Subject: Fringe Season 4 General Discussion Thread (Spoilers) [Print This Page] Author: codebreaker Time: 8-10-2011 21:57 Subject: Fringe Season 4 General Discussion Thread (Spoilers)
[ Last edited by spratt89 at 3-2-2015 22:43 ] Author: sanggye Time: 9-24-2011 07:37 Subject: 4x01 Neither Here Nor There
I miss Peter, but they say he will be around in a different way. Interesting way on bringing Lincoln in on the Fringe way. And Walter living in the lab.
[ Last edited by sanggye at 9-24-2011 10:39 ] Author: codebreaker Time: 9-25-2011 00:24 Subject: Reply 2#2 sanggye's post
This was OK considering no Peter and Lincoln seams to fit in quite nicely Author: bala Time: 9-25-2011 12:22 Subject: Reply 2#2 sanggye's post
Well i liked that there are still traces of him on the show but why did watcher turn off that device and what would that device do? Author: carlorica Time: 9-26-2011 04:56 Subject: Reply 4#4 bala's post
It was meant to erase Perter totally from existence. But the watcher seems to not want Perter totally removed.
It did seem a little bland ep other than Peter showing up three times in the ep. I do hope we find out more about these watchers though. Author: bala Time: 9-26-2011 10:24 Subject: Reply 5#5 carlorica's post
Well we have some idea who they are but we also know some of them don't follow rules.Author: sanggye Time: 9-26-2011 13:13 Subject: Reply 6#6 bala's post
He is already wiped from existence except for in Walters mind (who doesn't remember consciously, just subconsciously. The device was meant to wipe Walter's mind completely of Peter. And I find it very sad that Walter never leaves the lab. Author: sanggye Time: 10-2-2011 05:02 Subject: 4x02 One Night in October
Interesting, the 2 Olivia's working somewhat together, though they don't like each other, and with Peter having been wiped from existence, it seems the alternative Broyles is still alive, which might mean that though Olivia was kidnapped (she has mentioned it) she might not have been tortured. It also seems like Olivia never met the other side Lincoln, because she barely recognized him last episode, so I am wondering if they did the whole memory thing to her or just kept her locked up. We'll probably never know.
I like the whole, worlds have changed completely without Peter, but I think it is going to be confusing for many and might hurt the ratings. Author: bala Time: 10-2-2011 08:01 Subject: Reply 8#8 sanggye's post
Well it certainly makes you wonder whether you are serial killer in alternative universeAuthor: sanggye Time: 10-2-2011 08:29 Subject: Reply 9#9 bala's post
If you take one of the multiverse theories, every time someone makes a decision, a new world is split off, so every second thousands if not millions of worlds are created, so if this theory was true, then it would be possible there would be a world where I could be, a world where you are one. Author: bala Time: 10-2-2011 08:31 Subject: Reply 10#10 sanggye's post
It's a good thing i have no evidence of this Author: codebreaker Time: 10-5-2011 07:13 Subject: Reply 8#8 sanggye's post
I thought the girl was going to be taken from the toilet and not the mother from a busy petrol forecourt but the serial killer's duplicate was lucky to save the mother Author: bala Time: 10-5-2011 10:25 Subject: Reply 12#12 codebreaker's post
Yeah but he kind of lost his mind Author: sanggye Time: 10-8-2011 14:40 Subject: 4x03 Alone in the World
It seems like Walter's subconscious is getting stronger and stronger. Author: codebreaker Time: 10-12-2011 13:21 Subject: Reply 14#14 sanggye's post
It's strange how the parasite only causes the death of two bullies and made a connection with the other boy but Walter did a great job in saving him Author: shinny Time: 10-12-2011 14:13
I hope they don't drag out the Peter MIA story too long. I'm hoping from the last episode, with Olivia showing Walter the picture, that they don't intend to!!
Glad to see Seth Gabel given a part on the other side. They listened to their fans so! Author: sanggye Time: 10-12-2011 16:02 Subject: Reply 16#16 shinny's post
I am getting the feeling they are going to drag it out for a long time Author: bala Time: 10-15-2011 06:42 Subject: Subject 9
What a way to bring Peter back Author: sanggye Time: 10-15-2011 12:09 Subject: Reply 18#18 bala's post
It sure is, but who is going to believe him? Author: bala Time: 10-15-2011 22:28 Subject: Reply 19#19 sanggye's post
Well this is going to be great Author: shinny Time: 10-15-2011 23:56
At least they didn't drag it on too long!! Author: sanggye Time: 10-16-2011 16:55 Subject: Reply 21#21 shinny's post
We will have to see, he knows who he is and who everyone else, but is Olivia or Walter going to believe him? And the FBI, honestly I see at least 1 whole episode him being locked up... he does have all these secrets. Author: codebreaker Time: 10-20-2011 01:12 Subject: 4x04 Subject 9
I had a felling it was Peter trying to return and glad they didn't drag it out too long but Walter comment about what Olivia had just done and being crazy was amusing Author: bala Time: 11-5-2011 13:20 Subject: Novation
Well peter back but no one trust him but the new improved shape shifters were interesting revelation so does she have cure or only that bottle to stabilise her transformation ? Author: sanggye Time: 11-6-2011 13:09 Subject: Reply 24#24 bala's post
According to the typewriter message sent, it works, so guess it is a cure. Told ya about Peter, they are going to keep him locked up for a while, and he has lost everything, Olivia,Walter, everything Author: bala Time: 11-6-2011 13:18 Subject: Reply 25#25 sanggye's post
With the guy dead can they create it ? Author: codebreaker Time: 11-9-2011 09:09 Subject: Reply 24#24 bala's post
Peter not being trusted was predictable and them not understanding how he knows so much was amusing, the shape shifter taking the identity of one of the cops on the roof was a little obvious Author: bala Time: 11-12-2011 12:34 Subject: And Those We've Left Behind
Well this was a good episode i had a feeling she would make sure he couldn't set time loop again. What idiot you would thought he smart keep second copy in case the original got damaged?. It was rather sad but one hell of an consequence. Author: sanggye Time: 11-14-2011 17:13 Subject: Reply 28#28 bala's post
So true, I really felt for the guy. Peter saving the day and earning part freedom is nice, but how do you think Walter is going to like him living in the house. And found a slight error in the house, since it was suppose to be Walter;s but he hadn't lived there since he was released from the mental institution and had spent years in the institution, how come there is a brand new flat screen in it? Author: codebreaker Time: 11-18-2011 02:12 Subject: Reply 28#28 bala's post
Peter's random time jumps were amusing especially with the bumper but all this because Raymond wanted Kate to finish the equation and Kate's message in the end of the book was nice Author: sanggye Time: 11-19-2011 16:12 Subject: 4x07 Wallflower
Poor guy, not that I forgive the murders, but he just wanted to be seen. And poor Peter, the way they are treating him, though it was kind of neat what he did. Olivia being experimented on and not knowing.
Ugh, it kind of sucks that I invested all the previous seasons on this show, and they just change everything, like saying it was all a dream, didn't happen. Author: bala Time: 11-19-2011 23:17 Subject: Reply 31#31 sanggye's post
I think there are just trying keep it fresh Author: sanggye Time: 11-20-2011 07:52 Subject: Reply 32#32 bala's post
Ok, I don't know about keeping it fresh, but we will see.
[ Last edited by sanggye at 11-20-2011 11:00 ] Author: codebreaker Time: 11-25-2011 11:17 Subject: Reply 31#31 sanggye's post
You have to feel sorry for the guy who was drained of his pigmentation who just wanted to be seen but he would of stood a better chance if he had let Olivia help and how long has Nina been watching her Author: banlron Time: 11-28-2011 10:42
new no 3?? what you thinkAuthor: bala Time: 1-14-2012 09:53 Subject: Back to Where You've Never Been
Peter crossing over other Walter help was good but it look like there's more going on and peter not caring about it but look like he going made to care if he wants the help Author: codebreaker Time: 1-16-2012 15:59 Subject: Reply 36#36 bala's post
It looks like Broyles 2.0 is responsible for the shape shifter and Olivia hearing she must die is bad news Author: bala Time: 1-16-2012 23:18 Subject: Reply 37#37 codebreaker's post
i think the writer really love trying to kill off the main characters in this show Author: sanggye Time: 1-17-2012 08:22 Subject: Reply 38#38 bala's post
Well he can kill them off, there are always the alternates, and if Peter is able to get back to his own frame of reference all that happens in these two worlds doesn't matter, which is why Peter doesn't care.
Broyles is a Shapeshifter Author: bala Time: 1-17-2012 08:32 Subject: Reply 39#39 sanggye's post
Yeah i was thinking the same thing but we need to know when it happen. Author: sanggye Time: 1-17-2012 09:41 Subject: Reply 40#40 bala's post
it could have been anytime... This is not the same timeline that every previous season has been. In Peter's real timeline, this Broyles was killed helping Olivia escape remember. Author: bala Time: 1-21-2012 04:15 Subject: Enemy of My Enemy
Well i have to say this is getting great but i can't believe how good shape shifter Boyles is because he's acting like the real one but only we know who he is. Author: sanggye Time: 1-21-2012 18:30 Subject: Reply 42#42 bala's post
The first generation shapeshifters also got the memories of the person whose identity they stole, so I don't see why this form doesn't also.
And what happened to the watcher telling Olivia that she had to die
And it looks like we have another surprise bad guy, though we knew she was experimenting on olivia
[ Last edited by sanggye at 1-21-2012 21:33 ] Author: codebreaker Time: 1-24-2012 05:11 Subject: Reply 42#42 bala's post
The other side's Elizabeth coming to see this side's Walter was interesting and that was another close call for Olivia when she was trying to follow Jones Author: codebreaker Time: 1-30-2012 14:43 Subject: 4x10 Forced Perspective
The girl who can see and draw the future was interesting but giving the drawing to the guy moments before he died which was tragic he had no idea he was looking at his future but how tragic that Emily after saving all those people that she drawn her own death and there was nothing they could do to save her Author: bala Time: 1-31-2012 05:19 Subject: Reply 45#45 codebreaker's post
Why would he think that if that had happen to you would you paid any attention ? Author: codebreaker Time: 1-31-2012 06:44 Subject: Reply 46#46 bala's post
If somebody handed me a drawing like that i wouldn't tempt fate by walking past a construction site, my wife has a sixth sense so when she warned me i respond like the day she asked me not to overtake a truck on the motorway so when i slowed down the truck had a blowout and swung into the lane i was in before he brought it under control and if i hadn't of slowed down when i did there's a good chance we would be dead Author: bala Time: 1-31-2012 06:59 Subject: Reply 47#47 codebreaker's post
Your lucky she warned you Author: codebreaker Time: 1-31-2012 07:08 Subject: Reply 48#48 bala's post
We have had amusing situations as well like when we got in the car and she said that's the song that was played at Paul's funeral but i hadn't put the keys in the ignition so the radio was off but low and behold as i started the car the one song was just finishing and along came the song she heard before the radio was turned on Author: babysexylexy Time: 2-4-2012 03:54
i thought that was a really cute episode astrid v astrid them meeting you kind of knew our astrid would be nice to theres Author: sanggye Time: 2-4-2012 11:12 Subject: Reply 46#46 bala's post
I agree with you Bala, most people would not pay attention, in fact, they would find it offensive. Author: sanggye Time: 2-4-2012 11:15 Subject: 4x11 Making Angels
I loved that Astrid (both of them) had a deeper storyline in this, it was interesting to finally understand why one is very analytical and emotionless and the other isn't. It was sweet of the one lying about her father (you can see that it was a lie by the ending) to make the alternate Astrid feel better. Author: codebreaker Time: 2-8-2012 07:42 Subject: Reply 52#52 sanggye's post
Astrid's reaction to seeing herself was amusing and lying to the other one about her father was a nice way to make her feel better Author: bala Time: 2-8-2012 07:52 Subject: Reply 53#53 codebreaker's post
Well it was only double who havn't meet each other Author: codebreaker Time: 2-8-2012 07:57 Subject: Reply 54#54 bala's post
I thought the alternate Astrid talked like a robot Author: bala Time: 2-8-2012 08:16 Subject: Reply 55#55 codebreaker's post
Well she has no people skills can you imagine being trained as intelligence surveillance agent where people only talked to her get information about location. She has social outlet apart from being available on call 24/7 Author: sanggye Time: 2-8-2012 13:50
Originally posted by codebreaker at 2-8-2012 10:57
I thought the alternate Astrid talked like a robot
That was part of the point, as she was raised with no love or affection, just to be logical, she knew no other way. Author: bala Time: 2-11-2012 11:34 Subject: Welcome to Westfield
This is going to get confusing about Olivia and which reality she's in ? Author: sanggye Time: 2-11-2012 22:41 Subject: Reply 58#58 bala's post
Well i think it is happening with Walter also Author: bala Time: 2-11-2012 23:30 Subject: Reply 59#59 sanggye's post
Yeah maybe but there introduced too many reality it going make it harder to watch i am just concerned people might stop watching leading this to get cancelled. Author: babysexylexy Time: 2-12-2012 06:54
olivia is starting to get her memories back hopefully walter will aswell Author: banlron Time: 2-12-2012 07:21
says in sfx that fringe is loseing money at the it dont look good for s5...but i hope Author: sanggye Time: 2-12-2012 11:40 Subject: Reply 61#61 babysexylexy's post
She didn't lose her memory, When Peter disappeared it changed teh timeline. It looks like with Peter back, the timeline is merging back to where it was. Author: bala Time: 2-12-2012 11:44 Subject: Reply 63#63 sanggye's post
oh i hadn't thought of that that is a good possibility but there are still 2 diffrent side which suggest one of sides will merge back to where it came from? Author: sanggye Time: 2-12-2012 12:06 Subject: Reply 64#64 bala's post
There has to be, Peter has been working on trying to get to his own Timeline, but there is no timeline, he was eliminated from existence, which changed everything in both worlds. But since he wasn't truly eliminated (Olivia and Walter having dreams and vision) the timeline will be slowly going back to where it is.
Remember, I am a huge scifi (not just tv and movies, but books) fan, these stories have all been written in one way or another Author: babysexylexy Time: 2-13-2012 11:34 Subject: reply 63#63 sanggye's post
ofcorse i wonder if they will realize that, Walter came out of the lab as well and in this timeline he never did yeah Author: codebreaker Time: 2-16-2012 10:07 Subject: 4x12 Welcome to Westfield
I had a felling that Westfield was merging with the alternative Westfield when the guy in the dinner lost his memory Author: bala Time: 2-16-2012 10:24 Subject: Reply 67#67 codebreaker's post
Well i just thought he had some sort multiple personalities Author: bala Time: 2-18-2012 12:16 Subject: A Better Human Being
Am i assuming that other Nina is a shape shifter? Author: sanggye Time: 2-22-2012 05:16 Subject: Reply 69#69 bala's post
Yes that is what it looks like and it makes sense Author: codebreaker Time: 2-25-2012 09:58 Subject: Reply 69#69 bala's post
Dr. Frank trying to improve on God using his own DNA was disturbing Author: bala Time: 2-25-2012 10:09 Subject: Reply 71#71 codebreaker's post
Well yeah but it was disturbing how many kids he had Author: codebreaker Time: 2-25-2012 10:14 Subject: Reply 72#72 bala's post
I hope he's payed maintenance on his 200 kids Author: bala Time: 2-25-2012 10:31 Subject: Reply 73#73 codebreaker's post
i highly doubt it since no-one knew it's his. Author: codebreaker Time: 2-25-2012 10:33 Subject: Reply 74#74 bala's post
I was joking Author: codebreaker Time: 2-25-2012 10:45 Subject: 4x14 The End of All Things
It's a good job the dying Observer, September visited Peter and Walter in the lab but Peter merging his mind with him to learn his secrets was interesting, Astrid being more worried about the table was amusing considering September just disappeared in front of them and i had a feeling Olivia was grilling Nina because she suspected her Author: bala Time: 2-25-2012 10:46 Subject: The End of All Things
Well it must be hard for Peter finding out he would had a child but by erase himself that didn't happen. I had a feeling that wasn't Real Nina being held hostage. It's good thing she figured it out Author: sanggye Time: 2-28-2012 07:54 Subject: Reply 77#77 bala's post
The timeline is still sorting itself out, once Peter figures out that there is now way back and that the timeline he is in should be his, it might work out Author: bala Time: 3-31-2012 06:54 Subject: Nothing as It Seems
Is it just me or does Fringe just seem getting old it was good episode but Olivia storyline is getting old.Author: codebreaker Time: 4-4-2012 10:09 Subject: 4x15 A Short Story About Love
What the wrinkly guy was doing to those couples was creepy and what Peter has uncovered with the help of the gadget from September's place and what he told him was interesting Author: codebreaker Time: 4-4-2012 10:55 Subject: 4x16 Nothing as It Seems
What the passenger on the flight transformed into was bizarre and even more bizarre is why anybody would volunteer to do that Author: bala Time: 4-7-2012 06:58 Subject: Everything In Its Right Place
Well i have say seeing other side was nice and how things have changed since bridge was created made the other side better shame other lee had to die. Author: bala Time: 4-21-2012 09:27 Subject: Letters of Transit
Well it's always great to see a future episode but it was rather obvious who she was from the start Author: codebreaker Time: 4-23-2012 11:23 Subject: 4x17 Everything In Its Right Place
Lincoln travelling to the other side was interesting and the way Olivia 2.0 found out her partners middle name was amusing but tragic he died Author: codebreaker Time: 4-23-2012 12:44 Subject: 4x18 The Consultant
I found Olivia 2.0 asking Broyles for help in catching the mole amusing considering he is the mole and the way the accident on their side killed their counterpart this side was interesting and Walter travelling to the other side to determine how the same three men died over there was interesting but is his theory right Author: codebreaker Time: 4-23-2012 13:33 Subject: 4x19 Letters of Transit
I assume from the start Etta from the year 2036 is Olivia and Peter daughter but the way they blasted Walter out the amber was interesting considering it's her grandfather and the end was nice when she hugged Peter on the train Author: spratt89 Time: 4-26-2012 16:32
Renewed For a 5th and final season consisting of 13 episodes Author: bala Time: 4-28-2012 08:18 Subject: Worlds Apart
Well closing the bridge to stop the attack will have a huge consequence on the other side and i missing other side because they really have great characters Author: banlron Time: 4-28-2012 10:24
glad they get a chance to finish the story line off Author: bala Time: 5-6-2012 06:20 Subject: Brave New World (1)
So much trying finish that story but what a great cliffhanger Author: bala Time: 5-12-2012 09:39 Subject: Brave New World (2)
Ok got to love Walter shooting Olivia and than bringing her back to life -this would of been a great way end the series Author: FlaminAnglia Time: 5-12-2012 21:39
Are these latest episodes available to view on VIPTV? I cannot see them listed. Thanks. Author: bala Time: 5-13-2012 01:27 Subject: Reply 92#92 FlaminAnglia's post
Nick playing Olivia was a little predictable and Lincoln staying on the other side because of what Peter said was nice Author: codebreaker Time: 5-17-2012 02:10 Subject: 4x21 Brave New World (1)
Walter asking Jessica if she was an alien was amusing and volunteering to be a guinea pig was brave but having a daughter made it obvious why she risked it, Astrid getting shot was a interesting cliffhanger Author: codebreaker Time: 5-17-2012 02:54 Subject: 4x22 Brave New World (2)
I had a feeling we would see Jessica again but not like that and Olivia first saving Peter and then September was great, you can understand why Walter shot Olivia seeing she was the power source but it was a crazy risk considering she is pregnant
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