Subject: Titanic General Discussion [Print This Page] Author: spratt89 Time: 9-21-2008 10:40 Subject: Titanic General Discussion
This game is annoying, some time i know i have made it over the ice berg but i still land on it Author: bala Time: 10-2-2008 12:23 Subject: Reply 1#1 spratt89's post
you need keep pressure going steady avoid that Author: spratt89 Time: 10-2-2008 17:23
try that but i always hit the plain Author: bala Time: 11-1-2008 10:35 Subject: Reply 3#3 spratt89's post
you need good observation skill you watch iceberg and the plane at the same time as well boxes on the parachute and in the sea Author: codebreaker Time: 2-13-2009 12:11 Subject: Reply 4#4 bala's post
I cant believe i have still got the top score after all that time
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