Subject: Amazon gift card - but no points [Print This Page] Author: carrollbm Time: 1-18-2014 08:43 Subject: Amazon gift card - but no points
I had a $50 gift card sent for carrollbm on 14 Jan 2014; resent on the 17th of Jan (order number 116-7163607-9054660), but the points are still not yet reflected.
I sent a PM to lbjedward on the 17 Jan, and again on 18 Jan, but have not heard back.
Please advise - my e-mail is
Brett Carroll Author: waterlilybarb Time: 1-18-2014 11:11 Subject: Reply 1#1 carrollbm's post
Everyone is waiting Brett. No one has heard from LBJ. If you check the tracking on your PM, you'll likely notice the messages you sent him are still in bold. That means it hasn't been opened yet. Hopefully we'll hear from him soon. I'm just hoping he's not ill. It's not like him to not check in for so many days without letting us know in advance. Author: mrtimdillenbeck Time: 1-18-2014 21:26 Subject: Amazon card to FriendVista $ uncredited
[$20 Amazon gift card sent 4:00am, January 15, 2014]**
[Amazon Order #: 105-9870189-3717022]**
[VipTv username: mrtimdillenbeck]**
[Granted,, it has only been 34 hours, but I'm nearly out of VIP points.
Sorry to bother you, many thanks]**
[My e-mail address:]**
[PM sent to lbjedward 1/16/14, 55 hours ago]**
[Just read above post. I hope lbjedward is ok]** Author: waterlilybarb Time: 1-19-2014 12:19 Subject: Reply 3#3 mrtimdillenbeck's post
If you haven't seen this post yet, please follow the instructions LBJ posted there.
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