On 11 November you took two payments of $20 from my account instead of 1. Can you please refund one of them - $20. Thank you Author: codebreaker Time: 12-14-2013 08:23 Subject: Reply 1#1 KatherineTV's post
You should send a PM to lbjedward who is the administrator Author: waterlilybarb Time: 12-14-2013 11:56 Subject: Reply 1#1 KatherineTV's post
Here is a direct link to send a PM to lbjedward. If you used Paypal, I know they had some issues in November, at least with their Canadian accounts, so the issue might have been on their end. Either way, please send a PM with your information to LBJ, at the link provided, and on behalf of the site, sorry for the inconvenience.
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