Subject: Sinbad Season 1 General Discussion Thread (Spoilers) [Print This Page] Author: codebreaker Time: 7-3-2012 00:37 Subject: Sinbad Season 1 General Discussion Thread (Spoilers)
Sinbad (2012) Premieres on Sky One on July 08, 2012
An epic fantasy that stars newcomer Elliot Knight in the title role, alongside Naveen Andrews (Lost), Orla Brady (Mistresses. Strike Back), Sophie Okonedo (Hotel Rwanda) and Timothy Spall (Secrets and Lies, Harry Potter).
The 12-part series opens with Sinbad banished from his homeland of Basra and cast out to sea on The Providence following the death of his much-loved brother. Now Sinbad must embark on an epic quest to rid himself of the curse placed on him by his own grandmother (Janet Suzman), and embrace his new destiny.
On board The Providence, an intriguing band of travellers are thrown together, including taciturn Norwegian sailor Gunnar (Elliot Cowan), lithe jewel-thief Rina (Marama Corlett), and haughty Nala (Estella Daniels). Completing the ship's complement are the eccentric Cook (Junix Inocian), and the ship's cerebral doctor Anwar (Dimitri Leonidas).
Yeah me too i always been a sinbad fan since i was a kid Author: gabsimom Time: 7-3-2012 13:31
Me too I love the classic movies, like when he went on the search for the blue rose. Author: codebreaker Time: 7-8-2012 15:36 Subject: 1x01 Pilot
Sinbad throwing the fight at the start to get better odds was impressive but at the cost of his brother life which was tragic and that was a close call on the boat
[ Last edited by codebreaker at 7-22-2012 09:35 ] Author: bala Time: 7-10-2012 02:59 Subject: Reply 7#7 codebreaker's post
Well that was one hell of a punishment but 1000 years curse seem odd if sinbad is human wouldn't he be dead in 1000 years time?. They have literally skipped over that part ?. Author: codebreaker Time: 7-14-2012 07:44
Author: codebreaker Time: 7-16-2012 07:02 Subject: Reply 8#8 bala's post
Was about to watch the second episode but the audio description was too much so I must find another copy as it's not on Sky go's any-time + yet Author: codebreaker Time: 7-16-2012 12:12 Subject: 1x02 Queen of the Water-Thieves
Sinbad and his crew find themselves captured by a bunch of children was amusing but with Sinbad's curse he was worried about standing on land and who would of thought that saving the dragon would come back and save him
[ Last edited by codebreaker at 7-22-2012 09:35 ] Author: codebreaker Time: 7-17-2012 05:41
Author: bala Time: 7-17-2012 05:43 Subject: Reply 11#11 codebreaker's post
Yes but i felt this was average episode but enjoyable to watch but i thought they should have dragon follow them Author: codebreaker Time: 7-17-2012 05:45 Subject: Reply 13#13 bala's post
I would imagine we will see the dragon again even if it's to give them some more wind in their sails Author: bala Time: 7-17-2012 06:07 Subject: Reply 14#14 codebreaker's post
Yeah i suppose it could make guest appearance depending on their production budget Author: bala Time: 7-23-2012 10:18 Subject: House of Games
Well gambling with the ship was risky but we knew that game parlour wasn't all that seem Author: codebreaker Time: 7-25-2012 12:08 Subject: 1x03 House of Games
Anwar gambling with the ship was crazy and bumping into Rina in the gaming house was amusing but she did the right thing in the end after Sinbad winning it back which was a little predictable Author: bala Time: 7-31-2012 22:42 Subject: Old Man of the Sea
What a strange episode kind of lost interest half way through but did see the ending Author: codebreaker Time: 8-6-2012 07:04 Subject: 1x04 Old Man of the Sea
There were some interesting hallucinations but Nala thinking she could bring her dead father back was a little bizarre
[ Last edited by codebreaker at 8-6-2012 19:28 ] Author: codebreaker Time: 8-6-2012 12:12 Subject: 1x05 Hunted
Amusing decoy for Sinbad to escape and Gunnar's past coming back to haunt him was interesting and who would of thought his selfless act in helping Sinbad would save his own life
[ Last edited by codebreaker at 9-3-2012 10:43 ] Author: bala Time: 8-15-2012 07:22 Subject: Reply 20#20 codebreaker's post
Yes but it showed them he has changed Author: bala Time: 8-15-2012 07:23 Subject: The Siren
Well with the title ruin the twist it was still quite a enjoyable episode Author: codebreaker Time: 8-17-2012 07:22 Subject: 1x06 The Siren
The woman that rescued Sinbad from the sea was obviously to good to be true but she did help him get past the curse that time and Rina saving him with her memories was great Author: bala Time: 8-17-2012 07:28 Subject: Reply 23#23 codebreaker's post
i don't understand how she manages to lift the curse just because she wipe his memory of the curse doesn't mean curse is lifted ? Author: codebreaker Time: 8-17-2012 08:10 Subject: Reply 24#24 bala's post
The curse was linked to his bad memory which she lifted but he wanted his memory back including the bad so the curse is back Author: bala Time: 8-17-2012 08:17 Subject: Reply 25#25 codebreaker's post
Ain't curse normally linked to person who put it on them which in this case is his grandma ?
I suppose that makes sense Author: bala Time: 8-23-2012 09:36 Subject: Episode 7
What a way to break the curse but now he's is in new danger Author: codebreaker Time: 8-24-2012 05:30 Subject: 1x07 Homecoming
Sinbad's attempt to rescue his grandmother was interesting but I had a felling she wouldn't survive, breaking the curse was great
[ Last edited by codebreaker at 9-3-2012 10:44 ] Author: bala Time: 9-1-2012 00:09 Subject: Episode 8
Well this was a strange episode and what a way to prove she was a god but still quite a odd episode. it does seem like the series is getting stranger and stranger by the episode Author: codebreaker Time: 9-3-2012 02:26
This has now been added to the flash site Author: bala Time: 9-3-2012 10:03 Subject: Eye of the Tiger
Well so glad it got added with latest episode and i still find this show a bit annoying because it doesn't feel right when watching an example being a bounty hunter letting sinbad go for saving his life - it was completely pointless to introduce her as a character for her to leave like that. I was hoping for an arc. We had so many different standalone episode that you feel like the writers really had no clue what to do with the series. Author: codebreaker Time: 9-9-2012 07:58 Subject: 1x08 Kuji
I'm surprised the lit touch on the deserted shipwreck island wasn't a trap and how did Kuji survive in that box for 35 years without water but why didn't they take her when they removed all their weapons but the lesson she shown Anwar was interesting Author: bala Time: 9-9-2012 08:55 Subject: Reply 32#32 codebreaker's post
She's a god that how she survived since she's not exactly human ? Author: codebreaker Time: 9-9-2012 08:59 Subject: Reply 33#33 bala's post
So why did she ask for water and eat like she was starving Author: bala Time: 9-9-2012 09:05 Subject: Reply 34#34 codebreaker's post
Well i am assuming when she was in the box she wasn't in human form but rather energy form when she left box she turned into human form which mean when she converted she needed water and substance. This is just my theory Author: codebreaker Time: 9-9-2012 09:09 Subject: Reply 35#35 bala's post
A reasonable theory, similar to a genie in a bottle Author: codebreaker Time: 9-9-2012 09:13 Subject: 1x09 Eye of the Tiger
The stone that shows visions of the future was interesting but seeing who is going to kill you would be scary, the gymnastic moves was a little over the top but another cursed collar for Sinbad is a little crazy Author: bala Time: 9-10-2012 07:04 Subject: For Whom the Egg Shatters
They should better taking job transfer that shell it was worse than we thought it would be how the hell is that ship still in water after all the damage the creature did to it ?. Author: codebreaker Time: 9-10-2012 10:00
Well it was obvious who the beast was but finding out who was behind it was rather obvious as well but i can't wait for the season finale Author: codebreaker Time: 9-23-2012 14:36 Subject: 1x10 For Whom the Egg Shatters
Strange how the egg cracked and resealed but you knew someone would forget to wash the egg every two hours and they should of let the professor get eaten the first time for what she did to Anwar Author: codebreaker Time: 9-23-2012 15:17 Subject: 1x11 Fiend or Friend?
Poetic justice that Father La Stessa died by the beast Author: codebreaker Time: 9-23-2012 19:54 Subject: 1x12 Land of the Dead
It's a shame the penny didn't drop earlier when she was possessed but Gunnar figuring it out was impressive and who would of thought saving her daughter Sindbad would loose his brother for a second time
[ Last edited by codebreaker at 9-24-2012 07:52 ] Author: bala Time: 9-24-2012 02:32 Subject: Reply 43#43 codebreaker's post
Yes but it look like Penny isn't exactly Penny she seem evil presence inside her and we just wait see what she is but finding out Sinbad secret was great but on the whole i found the series rather average i was expecting it so much better. We kind of knew the brother wouldn't make it because sinbad destiny was bigger than him. I really hope if there's a second season they focus adventures of Sinbad now that he accepted his brother death.
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