Subject: Torchwood General Discussion Thread (Spoilers) [Print This Page] Author: bala Time: 1-16-2008 09:44 Subject: Torchwood General Discussion Thread (Spoilers)
it's starts tonight and tomorrow i will do a short review.
[ Last edited by spratt89 at 8-27-2015 18:25 ] Author: casper27 Time: 1-16-2008 10:30 Subject: Reply 1#1 bala's post
Already done in previous post I think Bala. Author: bala Time: 1-16-2008 11:47 Subject: Reply 2#2 casper27's post
that his review not mines Author: casper27 Time: 1-16-2008 13:03 Subject: Reply 3#3 bala's post
Ok look forward to reading it.Author: casper27 Time: 1-17-2008 09:32 Subject: Reply 6#6 kwargalla's post
Spike thats who he reminded me of as well been trying to figure out who it was thanks.
Good episode although when I first saw John Hart I thought it was Robson Green its an uncanny resemblance. I think it was a womans hand looked feminine
Re kwargalla #6,Bala #7 I think Jack was looking for anything to prove he's still got it. Check out the little cheeky grin he gives to the camera on his way out of the office.
I think its inevitable that the two series will come together, maybe for another Dr Who movie? Author: bala Time: 1-17-2008 09:41
Well this was an intresting episode, i mean john hart was good chacter i love how when he met captain jack they beat each other up and kissed was rather amusing . i felt that this episode was rather funny james master is a fantastic actor you can see he was quite natural in this episode. we know he will be back in future episode i can't wait to see what happends.
Gwen & team, it look like the team did quite well without jack, with his absence all team worked quite well with each other, i was amazed as recepionist don't know his name but he was promoted field agent.
i'm looking forward to rest of this season from preview it look quite good even through i figured everything out from the promo it going to be intresting how they makes this series more funny. Author: penny3760 Time: 1-17-2008 11:05
This is the first time watching Torchwood. When I read one of the questions to the quiz that they had about the show, I didn't know what to expect. The Question was " Who shot the blow fish? I am sitting here thinking, now why would anybody want to shoot a blowfish. Then I watched the show. That was one ugly fish! I like these types of shows. And I am going to start watching it from the very first episode of season 1. Author: casper27 Time: 1-17-2008 11:49 Subject: Reply 7#7 penny3760's post
Are you into Dr Who Granny P?
I loved the blowfish man thought it was very original. Torchwood is a great series if you don't take it to seriously. I've seen some comments saying its cheesy but thats what its supposed to be. Author: bala Time: 1-17-2008 12:03 Subject: Reply 12#12 kwargalla's post
guess not Author: kwargalla Time: 1-17-2008 14:24
gotta love James (Capt John Hart) He adds a wonderful dash of sex, violence and comedy. (Very like his Spike character - long live buffy) I'm not sure how many episodes he'll be in but I can't wait.
And yes it was great to see the team kept functuning without Jack but that they really missed him and the spice he adds to their life. fyi bala - Ianto is the office boy's name.
the promo for the rest of the season does look great. Martha Jones will be an excellent addition to the team if only for awhile. it would be fun if they did a cross over between torchwood and Doctor Who so the team could met the doctor. that would be a great laugh. Can't wait for the rest of the season to happen!!
plus did anyone else feel Jack might have asked Toshiko or Owen out if Ianto said no (w/ Gwen engaged and all)? feeling lonely jack? Author: bala Time: 1-17-2008 14:41 Subject: Reply 6#6 kwargalla's post
fyi bala - Ianto is the office boy's name.
did anyone else feel Jack might have asked Toshiko or Owen out if Ianto said no
no-because i think lanto is weakest team member-he couldn't even shoot blowfish.
Martha Jones will be an excellent addition to the team-really?don't like her
who's the mystery woman john hart said he found to jack? Author: kwargalla Time: 1-17-2008 15:15
I didn't really like Martha that much in the beginning either. I think it was cause I liked Rose so much but I really liked what they did with her in the final couple of episodes of Doctor Who. I think they played Martha and Jack well together if they cann keep up the funny reparte she'll work.
for some reason I thought it was a man's name that John said he found so I was thinking a son or family member but Now I'm gonna have to go and check. Author: kwargalla Time: 1-17-2008 15:27
Went back and checked the name was Grey - pretty unisex for a name. the hands looked like a woman's hand holding a small child's hand. (at lest that's what it look like to me.) anyone else see differently? Author: bala Time: 1-31-2008 06:22
I didn't like last night episode
why was Ianto kissing jack? Author: kwargalla Time: 1-31-2008 08:09 Subject: Reply 14#14 bala's post
i think this is the first time they actually show their personal relationship on screen. they've been making enough comments about it, i think they're letting the people who didn't get the suttle hints.
i liked the episode - to the last man. bala - what was it that you didn't like? Author: bala Time: 1-31-2008 08:14 Subject: Reply 15#15 kwargalla's post
the whole story-line with tommy hence why i didn't enter torchwood quiz Author: bala Time: 2-6-2008 11:11
i'm really excited about tonight episode because of Gwen's Boyfriend Author: bala Time: 2-7-2008 09:33
That was a fantastic episode i'm so glad gwen didn't give him the amnesia pill
NO QUIZ Author: 01torres Time: 2-7-2008 10:34 Subject: Reply 18#18 bala's post
Quiz is up now I didn't have time last night to watch the episode (playing a Clan Match for EUMC on CoD4). Author: gabsimom Time: 2-7-2008 10:40 Subject: Reply 18#18 bala's post
I agree, I am so glad he knows now. She is so much happier. Do you think Jack is in love with her. It seems she brings out the softer side of him. Is Owen blind not to see Tosh. Or is he just pretending not to notice to let her down easy. Author: bala Time: 2-7-2008 10:41 Subject: Reply 19#19 01torres's post
thanks i enjoy trying guess your question but as always you really surprises
i was expecting first question what trucking company does Rhys Own?
Still i'm going do quiz tomorrow Author: moppybrody Time: 2-8-2008 06:21
Ok so I just watched the new episode and I'm abit lost about 1 thing.....
Is there something between Jack and Gwen that I missed?
Because the sexual tension between them is skyrocketing to say the least Author: bala Time: 2-8-2008 07:01 Subject: Reply 22#22 moppybrody's post
i think Jack fancies her but he knows she has a boyfriend and he been around a long time to know that eventually she is going get older and he just remain the same also the work they do put anyone he's close at risk. Author: moppybrody Time: 2-8-2008 07:23
Ahhh thanks for answering that Bala!!!
I just thought since I'm catching up on all the new season 2 episodes I might have missed it cooz to me it seems very sudden....oh well I might just have to go back and rewatch some of them Author: bala Time: 2-8-2008 07:29 Subject: Reply 24#24 moppybrody's post
i still can't get over jack and Ianto kiss in previous week episode Author: kwargalla Time: 2-8-2008 08:17 Subject: Reply 20#20 gabsimom's post
In season 1 there was something said that owen and tosh got together already or was it that she wanted to (i forget) but either way she's tried before and he just doen't she her that way. which i must say that i like that. i don't think they make a good pairing. also with jack & ianto, gwen & own(once apoun a time) & and gwen & jack in the future enough with the office hook ups. Tosh has bad taste when choosing a lover and her choose in owen proves that once again. She needs to look for love as far away from torchwood as she can get. Author: moppybrody Time: 2-8-2008 08:30
Originally posted by bala at 2-8-2008 15:29
i still can't get over jack and Ianto kiss in previous week episode
Really? Wow my memory is really bad, I def gotta rewatch the previous episodes Author: bala Time: 2-8-2008 08:33 Subject: Reply 27#27 moppybrody's post
Bala whats the big deal with the ianto jack kiss? I mean it was over done and Ianto is far to dull for somebody as dashing as jack (I'm a straight guy but it must be said that he's very dashing! ) but still it wasn't that bad! besides where's the shock they've been hinting at there relationship all season including most of last. Author: bala Time: 2-12-2008 09:44 Subject: Reply 29#29 gaiusx's post
the big deal was i didn't see that coming Author: bala Time: 2-13-2008 11:56
i don't know if this is a mistake but bbc3 is showing next episode after bbc 2 episode tonight-so does that mean both episodes will updated tomorrow or just 1? Author: gaiusx Time: 2-13-2008 18:34
Yeah its true i watched both. There doing it from now on much like channel four's first look thing. they did it on the beeb with both hereos and 24 when they imported them. if they don't put up the bbc 3 epi then you can always catch it on the the bbc iplayer for a week.
episode 5 - great guset star performance from Bryan Dick and a really interesting episode as we found out more about them all particuly Jack. great plot device and an all round good solid episode.
episode 6 - great to see Martha again (For those of you who haven't watched doctor who , why the hell not! Shes the doctors main companion in series 3). I felt they under used Alan Dale but otherwise it was another great episode from the writers with them giving us bits about martha we will see fully when she rejoins the doctor (I believe the boyfriend she meantioned must be the guy she met on dr who's season finale). Shocking ending have we seen the last of Owen!?
Since thats now the midway point of the series i feel I should review the series so far.
Series one was always enjoyable and even had some real moments of greatness seen most in the action packed series premiere & finale. With its strongest hour being the both touching and gripping episode "Captain Jack Harkness".
For all the criticism the british press gave Torchwood (some of it fair) it was still one of the most enjoyable things on TV.
Series two has really hit the ground running correcting all the previous series' flaws with real class. 'Meat' the series high point finally showed the writers had found Torchwood's grove and managed to finally find the right balance between action and drama. All six episodes have been at worst very good and at best brilliant. long may it continue!
what are your thoughts everybody?
P.S.For anybody else watching TV in britain things haven't things started great in 2008! with Shameless back to its best, Skins proving to be a real Gem and now with an ever improving torchwood. Author: bala Time: 2-14-2008 09:35 Subject: Reply 32#32 gaiusx's post
i didn't like episode 5 but episode 6 was brillant killing off a main character is popular mind you the martha returned kind of suggest something was going to happen to Owen. Author: silver1978 Time: 2-15-2008 12:09 Subject: Reply 34#34 bala's post
OMG, I doubt he is going to stay dead, that would just be too much. Next episode looks great. Author: bala Time: 2-15-2008 12:12 Subject: Reply 35#35 silver1978's post
we will just have wait and see Author: gaiusx Time: 2-15-2008 16:47
Really Bala? I thought it was the better of the two.
Martha is only in that one and the next two so its not like shes taken owen's job permanantly so either a new team member becomes the new doctor or owen comes back. it could go either way to be honest? of course toshiko is also a doctor but she rarely does that anymore. in fact we've seen her be a doctor in doctor who more than torchwood.
having said that in recent interviews Freema (martha) has said martha is more suited to being in torchwood and shes not in all of doctor who's next series so maybe she reunites with the doctor donna and captain jack (who is also back in the next series of DW) and then leaves with jack to be in torchwood from next series.
If they lose own they'll need a new dark charecter otherwise there's a danger of everybody getting along to well. Author: moppybrody Time: 2-16-2008 01:46
I just realized that I missed episode 5, are they updating 2 episodes per week now? I'm all lost now with episode 5....looks like I've missed something
[ Last edited by moppybrody at 2-16-2008 09:48 ] Author: bala Time: 2-16-2008 02:08 Subject: Reply 37#37 gaiusx's post
you thought episode 5 was better than 6? Author: bala Time: 2-16-2008 02:10 Subject: Reply 38#38 moppybrody's post
no this is one-off-the two episode because bbc3 revamped itself so it decided air next episode after normal episode of bbc2-so next week it will only episode 7 updated with episode 6 airing on bbc2 and episode 7 on bbc3. as this updated. Author: gaiusx Time: 2-16-2008 16:46
yeah Bala right and if to go by what they did with heroes they will probably end with the last two being shown as a double bill on bbc two. Author: kwargalla Time: 2-21-2008 13:10 Subject: episode 2x07
still contemplating about what i thought about the episode.
I did like it but something was missing.......
i'll think on it and post again when i figure it out. Author: bala Time: 2-29-2008 12:27 Subject: Reply 42#42 kwargalla's post
Well preview for next episode is another Owen episode-it look like Owen has lost his mind . Author: bala Time: 7-5-2009 07:17 Subject: Torchwood: Children of Earth General Discussion Thread (Spoilers)
This non-spoiler topic when the episode get added we can discuss the episodes
5 Episodes ( Monday -Friday)
Question is how are you going watch it ?
Wait until saturday all 5 episode updated than watch them matron style or will you guys watch 1 episode per day after the update ?
For those us in UK/Ireland can watch daily 9pm on bbc 1 Author: gabsimom Time: 7-5-2009 10:04
oh it is spread over 5 days. Daily here I am so excited. Author: bala Time: 7-5-2009 10:11 Subject: Reply 2#2 gabsimom's post
Well question is whether added daily
we all know type delays that can happen on this site Author: magic4u Time: 7-5-2009 14:58 Subject: Reply 3#3 bala's post
who said the site is getting it ? Author: bala Time: 7-5-2009 22:10 Subject: Reply 4#4 magic4u's post
We have torchwood has one of our show ? Author: bala Time: 7-7-2009 00:31 Subject: Episode 1
This episode starts off quite boring but what a clif-hanger . Gwen is pregnant that was surprise i love how the detector scan jack just in time for rest of the team to get out of the hub.Author: codebreaker Time: 7-7-2009 00:40 Subject: Reply 6#6 bala's post
That was some explosion but the children reminded me of a old film from the 60s Children of the Damned Author: bala Time: 7-7-2009 00:42 Subject: Reply 7#7 codebreaker's post
yes i can't wait until 9pm tonight Author: tycoonworld Time: 7-7-2009 01:35
I will wait until the weekend, and then watch all five episodes in a row Author: bala Time: 7-7-2009 01:39 Subject: Reply 9#9 tycoonworld's post
Do you have 4 hours free to watch it ? Author: tycoonworld Time: 7-7-2009 01:42 Subject: Reply 10#10 bala's post
I will have... as I am still lying in bed sick at least one good thing about it - I have loads of free time! Author: bala Time: 7-7-2009 01:43 Subject: Reply 11#11 tycoonworld's post
Sorry to hear that hope you feel better soon Author: tycoonworld Time: 7-7-2009 01:50 Subject: Reply 12#12 bala's post
Thanks, unfortunately it will be quite a long time - I am a very active person and I'm afraid I'm getting on everybody's nerves trying to manage the family while in bed but it gets so boring, just reading, watching shows, sleeping, moaning... Author: imagnu Time: 7-7-2009 01:54 Subject: Children of Earth 1
I have always had high hopes for Torchwood and have always been slightly disappointed - but this was totally awesome and I finally feel that Torchwood has lived up to my expectations. WOW Author: codebreaker Time: 7-7-2009 12:36 Subject: Children of Earth 2
We are coming tomorrow Author: angel-87 Time: 7-7-2009 15:15
both me and my sister are loving this series so far only down side is that it is only 5 eps. Author: bala Time: 7-7-2009 22:19 Subject: Reply 16#16 angel-87's post
The second episode was excellent just when you think they are trapped Ianto to the rescue Author: bala Time: 7-10-2009 05:18 Subject: Day 4
so 456 want 10 % of the earth children and what is government bright idea why not use Asylum seekers and children in worst school to make up 10 % since there will become burden on society - i know it's a tv show but it makes you wonder if this actually happen would the British government do this ?.
I'm still haven't got over Ianto how could they do this
Where are the torchwood fans ? Author: gabsimom Time: 7-10-2009 17:25
Well they said Torchwood employee life expectancy is low. Makes us wonder when Gwen will get it, Author: bala Time: 7-10-2009 22:33 Subject: Reply 19#19 gabsimom's post
She's only one left Author: imagnu Time: 7-11-2009 07:06 Subject: Day 5
Did anyone else notice that the image quality of this episode is poorer than the rest - did admin rush to upload it and end up with getting an inferior copy? Author: imarielle626 Time: 7-11-2009 18:38 Subject: Children of Earth
Personally, this mini series is one of my favourite additions to the Whoniverse! I though this series was very well written, directed and acted! It was one of the most emotionally things I have watched in a long time. As emotionally draining as Day 4 was it was my favourite installment of the series. It angered me very much that the government was willing to give the 456 children to be used a drugs, but I found the dialogue to be very believable which made the emotional effect of the situation hit so much harder!
I still can't believe they killed off Ianto! He was my favourite! I really loved him as a character and I loved his relationship with Jack. He kept Jack from getting too carried away in his work and gave him a real life for the first time in probably a really long time. If there is another series, Jack is going to be a very different character from the Jack we have grown to love in the last few seasons of Torchwood. He will probably go back to being more of the Jack we met back in Dr. Who.
Also I can't believe Jack killed his own grandson! I know it was a small price to pay to save 10% of the population, but his own flesh and blood?
Overall I give this episode 5 stars! I hope Russell T. Davies blows us away like he did here with the 11th Doctor in the new Dr. Who series! Author: desertdarlene Time: 9-15-2009 12:30
Hi! I just got done watching the how Torchwood series and I've noticed that people here have heaped a lot of praise on this last season.
I really didn't like this last season at all. I thought the storyline was a bit cheesy. I did like the end of the last episode, though. Captain Jack is back where I think he fits best, traveling the universe. Author: arksongbird80 Time: 1-30-2011 08:19
I'm a bit Jack gay? Or bi or something?? Author: codebreaker Time: 1-30-2011 08:24 Subject: Reply 44#44 arksongbird80's post
I would say he's gay from what i remember Author: bala Time: 1-30-2011 08:39
Yes he's gay but he act straight when he needs to Author: sanggye Time: 1-30-2011 15:59 Subject: Reply 46#46 bala's post
In the show, jack is Bi, he comes from the future where the is no gay or straight, just fun. Author: gabsimom Time: 1-30-2011 16:22
sanggye is right, remember the tree woman in Doctor Who. He doesn't even care about species. so my guess is that he is a sex addict who cannot be satisfied. Author: sanggye Time: 1-30-2011 17:00 Subject: Reply 48#48 gabsimom's post
I wouldn't qualify him as a sex addict, as the Doctor said when Jack was first seen, is that the 51st century is more sexually inflexible
In fact he has been called omnisexual, because of willing to have sex with male, female, aliens. Author: arksongbird80 Time: 1-30-2011 21:29
Okay. He just likes for likes sake....regardless or everything else. I missed the tree lady thanks for the reminder. Author: arksongbird80 Time: 2-20-2011 18:01
I'm watching and trying really hard to not read ahead, but does/did anyone feel the "doctor" should have been involved? It seemed like the thing for him and torchwood to do together. Plus he's never crossed over and "most" shows have cross overs or something like it. Author: bala Time: 3-24-2011 11:03 Subject: Torchwood: Miracle Day General Discussion Thread (Spoilers)
Starz's Torchwood spin-off, Torchwood: Miracle Day, now has a release date: July 8. The program follows the Torchwood team as they investigate a strange phenomenon on the planet: No one is dying. Starz has also released an official poster Author: bala Time: 5-27-2011 22:31 Subject: Watch the official trailer for Torchwood: Miracle Day
Author: bala Time: 6-8-2011 12:49 Subject: Meet Bad Girl Jilly
This exclusive character profile video introduces us to Jilly Kitzinger, played by the lovely red-in-the-head Lauren Ambrose (Six Feet Under).Author: codebreaker Time: 7-8-2011 22:55
I'm re-watch the last episode in anticipation of the new one Author: bala Time: 7-8-2011 22:58 Subject: Reply 4#4 codebreaker's post
you do know this is a stand alone series? Author: codebreaker Time: 7-8-2011 23:01 Subject: Reply 5#5 bala's post
It gets me back in the right frame of mind Author: bala Time: 7-9-2011 00:11
What a great returning episode and it's nice thing never change with Gwen and her man they really great at arguing and what action packed ending. It did feel like same torchwood but bigger than before you can clearly see American influence on this episode the whole RPG situation was typically American no way would happen old seasons.
I had feeling miracle day would opposite effect on jack Author: codebreaker Time: 7-9-2011 01:52 Subject: Image for VIP
A possible image for VIP Author: codebreaker Time: 7-9-2011 02:35 Subject: Reply 7#7 bala's post
What a way for Jack to introduce himself to the new girl, Esther while in the fountain and the head opening it's eyes was creepy but taking out the helicopter was great but a little close to the jeep Author: arksongbird80 Time: 7-9-2011 06:15
something i don't understand is why it had to be a grouping of episodes. Why not a season like before. Author: bala Time: 7-9-2011 06:24 Subject: Reply 10#10 arksongbird80's post
techically it's a season Author: arksongbird80 Time: 7-9-2011 07:35
I thought it was a great season opening, but quite frankly I liked british TV because it doesn't have all the blowing up. Still a good start.
If i was Gwen, I would advise those men not to point a gun at my baby. Author: sanggye Time: 7-9-2011 16:53 Subject: Reply 12#12 arksongbird80's post
All the seasons of Torchwood had quite a bit of blowing up Author: sanggye Time: 7-9-2011 17:13 Subject: Reply 12#12 arksongbird80's post
I liked it, and was sad it ended. I missed Torchwood and glad we get 10 episodes. And I love seeing Gwen again. Author: bala Time: 7-16-2011 02:02 Subject: Episode 2
Well this another great episode and you knew plane ride would get a little complicated and some new character who will become major players. why do i think red coated girl is behind all of this? Author: woothdye Time: 7-16-2011 10:37
I find that the americans don't do witty banter as well as the brits. It seems to me that the characters are missing that fun playful edge that went well with the seriousness of the situations. I already can feel that undertone of good always triumphs over evil and americans always prevail happy ending that they use in nearly all their action movies.
For some reason every time Gwen say Torchwood it makes me cringe. I feel like they are trying to wave a big sign in front of me saying you are watching Torchwood when clearly I know I already am Author: bala Time: 7-16-2011 10:52 Subject: Reply 16#16 woothdye's post
This is what happens when co-produce a show you have to make compromises. Author: arksongbird80 Time: 7-16-2011 11:49
the reporter was very unprofessional and highly judgemental. I really didnt' like him.
Yes the Banter is off Woothdye. It's heavy with something but it's not fun. Author: sanggye Time: 7-16-2011 17:36 Subject: Reply 18#18 arksongbird80's post
There is some banter, I think it might pick up, we will just have to see and take each one as it comes, also Jack is mortal, something he has never had to deal with before, so I am betting he is a bit off. Plus IT IS TORCHWOOD, I am just so glad to see Jack and Gwen again. I also don't trust the pr person in red. Author: woothdye Time: 7-16-2011 21:52
If I could start a poll I would ask how many people think Gwen's last word of the episode will be either Torchwood Jack or other Author: codebreaker Time: 7-17-2011 06:20 Subject: Reply 15#15 bala's post
4x02 Rendition
The plane scene was amusing especially saying to Gwen about being the best England has got but the broken neck was funny Author: bala Time: 7-17-2011 06:43 Subject: Reply 21#21 codebreaker's post
Yeah see guys there some good lines it's just not as good as before. Author: gabsimom Time: 7-17-2011 07:52
I am loving it so far this season. Full of action and surprises, lots of new characters to love! Author: sanggye Time: 7-18-2011 11:49 Subject: Reply 23#23 gabsimom's post
It is going to get real interesting now that they are all on the run from the CIA Author: bala Time: 7-18-2011 11:52 Subject: Reply 24#24 sanggye's post
Ain't they always on the run? Author: bala Time: 7-23-2011 08:49 Subject: Dead of Night
This was ok episode but no where closer to finding out who is responsible but look like drug company is behind it but how did they know?.
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