Subject: Doll & Em Season 1 General Discussion Thread (Spoilers) [Print This Page] Author: codebreaker Time: 2-20-2014 00:04 Subject: Doll & Em Season 1 General Discussion Thread (Spoilers)
Doll & Em Premiered on Sky Living on February 18, 2014
Real-life best friends Emily Mortimer (The Newsroom, Shutter Island) and Dolly Wells (Spy, Bridget Jones' Diary) are heading to Sky Living in the new semi-improvised comedy, Doll and Em.
Em answering her phone to Doll was nice considering she was on the red carpet but Doll driving past her twice because she was in the wrong lane was amusing but getting locked out after going for a swim would piss you off especially as it was probably half a day Author: codebreaker Time: 2-20-2014 01:22
Doll getting into trouble while playing with Brian was surprising as it looked like the game was his idea but Em ignoring Doll's code word was a surprise Author: codebreaker Time: 3-10-2014 09:13
[ Last edited by codebreaker at 3-22-2014 14:14 ] Author: codebreaker Time: 3-11-2014 02:19 Subject: 1x03 Episode 3
Doll being cast as an extra in Em's big scene was nice until Doll stole the lime light when she started crying and I thought the fall was fake after being pulled about parking in a disabled space Author: codebreaker Time: 3-11-2014 02:21
[ Last edited by codebreaker at 3-22-2014 14:14 ] Author: codebreaker Time: 3-21-2014 02:20 Subject: 1x04 Episode 4
All the support Doll was getting after her accident was interesting as it put Em off the big scene Author: codebreaker Time: 3-21-2014 02:38 Subject: 1x05 Episode 5
Em having to spend three hours in make-up seemed a long time but the ageing transformation was impressive but Doll receives a casting call back to London for the part that she and Em went up for was bound to make things awkward between them Author: codebreaker Time: 3-21-2014 21:30
Doll not getting the part that they both applied for was unfortunate but at leased she managed to get another part and her old job back at the restaurant
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