This is 6 part prequal to fill gap between Heroes and reborn. We are introduced to a character who has power manipulate light and how this leads to events at start of this episode. Author: bala Time: 8-7-2015 07:37 Subject: Dark matter Ep2
We see her first semester in college and see how her power evolved into something different but it clear she thinks she responsible for her mother death which means she must of scared her mother lead to the accident. Author: bala Time: 8-7-2015 07:47 Subject: Dark matter Ep3
Discriminate people because they have a power is awful and who would thought when Clare Bennett revealed this it lead to this . Author: bala Time: 8-7-2015 07:54 Subject: Dark matter Ep4
Ok after that terrorist attack i understand why heroes are hiding in reborn. Phobe was being used for her power Author: bala Time: 8-7-2015 08:09 Subject: Dark matter Ep 5
I had feeling her brother wouldn't drop it but willing to help them get information by breaking into company was sad because if he get caught he's going to jail. Author: bala Time: 8-7-2015 08:19 Subject: Dark matter Ep 6
That was great twist at the end and now we are up to date with start of heroes: reborn
I didn't realise Quentin would be in the show but now we know why he in the show. Author: bala Time: 9-25-2015 10:41 Subject: 1x01-02 Brave New World
This felt like same show only difference with different characters .
The china storyline was unique and only interesting part of the episode rest was average. Author: codebreaker Time: 1-1-2016 02:19
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