Subject: The Secret Life of the American Teenager Season 1-5 General Discussion (Spoilers [Print This Page] Author: redsoxpatriot30 Time: 6-29-2008 15:49 Subject: The Secret Life of the American Teenager Season 1-5 General Discussion (Spoilers
It sounds very dated and used, but it's summer and it does have Molly Ringwald! I need something that is close to 7th Heaven because I miss shows having the family around the dinner table. I am in need of a family show... What do you guys think? The pilot airs July 1st I believe. Maybe we'll get it on the site soon.
Post comments or concerns regarding the show in this thread. Author: redsoxpatriot30 Time: 6-29-2008 15:50
Grr! Why does media never work in the regular boards, but it does in Site Mgment? Here's the link to the clip: YouTube - The Secret Life of the American Teenager : Trailer
[ Last edited by redsoxpatriot30 at 6-29-2008 19:51 ]
[ Last edited by gabsimom at 6-30-2008 14:44 ] Author: Teachergirl Time: 6-30-2008 01:18
It looks like something I'd definitely check out. Plus, I still like Molly Ringwald. Author: gabsimom Time: 6-30-2008 06:47 Subject: Reply 2#2 redsoxpatriot30's post
It might come under a lot of fire. since the teen prgnancy rate is way up and is being blamed on films like Juno.
I enabled HTMLfor youAuthor: redsoxpatriot30 Time: 6-30-2008 07:18 Subject: Reply #4 gabsimom's post
Thank you very much Tina! You saved the day... I believe that I'm the only one who has these kinds of there something I'm doing wrong? Anyways, yeah, it'll probably be under fire by parent watchdog groups and it is a used plot...but who knows? It could become very successful like Juno. That looks like such a good movie. Author: redsoxpatriot30 Time: 6-30-2008 09:33
Here's another trailer...tomorrow's the premiere and if you miss it on TV (if you get ABC Family), they post the episodes on their website the day after...except it may only work if you're in the US... Author: bala Time: 6-30-2008 11:29 Subject: Reply 6#6 redsoxpatriot30's post
Wow this is really good i download this on Wednesday but ABC Family is kind better network because it's got 3 out 3, first was kyle xy than greek and now this. i know there so many other abc family show but it really become favourite network over the summertime. Author: imarielle626 Time: 6-30-2008 13:55
I've seen some commercials. It looks like a good show. I don't think I'll be watching it though. I don't have time to pick up a new show until i have fully caught up with all the shows I fell behind on. Author: imarielle626 Time: 7-1-2008 16:41
so i was surfing imdb as I occasionally do when I am bored and came across this little piece of information...the girl who plays Amy in this show also played the original Kaitlin Cooper on The O.C. I did not even recognize her! Author: redsoxpatriot30 Time: 7-1-2008 17:25 Subject: Reply #8 imarielle626's post
Thank goodness for summer! Currently, I'm taking it slow, but now I've just been bombarded with bad news that is tampering my summer...I should probably post it in the rant thread instead... Good luck catching up on your other shows many do you have to catch up on? I've got AT LEAST 5...Bones, NCIS, House, The Simpsons and I've still got to watch the last episode of Pushing Daisies... Author: alexgirl Time: 7-2-2008 03:25
The message is really good, but I am sorry to say the show is bad... I really didn´t like it... Author: bala Time: 7-2-2008 03:26 Subject: Reply 11#11 alexgirl's post
i was really looking forward to this Author: redsoxpatriot30 Time: 7-2-2008 05:54
I'll be watching this tonight or sometime today... I think it fits in with the ABC Family style and am hoping I like it. Sometimes it takes more than a pilot to get hooked onto a show. After I saw the pilot of Criminal Minds, I was so bummed that it was the only CBS procedural I didn't like. But then I started watching it weekly and it became one of the "must see" shows for me of the week. We'll see how the rest of the season plays out... Author: alexgirl Time: 7-2-2008 06:12 Subject: Reply 15#15 redsoxpatriot30's post
I will give it another shot next week then Author: bala Time: 7-3-2008 09:13 Subject: Reply 16#16 alexgirl's post
Well you were right it was awful-none of character have any redeeming qualities i mean it awful that state of high school girls in USA. the amount talk about sex was too obvious i mean no-way that much talk would so open.
i can't wait until she tell her parents i feel bad guy that likes her Author: 01torres Time: 7-16-2008 05:04
I love this show and I am waiting for my next fix in the next few minutes (episode 3).
I don´t know why I like it I just do and its way up there in my list of things to watch along with Naruto and Stargate Atlantis. Author: bala Time: 7-16-2008 05:10 Subject: Reply 18#18 01torres's post
same here i didn't like the first one but second was better and 3rd one i'm going to watch later. i just watch the cleaner an hour ago-i really liked it. Author: 01torres Time: 7-16-2008 05:16 Subject: Reply 19#19 bala's post
I will have to check that one out too Author: 01torres Time: 7-17-2008 07:41
ABC likes this show so much that after 3 episodes it decided to order 13 more episode for season 1.
This brings the total number of expected episode for season 1 to be 23.
The only catch is that these 13 episode are not likely to be aired tilJanuary (However one of these may be aired just after the 10 episodefinish leaving 12 to air in January), this is because they have bewritten and filmed first think for example how Kyle XY is done wherehalf the episodes are aired and then you have to wait about 6 mountsfor the rest of the season to aired.
For a better brief (Cause my writting skills are nearly nil) on this story follow this linkAuthor: imarielle626 Time: 7-22-2008 16:47
okay so I really don't like this show, but there is something about it that keeps me coming back to it each week. I think the show would be better if they didn't try to make it a public service announcement. It bothers me how fake it is! I know it was created to be that family show that opens up questions for parents to talk to their kids about, but high school isn't really like that! I'm just waiting to see her parents reaction when they find out! Author: codebreaker Time: 7-23-2008 05:39
After 4 episodes every body knows except her parents Author: shopgirl3307 Time: 7-28-2008 13:49
I really like this show. And all the characters sort of have their own unique personality. And I like that there isn't a snotty, popular girl who messes with everybody. The closest thing to that is Adrian. My favorite character in the show is um... either Ashley, Amy or Grace. I love that Grace is so committed to being a Christian and staying pure. Author: bala Time: 7-28-2008 22:15 Subject: Reply 24#24 shopgirl3307's post
i actually find that annoying Grace is so committed to being a Christian and staying pure.Author: shopgirl3307 Time: 7-29-2008 09:23
yeah at some parts it does get really annoying. Author: imarielle626 Time: 7-29-2008 16:54 Subject: Reply 25#25 bala's post
I agree! It's like they have to balance the pregnancy out with something so they chose to throw in Grace's character.
okay so there is nothing else to do on a tuesday night so i'm still watching...
***WARNING*** may contain spoilers
1. how does the school's guidance counsel know EVERYTHING??? seriously just not realistic!
2. when Ben proposed I was in shock! I mean really they pulled that in!?!?! That just crossed some line!
3. could Amy's life get any worse???
4. the only thing about this show that is remotely like high school is how word travel through school at the speed of light!
I know the point of the show is to raise all the points for parents to talk to their kids about and it does do that, but i feel like they could have do a little better job at making it a bit more realistic Author: bala Time: 7-29-2008 22:53 Subject: Reply 27#27 imarielle626's post
is this latest episode aired last night? Author: imarielle626 Time: 7-30-2008 12:18 Subject: Reply 28#28 bala's post
yeah it airs tuesday night at 8 EST Author: bala Time: 7-30-2008 22:52 Subject: Reply 29#29 imarielle626's post
i was shocked as well glad she didn't say yes-practically everyone knows apart mum and dad but i think girl will her dad her daughter pregnant get him out of her mum life. Author: imarielle626 Time: 8-5-2008 16:39
okay let me see if I caught on to this right...
Amy's father's ex-wife is Grace's mom. Amy's father is now cheating on his wife with Adrian's mom.
Umm could they connect the characters any more? Author: bala Time: 8-6-2008 03:25
at the end they didn't really say who amy father is?
mother said in same situation? Author: shopgirl3307 Time: 8-10-2008 05:23
Yeah. and why wouldn't have Amy knew that her mother had her at 16?? She hasn't even figured that out in her 15 years?? That's just really fake. Author: bala Time: 8-10-2008 05:38 Subject: Reply 33#33 shopgirl3307's post
kids never think about-there self-obsessed with their own problem that to think about it. Author: silvermage2000 Time: 8-12-2008 17:10 Subject: Not my kind.
Not my kind of show. Who knows mean people will like it. I't seem that sometimes people do like the mature or risque. kind of stuff. But, this isn't my cup of tea I would really watch the oc. Author: bala Time: 9-3-2008 05:23 Subject: Episode 9 & 10
does anyone see inconsistency in this episode regarding Adrian dad in ep 9 he tell her he wants nothing to do with her and in last night episode he knocking on her door wanting to be a father-dthat doesn't make any sense i know some part of this show doesn't make sense but it very confusing and now reveal ricky shrink is real father madison? Author: codebreaker Time: 9-3-2008 05:32 Subject: Reply 36#36 bala's post
I started watching episode 10 and realised i hadn't watched 9 so have now watched the last 2 episodes and you are right a few more twists but i feel sorry for Ben Author: bala Time: 9-3-2008 05:40 Subject: Reply 37#37 codebreaker's post
Well what can you get beat up but ending on episode 10 was funny with the band Author: codebreaker Time: 9-3-2008 05:50 Subject: Reply 38#38 bala's post
Yes good ending i think the best so far Author: bala Time: 9-3-2008 06:46 Subject: Reply 39#39 codebreaker's post
only got 2 more episode until season's finale Author: imarielle626 Time: 9-4-2008 20:41 Subject: Reply 40#40 bala's post
i thought next week is the finale Author: bala Time: 9-4-2008 22:35 Subject: Reply 41#41 imarielle626's post
i thought there was 12 episode-episode 10 just aired? Author: bala Time: 9-10-2008 10:06
I haven't watched 11 yet but according to tvrage there are 13 episodes Author: bala Time: 9-10-2008 11:21 Subject: Reply 44#44 codebreaker's post
the ending to recent episode was strangely interesting
i really hope this show get added in the future Author: codebreaker Time: 9-10-2008 11:25 Subject: Reply 45#45 bala's post
Only watched about 10 min i watched most of the over shows Author: bala Time: 9-10-2008 12:22 Subject: Reply 46#46 codebreaker's post
i still have 3 to watch tomorrow along with the shield update. Author: codebreaker Time: 9-10-2008 12:32 Subject: Reply 47#47 bala's post
Just started The Cleaner and as for The Shield i have only got as far as 4x03 i have been watching 2 or 3 a night Author: imarielle626 Time: 9-10-2008 18:19
I thought Secret Life was getting better, than this episode aired. What was up with that random scene with Ricky and Shawn Johnson? And why is a show that is supposed to warn kids about sex suddenly become all about sex? They did leave on a cliffhanger so I would like to see more of it. I'd like to see what comes of Ricky and Grace and what will happen with Amy's parents. Author: bala Time: 9-14-2008 11:56 Subject: Reply 49#49 imarielle626's post
let see if it gets another season? Author: spratt89 Time: 9-14-2008 13:18
hope it does Author: bala Time: 1-1-2009 05:31
it's back on monday Author: codebreaker Time: 1-6-2009 09:49 Subject: The Secret Wedding
Not much of a secret but i didn't think they would go through with it Author: bala Time: 1-6-2009 10:12 Subject: Reply 53#53 codebreaker's post
i'm downloading it Author: codebreaker Time: 1-6-2009 10:20 Subject: Reply 54#54 bala's post
I thought this had finished Author: bala Time: 1-6-2009 10:22 Subject: Reply 55#55 codebreaker's post
it took mid-season break but i just check this is the second season Author: codebreaker Time: 1-6-2009 10:28 Subject: Reply 56#56 bala's post
This morning this was listed as episode 12 but now it is 2x01 Author: bala Time: 1-6-2009 10:38 Subject: Reply 57#57 codebreaker's post
Yes i know Author: bala Time: 1-7-2009 09:00
fake id's to get married is an original story-line
i love how everyone found out Author: codebreaker Time: 1-12-2009 15:12 Subject: Reply 56#56 bala's post
I wish they would make there minds up because it has gone back to season one again the next episode is 1x13 last week it was listed as 2x02 Author: spratt89 Time: 1-12-2009 15:39
I saw a episode of this and thought it was quite good Author: bala Time: 1-13-2009 07:31
Latest episode was good i figured marriage wasn't legal because of fake ID Author: bala Time: 1-27-2009 12:41
Wow i really feel sorry for ricky Author: bala Time: 2-5-2009 03:58
Wow arianna is one hell of character seducing your step-brother Author: bala Time: 2-12-2009 04:35
The new episode just get better and better Author: bala Time: 2-22-2009 12:02
i can't believe amy thinking about ricky seriously Author: codebreaker Time: 2-22-2009 12:06 Subject: Reply 66#66 bala's post
I know what is see thinkingAuthor: bala Time: 2-22-2009 12:26 Subject: Reply 67#67 codebreaker's post
Well this is teenager for you-they are not adults like me and you but the ending was good-seriously this added on here. we managed 6 pages discussion . it's so hard keep track of all the shows i watch more shows starting next month .
[ Last edited by bala at 2-22-2009 20:27 ] Author: gyki98 Time: 3-14-2009 11:35
reading these posts here is like reading a girls diary
i dont like this show at all.worst of it is the acting. Author: bala Time: 3-14-2009 11:42 Subject: Reply 69#69 gyki98's post
Well it's very chessy
blame success juno for this show Author: gyki98 Time: 3-14-2009 13:52 Subject: Reply 70#70 bala's post
i liked had good actors who can act but these actors act like those from hannah montana(yes i watched 2 minutes of hannah montana,then i got a feeling like i was being mentaly abused ) Author: bala Time: 3-14-2009 23:40 Subject: Reply 71#71 gyki98's post
remember this show aim at high-school girls - i agree with you but when i want watch a show that involves no thought i watch this Author: bala Time: 3-15-2009 11:28 Subject: Episode 19 and 20
I'm so glad this is been added i finally managed to catch up on last 2 episode wow i can't believe there 1 more episode left until baby comes . Still this show does have funny moments in it. Author: bala Time: 3-17-2009 12:41 Subject: season-finale
Great flash back episode what everyone was doing before everyone knew who is Amy Author: codebreaker Time: 3-24-2009 07:38 Subject: Episode 23 And Unto Us, A Child Is Born
This was a good season final with John being born but that was funny when Ashley and George moved out and into the house next door Author: bala Time: 4-7-2009 11:19 Subject: Reply 75#75 codebreaker's post
Finally got around to watching it, it amazing how these bunch kids are going to be part of the baby life. That baby has a lot people, i just hope Adrian doesn't try sleep with him when he get older . Author: Mercuriel1 Time: 5-4-2009 00:39
it's really odd to me how unrealistically upbeat this show is. it doesn't seem like a precautionary tale to me AT ALL! I mean, it's a happy ending w the baby bringing all these ppl together and if amy whines enough her mom will take care of the baby for her. I wonder how many teenage moms even live w their parents, let alone have a good relationship w them?
this show was oddly addictive for me even tho I didn't actually *like* it. despite the fact that I didn't like or relate to any of the characters, I couldn't stop wondering what was going to happen to them. I hate the opening song, the acting was excruciating, and it's hard for me to believe that the writers weren't constantly so stoned they had no idea they were writing tripe. there were so many things I didn't like about this show, so little of it made actual sense ... but for some reason, I kept watching. for some reason, I cared about (most of) the characters. (btw, liking the characters and caring about what happens to them are two different things.) -end rant-
[ Last edited by Mercuriel1 at 5-4-2009 08:42 ] Author: bala Time: 5-4-2009 01:27 Subject: Reply 77#77 Mercuriel1's post
i know how you feel i felt exactly the same wayAuthor: writemako Time: 5-24-2009 08:53 Subject: Reply 77#77 Mercuriel1's post
I agree with you, the whole thing was so unreal but I had to keep watching the show waiting for it to get more realistic... but it didn't ... I'm suprised there is a season 2 coming up. And oddly I think I'm gonna watch it again Author: bala Time: 5-24-2009 08:55 Subject: Reply 79#79 writemako's post
It's a tv show but suppose to be realistic ?
or is it? Author: writemako Time: 5-24-2009 09:07
I would think if a show is a drama and not a comedy a tad bit more realistic situation would be more interesting than being so far out there. But again that's my opinion. Author: bala Time: 5-24-2009 09:11 Subject: Reply 81#81 writemako's post
maybe it just me but this show does feel like a drama it more like soap ? Author: codebreaker Time: 6-23-2009 02:09 Subject: The Secret Life of the American Teenager Season 2 General Discussion (Spoilers)
Interesting season premiere i know who is pregnant and who has lost her virginity and a father asking his son for a condom was funny but the sad news is i know who died this has been a busy episode
[ Last edited by codebreaker at 9-11-2011 17:03 ] Author: bala Time: 6-23-2009 04:25 Subject: Reply 1#1 codebreaker's post
They really out done themselves i don't know if grace is ever going forgive herself Author: amh83843 Time: 6-23-2009 19:46 Subject: ...
I thought that the premiere had too much in it... Author: bala Time: 6-23-2009 22:24 Subject: Reply 3#3 amh83843's post
I completely agree but i think want everything out of the way in the first episode get on with the show Author: carlorica Time: 6-24-2009 08:55
It was a busy ep but I think they needed to set the tone for the whole season.
I was not surprise with who had lost her virginity.
I was surprised with father asking his son for a condom.
I was surprised with who died and who was pregnant .
I can see Grace holding of on sex for a long time to honour the dead. Author: bala Time: 6-24-2009 09:18 Subject: Reply 5#5 carlorica's post
He really doesn't much luck on tv show does he the actor that play grace's father ? Author: bala Time: 6-30-2009 11:41 Subject: What's Done Is Done
i did find it funny Amy refuse ben to look after her baby Author: carlorica Time: 6-30-2009 14:09
Yeah that was funny. It is also nice to see she is also starting to realize that she does not have to totally isolate him. Author: codebreaker Time: 7-6-2009 04:53 Subject: Reply 7#7 bala's post
Ben getting wet by John and when Kathleen started to laugh at Anne being pregnant was also funny even when she was supposed to be sad Author: codebreaker Time: 7-7-2009 00:37 Subject: Episode 3 Par for the Course
Nice work by Ricky to get Grace out of the car for the funeral service Author: bala Time: 7-7-2009 02:30 Subject: Reply 10#10 codebreaker's post
Wow Amy was in a foul mood but Adrian slapping Ricky and Ben was funny . i liked the discussion Ben father had with Ben .Grace really snap out of it she a teenager she should know her father dead with sad but she didn't cause it. The priest did make some good points but it felt like a lecture ?
how many times did the line 'god is punishing me' was said ?
talk about ramming it down our throats
god had nothing to do with situation the character are in
Rick has his moments Author: carlorica Time: 7-7-2009 06:06 Subject: Reply 11#11 bala's post
I have to agree with you on all points but one.
You see when a person is a christian they have this desire to trust and believe in God. If you do something wrong and something bad happens then you feel that God is punishing you for what you did wrong. That is just the way some people think.
I am a christian and know that is I do something wrong and something happens to someone I care alot about it is not necessarily God punishing me but testing me to see how much I care for him.
Anyway enough about religion... I am wondering if Ricky may use this to become better friends with Grace or even become Grace's girl friend???
I also liked the speech Amy's dad had with Ben.
I am still wondering if Amy's mother's baby may be her fathers and not the other guy's??
This is turning out to be a really good season. Author: bala Time: 7-7-2009 06:16 Subject: Reply 12#12 carlorica's post
Well i just find whole thing a bit amusing i myself come from a religious family but i don't believe in god as much as my family does obvious good thing happen we thank god and bad happens which accept that it's part of life not that god is punishing us but take it part life. i wouldn't have a problem if that line was said once or twice in the episode but to keep repeating line god is punishing so many time you just want to shoot somebody. you don't repeat points again and again in same episode that what really frustrated me because previous it wasn't as bad as it was in this episode.
Grace and Ricky will always be friend but aidrana that cause problem she really need have some control over herself as a teenager. we all know how smart she is in the first season.
I think Amy father had a vasectomy that why he can't be father according to him Author: carlorica Time: 7-7-2009 07:00 Subject: Reply 13#13 bala's post
Yeah he says he did but there is still that doubt that he may not have had it. Author: bala Time: 7-7-2009 08:38 Subject: Reply 14#14 carlorica's post
Author: carlorica Time: 7-7-2009 11:31 Subject: Reply 15#15 bala's post
That was awesome and kind of gives us a little insight into the season. Thanks for the info!! Author: bala Time: 7-14-2009 06:48
Well Ben going Italy might be good idea but what the hell is Amy thinking leaving baby with her mother-talk about being self-fish Author: carlorica Time: 7-14-2009 08:07 Subject: Reply 17#17 bala's post
I have to agree with you there and I also have to shake my head at the ex husband not telling his ex wife that he did not have a vasectomy.
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