Subject: VIP credit - Amazon GV - not credited [Print This Page] Author: Viktorcz Time: 12-14-2013 03:25 Subject: VIP credit - Amazon GV - not credited
Hello, I followed the new Amazon GV way of crediting (Dec13 around 22.00 GMT) but still no email or credit. Any ideas?
VIP member 3 years Author: codebreaker Time: 12-14-2013 03:30 Subject: Reply 1#1 Viktorcz's post
As the eight hours are up it must be the time zone difference as admin are in China Author: Viktorcz Time: 12-14-2013 03:35 Subject: Reply 2#2 codebreaker's post
OK I ll give it to tmrw and contact you again if no joy. Thanks Author: codebreaker Time: 12-14-2013 03:53 Subject: Reply 3#3 Viktorcz's post
If you have no luck send a PM to lbjedward who is the administrator Author: waterlilybarb Time: 12-14-2013 12:03 Subject: Reply 3#3 Viktorcz's post
It is more than likely the time difference, but please don't hesitate to post again if you have any issues. Also, as codebreaker mentioned, you can send a PM to lbjedward if your wait is longer than 12-24 hours. Eight hours is the average, and LBJ is usually able to get points awarded in that time frame, but occasionally unforeseen occurrences happen, which cause a delay.
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