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Subject: Slow loading pages [Print This Page]

Author: fatgerbil    Time: 9-9-2008 13:28     Subject: Slow loading pages

While recently I have found videos load very quickly, huge improvement on earlier in the year thank you; I have found that pages load very slowly taking as much as a minute, although normally only about 20-30 seconds (still quite slow), and also on real player it spends a lot of time connecting and then buffers and downloads very quickly. It is not a huge problem, just slightly irratating and I wondered why?
Author: shinny    Time: 9-9-2008 14:14     Subject: Reply 1#1 fatgerbil's post

You should try these trouble shooting guidelines for Realplayer: Realplayer TroubleShooting Guide
Author: gypsiegirl66    Time: 9-9-2008 20:58

Yes, this sites pages have been loading slower than usual. We have been and still are doing work to this and the new site, that will cause some of the bogging down. It also does it when we have a large amount of activity, I've noticed that in the past. I've noticed that RP is taking a few more secs connecting, but is loading/buffering well. I wouldn't worry about it taking a few seconds more connecting (if it's buffering and streaming well), I will see if I can find out why. If you do have problems with slow loading/buffering, please check out VIP Help~RP Quick & Easy Fixes, there is a section in it just for slow loading/buffering..etc. If you don't find a quick fix, then go to the link in Shinny's post above.
Author: bala    Time: 9-9-2008 22:45     Subject: Reply 3#3 gypsiegirl66's post

i have had same problem but please bear with us
Author: moosey1989    Time: 9-10-2008 04:21

if yew downloaded a new internet browser and have a slow pc then that could be the problem because i have 4mb broadband but a 6 year old pc so loading internet pages on my pc takes about 20 seconds and sometimes longer. this could be the problem, if it is then id say uninstall the latest internet browser that yew use and revert back to an earlier version. i dont think reverting back to an earlier version will stop yew from viewing the awesome shows on the site. the same problem goes for downloading the new divx for me because my pc is slow and so cant handle programmes in a quick and efficient time. i hope that helps yew and sorts out yewr problems ^_^
Author: spratt89    Time: 9-10-2008 11:42

i have that problem but only at night
Author: bala    Time: 9-10-2008 11:44     Subject: Reply 6#6 spratt89's post

yeah that true it happens at night with me as well
Author: spratt89    Time: 9-10-2008 11:44

maybe because more people are on the site
Author: moosey1989    Time: 9-11-2008 10:33

it used to happen all the time when one of the servers was down and so everyone over the world used that one server, then like a day or two later, the other server broke but luckily the other server that was broken in the first place was back up and stuff...but i digress. if, like me, yew live in england or another country in europe then at night, thats when those pesky americans are on say the best option is to watch the shows at an earlier time. and also i just realised that even if yew have a 10 mb broadband, it doesnt mean it will be working at full efficiency. some internet providers dont say this directly to yew but if yew have broadband then the speed at which it is running can fluctuate wildly during times when a lot of people in yewr area are using it. id say move to a internet provider that doesnt do this...i think in the UK, BT dont do this...dont know about any other country but find out...somehow *shifty eyes* hope this helps a lot.
Author: gypsiegirl66    Time: 9-11-2008 20:24

If you have an older computer, you may want to add more memory, that really helped me with the speed. I have an older laptop, w/ 512mb. It had the capacity to upgrade to 2gb, it made a huge difference. You're right when the servers are busy, the loading/buffering, can slow down immensely.
Author: bala    Time: 9-12-2008 11:32     Subject: Reply 10#10 gypsiegirl66's post

when you say old-how old is it more than 4 years?
Author: spratt89    Time: 9-12-2008 13:12

mine seems to go slow even though its new, might need to do some updates on it.
Author: moosey1989    Time: 9-12-2008 14:54

if yew use betas of things then this might be the the new beta for internet explorer is absolutely silly! i mean yew load a site and it bloody crashes. if yewr computer is new then it might just actually be because yew are on this site at a time when the server yew are using is super busy. either that or that maybe yew have some spyware or a rootkit hidden in yewr say do a virus/spyware scan to be sure because every few weeks, i have like a billion spyware on my pc...always the same ones. if yew dont have one and cant afford one, go on google and type in 'avg free' and download the latest one...its the best free virus and spyware checker ever! also the yahoo free spyware checker is awesome. if it is still slow then maybe yew are running too many programmes at the same time, like yew have itunes and last fm and windows live messenger and a downloader or something running at the same time and minimized in the system tray...this can tax yewr computer a lot. hope this sorts out the problem with speed on yewr new computer.
Author: fatgerbil    Time: 9-14-2008 05:47

ye my pc isnt old so thats not the reason it is only at peak times, but its still annoying and as moosey1989 said avg is very good anti-virus software for free if anyone needs it
Author: spratt89    Time: 9-14-2008 11:01

mine is the same
Author: Micallefs    Time: 9-14-2008 11:30

Mine's 5 years old but its got upgraded alot, 4gb ram, quad core and a veryyyy veryyyy good video card 120 fps in half life
Author: bala    Time: 9-14-2008 11:39     Subject: Reply 16#16 Micallefs's post

most people just buy a new one if it's that old
Author: dognxtdoor    Time: 9-14-2008 16:28     Subject: Reply 17#17 bala's post

Why when you know how to do an upgrade like that you can save 100's of $$$.....most people don't have the ability so they buy new and throw away $$$
Author: moosey1989    Time: 9-16-2008 13:54

im in college so buying a new pc is outta the question coz of the money stuff...and tbh ive gotten used to the delay and try to manage my time so everytime im loading up a page...i try to continue a crossword coz yew know, im lame ^_^ i do think it would be cheaper to just buy a pc from yewr local pc shop like in the uk, we have pc world and can buy quite a good pc for about £400 which has dual core and stuff which is enough for gaming and stuff. unless yewr into design and stuff, there isnt really any need for a super brilliant pc. my mate has one but all he does on there is play games so there is really no need for all that power when most of it will probably go to waste.

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