Subject: Wii Mobile Site Login Issues [Print This Page] Author: bethernanny Time: 8-24-2012 15:01 Subject: Wii Mobile Site Login Issues
I have a Wii that I have connected to the internet. I loaded as a channel and it pulls up just fine, however, the log in disappears shortly after the home page loads. There is no link at the bottom of the page when it changes to the mobile site mode. The log in link is not available each time we log into the mobile site from our home computer either. I would like to be able to use through my Wii if possible. Any suggestions on getting the log in link to pop up? Author: waterlilybarb Time: 8-24-2012 15:19 Subject: Reply 1#1 bethernanny's post
May I ask why you're attempting to log in to the mobile site on your home computer? You should be using the regular site from the computer. I'll leave an answer to the Wii part of your question to someone who has one, and has used it for the site. I wasn't even aware it was possible to watch viptv via Wii.Author: bethernanny Time: 8-24-2012 19:12
I used my computer to log into the mobile site for troubleshooting purposes. I ruled out my Wii as being the issue with the missing log in link because the log in link was also missing on the mobile site when I used my computer. Author: waterlilybarb Time: 8-25-2012 10:46 Subject: Reply 3#3 bethernanny's post
Ah, that makes sense. Have you ever been able to log in and watch the shows on your TV through the Wii? Not having one that I can test on makes it hard for me to give any practical feedback. Hopefully someone else who has tried it will be able to pipe in to say if it''s worked for them.Author: shinny Time: 8-25-2012 12:38
I'm not 100% sure if this is the same problem but when I log in from my TV it defaults to the mobile site. I have to click on the desktop link at the bottom. Just a thought that it might be getting confused. Trying going in through the mobile site and then click on the desktop link down the bottom and see if that works.
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