Subject: Shades of Blue (NBC) General Discussion (Spoilers) [Print This Page] Author: codebreaker Time: 1-9-2016 09:13 Subject: Shades of Blue (NBC) General Discussion (Spoilers)
Shades of Blue Premiered on NBC on Jan 7, 2016
Harlee Santos (Jennifer Lopez) is a charismatic single mother and resourceful detective at the heart of a tight-knit crew of Brooklyn detectives, led by enigmatic Lieutenant Matt Wozniak (Ray Liotta), who often leads the team to step outside the limitations of the law in order to effectively protect their precinct and their own.
As a big illegal job looms on the horizon, the FBI catches Harlee in the act and pits her against her own unit. As a newly turned informant, she struggles to safeguard her on-the-job family and avoid arrest in order to stay with her daughter. Harlee engages in a perilous dance with her FBI handler, Special Agent Stahl (Warren Kole), who develops an unhealthy obsession with her. Meanwhile, Wozniak, acting as the unit's patriarch, begins an all-consuming hunt for the informant. Pressure mounts as the crew struggles to perform their brand of street justice under FBI watch.
"Shades of Blue" is a production of Universal Television, Nuyorican Productions, EGTV, Ryan Seacrest Productions and Jack Orman Productions.
Michael was lucky Harlee covered his ass after the shooting but how quick she came up with the plan was a little disturbing and being entrapped by the FBI was a sneaky way to get her on their side Author: codebreaker Time: 1-9-2016 10:51
Harlee having trouble with becoming an FBI informant did make it more believable especial with them thinking there was an informant but the way she got rid of the wire was amusing and arresting her was a great way to get her back on side, I had a feeling he would polygraph her and looks like she has a tell when lying which is going to be interesting Author: codebreaker Time: 1-17-2016 08:41
Despite all her efforts he still managed to figure out she was lying but question is how will he play it ? Author: codebreaker Time: 1-25-2016 05:41 Subject: 1x03 False Face False Heart
Harlee needs to come up with better lies as she is digging her own grave but taking the dress off to prove she wasn't wearing a wire was a risky move Author: codebreaker Time: 1-25-2016 05:42
Wozniak being distracted by the dog was amusing but shame the dog cant talk after what he seen and Harlee being in the wrong place when the armed robbery went down was unfortunate, hiding the contents of the van was quick thinking Author: codebreaker Time: 2-1-2016 06:13
Looks like Wozniak took the dog home to keep an eye on it after what it witnessed but having his car stolen was amusing and thinking Tess was the mole was understandable but the camera was surprising Author: codebreaker Time: 2-8-2016 08:37
That guy will never steal his car ever again after what he did to him Author: codebreaker Time: 2-8-2016 11:12 Subject: Reply 15#15 bala's post
I know what they did was terrible but he doesn't look like the kind of guy who will not want revenge Author: codebreaker Time: 2-15-2016 05:45 Subject: 1x06 Fall of Man
Wozniak's suspicions seem to be going around the team as it's landed on Saperstein for now and getting Stahl to arrest him in order to keep him safe was surprising but surviving that fall put Wozniak in an awkward position Author: codebreaker Time: 2-15-2016 05:47
He really made mistake going to Wozniak Author: codebreaker Time: 3-14-2016 13:38 Subject: 1x07 Undiscovered Country
Wozniak being faced with the need to finish the job after he failed his attempt to kill Saperstein was predictable and telling Harlee what he done was surprising but the bomb scare was a devious way to get the guard from his room Author: codebreaker Time: 3-14-2016 13:40
Cristina and her boyfriend going to Wozniak for help after the pair of abusive cops attacked him was understandable and delivering their own justice was great but not telling about the video straight away didn't make sense Author: codebreaker Time: 3-14-2016 14:48
Uncovers Wozniak's secret relationship with Donnie was awkward and the necklaces in the cup was quick thinking but the guys getting the doctor released and his drugs back was nice Author: codebreaker Time: 3-14-2016 15:40
trying to help the marine wearing dead man's shoes was nice but Donnie having the devil killed after his slip up was evil and Miguel going to see Christine was predictable but ringing Harlee while outside was devious Author: codebreaker Time: 3-14-2016 22:07
I am surprised she even picked up the phone to speak to him Author: codebreaker Time: 3-18-2016 13:24 Subject: 1x11 The Breach
Loman spoiling what could of been a great robbery was brilliant as it probably also saved their jobs and Harlee should of checked the video before giving Stahl the DEA guys name Author: codebreaker Time: 3-18-2016 13:25
Harlee being responsible for her and Wozniak car crash was impressive as it looked like Donnie did it but took a hell of a risk and Loman covering for the others made a nice change Author: codebreaker Time: 3-25-2016 04:25 Subject: Season Finale
Loman catching Donnie in Wozniak's house was lucky but could of ended a lot worse and with Donnie dead they have no leverage, Harlee coming face to face with Miguel after he broke in to her place was great as she put the dirty dog down Author: codebreaker Time: 4-8-2016 23:08
This has now been added to the VIP site Author: codebreaker Time: 1-13-2017 12:00