy that , and i would be quite relieved as a CS
Author: osgood5150    Time: 10-17-2008 14:53

I am having a problem where the show stops and starts but skips.  I started using the UK and it stills does it, trying pausing for a bit and it still does it.  It almost takes me 1 to 2 hours to watch a 20-30 show. What can I do?
Author: tug17uk    Time: 10-20-2008 08:25     Subject: crashing

hi was wondering if the site is still glitching as still struggling to watch shows many thanx
Author: bcanndid    Time: 11-7-2008 14:40

well as a new (VIP PAID) member,I'm NOT happy with this service at all.
I am constantly getting "Communicating 99%" and freezing frame every 2/3 minutes (and please don't say 'oh it's your ISP' because I have very fast speed)).
I doubt I will stay with the site unless I see a radical improvement.
There are many other places on offer which don't appear to have the enormous amount of problems this site does.

[ Last edited by bcanndid at 11-8-2008 01:36 ]
Author: daones    Time: 11-26-2008 10:46

I was a VIP back earlier in this year and I had no problems at all with the site everything worked like a breeze. I just rejoined today and its taking forever to watch one show. I have 2mbps download speed and had no problems before. I think maybe the servers are to busy. Ive spent maybe 1 hour configuring everything and updated my real player and still no luck in the video playing more then a minute at a time.
Author: waterlilybarb    Time: 11-26-2008 16:17     Subject: Reply 8#8 daones's post

Honestly, I just got high speed back this month (I moved & was stuck with dial-up).  I've had a lot of shows to catch up on and have had very few problems.  I've only had to stop and reload a couple episodes.  Other than that, I've had no trouble.

I think the glitches are more hit & miss now - though the techs have recently debugged the system, so there should be even fewer problems for the majority of users.  

Author: tulip    Time: 11-26-2008 19:15     Subject: Downloading

I have a connection that goes at 3.6mps and its is taking over an hour and a half to download one episode of Jericho is this normal. I have never done it before.

Getting frustrated signed up as VIP on TV but will probably never use it at this rate. Using EU site as figured they would be asleep when I am on>>>
Author: daones    Time: 11-27-2008 02:39

its 5am now in America so im wondering how can it be slow now?
Author: jessferg    Time: 11-29-2008 19:04

Thank you for making sure that the VIP customers are taken care of. I am in the military and my wife and I were in Korea for a year but were able to keep up on our favorite shows because of this website. thanks again and keep us up to date. thanks again.

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