Subject: The Walking Dead Season 1-3 General Discussion Thread (Spoilers) [Print This Page] Author: codebreaker Time: 10-20-2010 07:11 Subject: The Walking Dead Season 1-3 General Discussion Thread (Spoilers)
Discuss Anything About The Walking Dead Season 1-3 Here
The Walking Dead tells the story of the aftermath of a zombie apocalypse and follows a small group of survivors traveling across the United States in search of a new home away from the hordes of zombies. The group is led by Rick Grimes, who was a police officer in the old world. As their situation grows more and more grim, the group’s desperation to survive pushes them to do almost anything to stay alive.
[ Last edited by spratt89 at 3-3-2015 14:02 ] Author: codebreaker Time: 10-21-2010 01:29 Subject: 1x01 Days Gone Bye
After watching the pre-aired release this reminds me of Survivors (2008) but more gruesome but has potential and will have to continue watching to see if he finds his family Author: bala Time: 10-31-2010 08:43 Subject: The Walking Dead Season 1 Preview
Author: bala Time: 11-8-2010 07:19 Subject: Reply 2#2 codebreaker's post
The beginning before credit confused me but than it went back to how it all happens and how he survived. It will be interesting if he finds his family guess we have wait and see. That poor horse i thought it was lucky he found one but what happened to it was awful.
[ Last edited by bala at 11-8-2010 15:44 ] Author: bala Time: 11-8-2010 10:07 Subject: Episode 2
Well we know his wife is alive but she thinks he dead and it look like his partner is comforted her i can't wait until they find out Rick is alive that would really make both of them feel bad.Talk about bad time to rain What a plan Author: codebreaker Time: 11-12-2010 13:08 Subject: Reply 5#5 bala's post
That was some gross camouflage so they could walk amongst the dead but that was bad time for the rain to was of the smell, dropping the key was funny and using the car to draw them away was great Author: bala Time: 11-12-2010 13:11 Subject: Reply 6#6 codebreaker's post
Where was guy driving to at the end ? Author: codebreaker Time: 11-12-2010 13:15 Subject: Reply 7#7 bala's post
I don't now but he should turn the alarm of now Author: bala Time: 11-15-2010 08:25 Subject: Episode 3
Well he finally did turn off the alarm but at least reunion with his wife was nice you see she felt guilty about the situation. Telling the brother about guy they left didn't go well but going back for one person seem a bit crazy but i understand why he had go back for the guns. The women conversation was amusing what they were missing from their old lives. That guy who beats his wife got a taste of his own medicine thanks to the other cop. Nice clif-hanger Author: codebreaker Time: 11-18-2010 09:04 Subject: Reply 9#9 bala's post
Wow what a great reunion for Rick and his son but a shame his wife felt guilty about the situation and the women conversation about what they were missing was funny. That was some hiding Shane gave Ed but the guy on the roof cutting his hand of instead of the handcuffs was strange Author: codebreaker Time: 11-22-2010 03:14 Subject: 1x04 Vatos
Another good episode when thing go wrong on their mission to get the bag of guns and it looks like Jim's dream has come true Author: bala Time: 11-22-2010 10:26 Subject: Reply 11#11 codebreaker's post
Well that one crazy episode i enjoyed the ending they really came from nowhere Author: codebreaker Time: 11-29-2010 02:34 Subject: 1x05 Wildfire
Ed's wife sticking the pick axe in his head was grouse and how tragic when Amy became a walker and her mother had to kill her, Jim must make a terrible life and death decision after being bitten Author: bala Time: 11-29-2010 05:57 Subject: Reply 13#13 codebreaker's post
Yes it was sad when Amy became a walker and her mother had to shoot her but at least she was able to say good bye before she shot her. . I liked she was able take her angry out on ED when he dead.
i wasn't sure if CDC guy was going let them in but he did Author: codebreaker Time: 12-6-2010 04:43 Subject: 1x06 TS-19
We now no a little more about why Rick was left in the hospital but Shane is a mean drunk trying to force himself on Lori but with the CDC running out of fuel for the generator and no cure their time is running out before the possible destruction of the facility and wow what an explosion Author: bala Time: 12-6-2010 06:11 Subject: Reply 15#15 codebreaker's post
Just there luck at least they all got a chance of having a hot shower Author: codebreaker Time: 8-22-2011 03:21 Subject: The Walking Dead Season 2 General Discussion Thread (Spoilers)
Season 2 Premieres October 16, 2011
Discuss Anything About Season 2 Here
[ Last edited by spratt89 at 8-22-2011 11:34 ] Author: codebreaker Time: 10-12-2011 12:27 Subject: Webisodes 1-6
It's a shame these were all to short but a nice way to get ready for the return Author: bala Time: 10-17-2011 08:07 Subject: What Lies Ahead
Well i forgot how graphic the violence was in this show. This really was extended episode 1 hour episode and we can see things are still challenging but there were some close calls. Author: codebreaker Time: 10-21-2011 00:51 Subject: Reply 3#3 bala's post
Sophia was brave while hiding under the truck compared to her mother but the guy's cutting the walker open to check was grouse but what a shock with Carl and the Dear Author: bala Time: 10-21-2011 10:07 Subject: Reply 4#4 codebreaker's post
Come on you just know something bad was going happen ? Author: codebreaker Time: 10-21-2011 10:10 Subject: Reply 5#5 bala's post
I thought Carl was going to kill the dear Author: bala Time: 10-21-2011 10:17 Subject: Reply 6#6 codebreaker's post
it's a shame we don't see who shot him ? Author: spratt89 Time: 10-25-2011 10:20
AMC renews 'The Walking Dead' for 3rd season
Zombies rule: AMC has just renewed The Walking Dead for a third season.
The decision comes after only two episodes have aired of season two, but it’s still no surprise — the show’s premiere had more adults 18-49 than any other drama in basic cable history. (And for once, AMC has managed to renew a show without a protracted hand-wringing negotiation!).
Ratings for Sunday’s second episode: 6.7 million total viewers, 4.5 million adults 18-49. That’s down 8 percent from the premiere, but hell, at these levels TWD can afford to give viewers away like Halloween candy.
At leased after shooting Carl their group did help and Andrea was lucky the girl on the horse came to fetch Lori but what a way to end with them trapped with the supplies needed to save Carl Author: codebreaker Time: 11-2-2011 13:03 Subject: 2x03 Save the Last One
Not a good idea to shoot the guy who is holding you but when it's a zombie you don't have much choice and i wonder if they will find Sophia alive after all this time out there and i hope they don't find out what Shane did to Otis to save himself Author: codebreaker Time: 11-10-2011 06:24 Subject: 2x04 Cherokee Rose
What they tried to do at the well was a little crazy and almost cost Glenn his life and after what happened I'm not surprised they wouldn't drink from that well, Glenn's face when he was caught with the condoms was amusing and Maggie's offer had him gobsmacked Author: codebreaker Time: 11-20-2011 01:15 Subject: 2x05 Chupacabra
That was some fall Daryl had and who would of thought the arrow he fell on would save his life but Merle in his hallucinations was interesting and trust Andrea to make that shot but what the old man said brought a smile to my face and what was in the barn was a surprise Author: codebreaker Time: 11-21-2011 06:54 Subject: 2x06 Secrets
Glenn did say he was no good at keeping secrets but i thought he would last longer than that and i suppose i should of realised the walkers in the barn were some of his family, that was a close call at the pharmacy Author: sanggye Time: 11-28-2011 07:11 Subject: 1x01
Well coming in late, not usually a big fan of zombie Apocalypse, as there are so many things they overlook. This episode wasn't too bad, he should have used the grenade on them when they all were on the horse. Author: sanggye Time: 11-28-2011 07:13 Subject: 1x02
Well she is alive. The kid seems to enjoy the car, though the alarm would drive me crazy. Author: sanggye Time: 11-28-2011 07:17 Subject: 1x03
Well the redneck Merle, is one tough guy. Why does he have to wear his uniform, let it go man, you are in a department store, grab some clothes. (this is the kind of stuff that irritates me about zombie movies) also why do they act like the bag of guns is the holy grail, just break into a gunshop or another polic station, or a military base (many of those in Georgia) and get some more. They are in Georgia, there should be guns everywhere, in houses and such. Author: sanggye Time: 11-28-2011 07:19 Subject: 1x04
Again, the guns are treated like some magical stop all. It was kind of cool that the "gangsters" were really good guys, helping out the old people. Author: sanggye Time: 11-28-2011 08:29 Subject: 1x05
What is the big deal about burning people? heck many people get cremated as it its. And why is it is a big deal to move on? Wouldn't it be better than staying in one place? Again more reasons I dislike these kind of things. They should have watched Zombieland, then they would know how to survive.
And I thought the uniform was gone, cause I was wrong. And why argue with a guy who knows he is dying, just wants to be dead. And then they said no food, no fuel, again hit up a walmart , grocery store or something. Thousands of vehicles sitting on the road and in driveways, you mean they all are empty?
I understand how a tv series or a movie have to change the source material, but I just remembered that in the books, that Shane was going to shoot Rick in the woods, similar to the scene in the episode, Carl, the son sees this and kills Shane. Guess TV doesn't like seeing children as killers, the did the same thing with Dexter. Author: sanggye Time: 11-28-2011 15:30 Subject: 1x06
Well made it to the CDC and it wast a bust, and their hope almost went up in flames. Wonder what was whispered. Author: codebreaker Time: 12-3-2011 10:52 Subject: 2x07 Pretty Much Dead Already
I'm not surprised that Glenn let the secrets out in the open but his reason for doing it was sweet and Shane going off the deep end is going the split the group especially after killing all the walkers in the barn but finding Sophia also in the barn was sad Author: Milks26 Time: 1-11-2012 15:07 Subject: Reply 12#12 codebreaker's post
So far, its been a great season. My only hope is that (the cast) they leave the barn......and nothing stupid happens like Glen deciding to stay.......their ideologies do not mesh with Hershel and his family.
Plus, Lori and the baby... ...that's not going to work out.
[ Last edited by Milks26 at 1-12-2012 11:36 ] Author: Milks26 Time: 2-14-2012 14:39 Subject: Nebraska
Are we going to have an entire season on this farm? The show is still enjoyable, but slowly these writers/producers are killing a great show.
They fed these walkers everyday, and now where supposed to believe that no one saw a little girl in the barn. Author: codebreaker Time: 2-17-2012 03:52 Subject: Reply 16#16 Milks26's post
They must of known about Sophia being in the barn and Dale knows exactly what kind of person Shane is and he was spot on about the fate of Otis, Rick was quick on the draw with the new guys in the bar which was impressive Author: codebreaker Time: 2-26-2012 12:56 Subject: 2x09 Triggerfinger
I'm surprised they risked their own lives to save one of the guys that just tried to kill them but the way the pair of them screamed was annoying and ripping his leg of the railings was great Author: Milks26 Time: 3-5-2012 10:36 Subject: Reply 18#18 codebreaker's post
As far as this season is concerned the show has been dying slowly.
Everyone's been on a monologue platform the entire season. Author: codebreaker Time: 3-7-2012 07:57 Subject: 2x10 - 18 Miles Out
Andrea so called helping Hershel's youngest daughter face a crucial decision but leaving her knowing she wants to kill herself was a strange was to get her to realise she wants to live and for a moment i thought Rick was going to leave Shane in the bus Author: codebreaker Time: 3-7-2012 08:45 Subject: 2x11 Judge, Jury, Executioner
Carl's actions with the walker had unintended consequences because he told nobody about him and now Dale has paid with his life and telling his dad to kill the kid was a surprise Author: Milks26 Time: 3-19-2012 09:07 Subject: Season Finale
Finale was good....its too bad we had to suffer and scrounge for a decent episode in season 2 - with all the monolouges they had. Author: codebreaker Time: 3-21-2012 14:32 Subject: 2x12 Better Angels
It looks like Shane has done it again taking their prisoner out into the woods and headbutting the tree was a sneaky way to make it look like he was attacked but finding his body has made it obvious he killed him and Carl finishing of Shane was great because he saved his dad Author: codebreaker Time: 3-21-2012 15:15 Subject: 2x13 Beside the Dying Fire
Good finale with the mother load of walkers to kill so they will have to find a new place to live next season but almost leaving Andrea behind was terrible and with them all splitting up to escape was predictable but glad most of them got to the highway Author: fo_ogun1 Time: 3-22-2012 21:09 Subject: 2x12 Better Angels
I am officially over walking has consistently fallen short of the mark for me this season. Perhaps because of the high expectations from the first season. However this season just didn't go anywhere....I lost my empathy for any of them....if they all got bit tomorrow it would be too soon. Ok.....enough of my rants. I have one question on this episode.....why did the prisoner boy and Sean (shaun?) turn? Were they bit? I thought you had to be bitten to change after you die......
I will be highly irritated if the writers overlooked a fundamental rule of turning into a zombie just for effect!!! What happened to continuity and sense..... Author: fo_ogun1 Time: 3-22-2012 22:56
ok i got my answer on why they are turning without being bitten they've all got the bug. and finally rick is losing it.....perhaps there's hope for season 3 Author: fo_ogun1 Time: 3-22-2012 23:00 Subject: the extras
they need to get the black guy, the short haired mother some kind of storyline, cos nothing ever happens with them Author: bala Time: 7-5-2012 02:18
Originally posted by codebreaker at 10-27-2011 13:04
At leased after shooting Carl their group did help and Andrea was lucky the girl on the horse came to fetch Lori but what a way to end with them trapped with the supplies needed to save Carl
Yes but finding out he was vet was rather disturbing and amusing at the same time but in every episode ends with a cliffhanger so i wasn't surprised they were trapped once they got the supplies.Author: bala Time: 7-5-2012 03:19
Originally posted by codebreaker at 11-2-2011 21:03
Not a good idea to shoot the guy who is holding you but when it's a zombie you don't have much choice and i wonder if they will find Sophia alive after all this time out there and i hope they don't fi ...
I was wondering what happend but at least he said sorry before shooting him in the leg Author: bala Time: 7-5-2012 04:10
Originally posted by codebreaker at 11-10-2011 14:24
What they tried to do at the well was a little crazy and almost cost Glenn his life and after what happened I'm not surprised they wouldn't drink from that well, Glenn's face when he was caught with t ...
Well i was rather happy for him i mean he almost risk his life in the well so that was one hell of a thank you and i think she liked him but realise that he was nervous and than telling him not to speak afterwards was amusing. . I really hope Sarah isn't pregnantAuthor: bala Time: 7-5-2012 06:15
Originally posted by codebreaker at 11-21-2011 14:54
Glenn did say he was no good at keeping secrets but i thought he would last longer than that and i suppose i should of realised the walkers in the barn were some of his family, that was a close call a ...
Yes with secrets like that there were bound to come out but it does seem rather slow the last few episode guess it nice for them to have a rest but they will have to leave. Author: bala Time: 7-5-2012 06:58
Originally posted by codebreaker at 12-3-2011 18:52
I'm not surprised that Glenn let the secrets out in the open but his reason for doing it was sweet and Shane going off the deep end is going the split the group especially after killing all the walker ...
So he must of known she was in the barn right ?. It was sad but at least that closure ?Author: bala Time: 7-5-2012 11:41
Originally posted by codebreaker at 2-26-2012 20:56
I'm surprised they risked their own lives to save one of the guys that just tried to kill them but the way the pair of them screamed was annoying and ripping his leg of the railings was great
Yes i found that annoying better leave him be Author: bala Time: 7-5-2012 11:42
Originally posted by codebreaker at 3-7-2012 15:57
Andrea so called helping Hershel's youngest daughter face a crucial decision but leaving her knowing she wants to kill herself was a strange was to get her to realise she wants to live and for a momen ...
Well if he had kept his mouth shut they would left him as soon as he mention her name they had no choice they should kill him but rick trying to make moral decision was bound to backfire on him. Author: bala Time: 7-5-2012 11:44
Originally posted by codebreaker at 3-7-2012 16:45
Carl's actions with the walker had unintended consequences because he told nobody about him and now Dale has paid with his life and telling his dad to kill the kid was a surprise
Well yeah he going feel so guilty about that and with moral guy dead this should lead the group in another direction. They have become a lot diffrent from the first season but i am glad they still zombies in every episode because we might forget about them. Author: bala Time: 7-6-2012 05:40
Originally posted by codebreaker at 3-21-2012 22:32
It looks like Shane has done it again taking their prisoner out into the woods and headbutting the tree was a sneaky way to make it look like he was attacked but finding his body has made it obvious h ...
Well it nice to see Shane dead since he is slowly getting crazy by each episode and now we know they are all infected.Author: bala Time: 7-6-2012 05:41
Originally posted by codebreaker at 3-21-2012 23:15
Good finale with the mother load of walkers to kill so they will have to find a new place to live next season but almost leaving Andrea behind was terrible and with them all splitting up to escape was ...
Yes but who was the person that saved Andrea ? Author: codebreaker Time: 7-12-2012 13:50 Subject: The Walking Dead Season 3 General Discussion Thread (Spoilers)
Season 3 Premieres October 14, 2012
Discuss Anything About Season 3 Here
Author: codebreaker Time: 7-12-2012 14:30 Subject: Reply 1#1 codebreaker's post
Just watched the talking dead special which included an exclusive season 3 preview which looked awesome and the decapitated head still moving was great, picking up the aspirin was amusing Author: bala Time: 7-16-2012 07:09 Subject: Walking dead comic con panel
Well i don't know what to make of this first episode it seems it just felt like i watch one shoot up movie where they just shot zombies for first half an hour but finding that prison was luck but good to see Karl do some shooting. It does seem the characters have harden a bit from previous season. Author: bala Time: 10-22-2012 11:16 Subject: Sick
Well i can't believe he was ok after all of that but those prisoners really didn't last long did they Author: bala Time: 10-29-2012 09:43 Subject: Walk with Me
Well i had feeling that place was too good to be true and find out how they got the weapons were sad.Author: Milks26 Time: 11-5-2012 08:42 Subject: Reply 5#5 bala's post
Episode 4
Sup y'll
Great episde last night.
When I saw the zombie walking up on T-Dog's back....I knew he was a going to die....but, at the same time I was hoping that he would've turned around in time, or someone would have saved him.
I think the show messed up by killing Lori. She died too soon. Although, you don't want a show that's predictable and sticks to the comic book's script, ....she should've died later in the season when the Governor and his people try to take the prison.
1. You have a son that just killed his Mother
2. A grieving Rick...who did not get to say goodbye or patch things up last minute
3. A starving baby
BAD call. Thank God Carol's still alive....they think she's dead....but I doubt it. We need a Mom around now. Author: bala Time: 11-5-2012 11:53 Subject: Reply 6#6 Milks26's post
Well you really picked the right episode to comment on but i am actually glad she's dead because she really started to annoy me in this series but should she have taken pills last season?. Think about it if she had she wouldn't have to die and her son shooting her means he just lost all his innocence in that moment. Killing someone you love will certainly have an effect of him . Author: codebreaker Time: 11-8-2012 01:36 Subject: 3x01 Seed
Setting up base in the prison was great and what a tragedy having to chop Hershel's leg off to try and keep him alive
[ Last edited by codebreaker at 11-8-2012 09:49 ] Author: codebreaker Time: 11-8-2012 02:13 Subject: 3x02 Sick
I half expected Maggie to kill Hershel to put him out of his pain and I could see Tomas being a problem after he killed Big Tiny so it was a good job Rick split his head Author: codebreaker Time: 11-8-2012 02:52 Subject: 3x03 Walk with Me
Merle returning after being handcuffed to the roof was a surprise and Michonne killing her own zombies was great as they were starting to get noisy, the Governor seems to be a cold blooded killer Author: codebreaker Time: 11-8-2012 05:22 Subject: 3x04 Killer Within
Shouting up to Maggie and Glenn in the watch tower "are you coming" was funny and who the hell sabotaged their safety by leading the walkers to them but I should of seen Lori demise coming with them practising on the walkers Author: Milks26 Time: 11-13-2012 15:08
Originally posted by bala at 11-5-2012 11:53
Well you really picked the right episode to comment on but i am actually glad she's dead because she really started to annoy me in this series but should she have taken pills last season?. Think about ...
I was not the least bit surprised about the Gov & his dead kid.
I saw it coming....had a feeling. Just another Hersel who wants to cure everyone so they can once again live in a "Kumbayah" existence.
I can't wait for Andrea to stop drinking the 'cool-aid' and leave Woodbury. I hope Michonne makes it to the prison real soon and reveal that Andrea was once her companion.
Hopefully this whole Woodbury sequence won't drag forever and stop boring me.Author: codebreaker Time: 11-19-2012 13:51 Subject: 3x05 Say the Word
The Governor having his own walkers locked up is very much like Hershel with his locked in the barn and the phone ringing was a surprise Author: codebreaker Time: 11-19-2012 14:40 Subject: 3x06 Hounded
Going after Michonne was a bad idea but hopefully she will help them get Glenn and Maggie back and I had a feeling the phone call were in Rick's imagination Author: bala Time: 11-21-2012 11:08 Subject: Reply 15#15 codebreaker's post
That was a nice twist that it was his imagination it really had me going Author: Milks26 Time: 11-26-2012 08:04 Subject: Episode 7
Epi 7
Nothing really happened...more filler than anything. But as always Michoone kicking a** was good to see
Epi 8
Great episode last night, although, I could've done without Milton's experiment and Andrea & The Gov.
I loved the look on Michonne's face when everyone was welcoming Carol back. She realised that they were not like the Woodbury group Author: Milks26 Time: 11-26-2012 08:16 Subject: Reply 17#17 Milks26's post
MilksThe character of Tyrese will be added in the mid-season finale.
And I'm happy to annouce that 'Chad Coleman" (from HBO's The Wire) will be in the title role.
Since the show began of been begging for a strong male black lead....We got it now. Author: codebreaker Time: 11-26-2012 16:46 Subject: 3x07 When the Dead Come Knocking
That was some beating Glenn got and what the Governor made Maggie do was disgusting but it was a good job Michonne found Rick's camp and told them about Maggie and Glenn Author: codebreaker Time: 12-3-2012 10:28 Subject: 3x08 Made to Suffer
I'm glad they rescued Maggie and Glenn and Andrea returning fire not knowing who she was shooting at was bizarre but at least she knows about the heads the Governor had and what cliffhanger with the brothers lives in danger Author: bala Time: 12-3-2012 10:59 Subject: Reply 20#20 codebreaker's post
Wait until February to find out plus we have new characters Author: codebreaker Time: 12-3-2012 11:04 Subject: Reply 21#21 bala's post
Looks like most of the shows are coming to a mid season finale Author: bala Time: 12-3-2012 11:38 Subject: Reply 22#22 codebreaker's post
Yeah it's good thing i have all Hallmark & Lifetime Christmas movies to keep me busy during Christmas season Author: codebreaker Time: 12-3-2012 11:43 Subject: Reply 23#23 bala's post
My wife loves the Christmas 24 channel Author: codebreaker Time: 2-11-2013 14:15 Subject: 3x09 The Suicide King
Andrea speech calming those with the Governor was impressive considering he looks like he is ready to give up and looks like Rick is about to crack Author: codebreaker Time: 2-19-2013 11:41 Subject: 3x10 Home
Why on earth would the Governor ask Andrea to fill in for him when he don't trust her and has Milton watching her and the rescue on the bridge was bizarre when you think they were half way across with abandoned cars and walkers all around them, the Governor's attack on the prison was intense Author: codebreaker Time: 2-26-2013 03:09 Subject: 3x11 I Ain’t A Judas
Andrea being blind to the Governor's evil way's is getting tiresome but how much has changed since Andrea left is incredible Author: bala Time: 2-26-2013 04:01 Subject: Reply 27#27 codebreaker's post
Well she had a chance to end it but didn't take the opportunityAuthor: codebreaker Time: 3-5-2013 13:51 Subject: 3x12 Clear
Running into Morgan after all this time was a surprise as he was only in the first episode I think and Carl is becoming quite a good solider Author: bala Time: 3-6-2013 00:40 Subject: Reply 29#29 codebreaker's post
Well with a dad like that i am not surprised Author: bala Time: 3-11-2013 09:55 Subject: Pale Horse
Talk about the calm before the storm
Not an eventful episode Author: codebreaker Time: 3-11-2013 23:47 Subject: 3x13 Pale Horse
Rick and the Governor trying to come up with a peace treaty seemed a little one sided as it was the Governor way or no way and all because he wants Michonne Author: bala Time: 3-20-2013 10:17 Subject: Killer Within, Part II
Well the titles wrong but what an episode Andry trying to escape but she get captured Author: codebreaker Time: 3-25-2013 15:57 Subject: 3x14 Prey
Andrea being so close to getting away was a little predictable Author: codebreaker Time: 4-7-2013 01:25 Subject: 3x15 This Sorrowful Life
Merle taking Michonne from right under their noses was a little bizarre as he let he go later but setting off the car alarm was careless and Daryl having finish his brother off after the Governor killed him was sad Author: codebreaker Time: 4-7-2013 02:04 Subject: 3x16 Welcome to the Tombs
Milton being told to kill Andrea was interesting as he tried to kill the Governor but leaving Andrea tied up while he turned was sick and it's a good job they left the prison as there was no way they would of survived the Governor attack but nice trap inside to catch them on the way out and I cant believe the Governor killed half his own in temper
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