Subject: Law & Order Criminal Intent Season 1-10 General Discussion Thread (Spoilers) [Print This Page] Author: spratt89 Time: 7-22-2009 06:56 Subject: Law & Order Criminal Intent Season 1-10 General Discussion Thread (Spoilers)
Discuss anything about Law & Order Criminal Intent Seasons 1-10 Here
[ Last edited by spratt89 at 3-13-2015 05:09 ] Author: bala Time: 4-5-2010 06:42 Subject: Loyalty (Part 1)
Great opening episode for the season i can't wait to see part 2 but i felt sorry that captain got killed . Author: bala Time: 4-8-2010 00:18 Subject: Loyalty (Part 2)
Wow letting him go just so that they find the terrorist camps seem very wrong .Goran really took the risk find out who was involved. Will she take captain job and deal Goran or refuse, i hoping she refuses. Author: tycoonworld Time: 4-8-2010 00:41 Subject: Reply 3#3 bala's post
Sadly this was the last episode with Goran and Eames Jeff Goldblum, his new female partner and Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio as Capt. Zoe Callas will take over... CI will never be the same again Author: bala Time: 4-8-2010 00:43 Subject: Reply 4#4 tycoonworld's post
it's kind of odd because i only watched season 1 so it kind odd for me jump to watch season 9 Author: tycoonworld Time: 4-8-2010 00:51 Subject: Reply 5#5 bala's post
I highly recommend to watch a few more seasons, it was a great show, and Goren's tics and strange way of approaching cases- and suspects, always supported by wonderfully acting Kathrin Erbe as Eames were really special! Author: bala Time: 4-8-2010 00:53 Subject: Reply 6#6 tycoonworld's post
funny enough i don't time to watch it-the only reason i start new season was it was easy watch new season compared back-tracking Author: tycoonworld Time: 4-8-2010 01:01 Subject: Reply 7#7 bala's post
Save them for a rainy, boring day - it's always good to have something to watch then Author: bala Time: 4-8-2010 09:03 Subject: Reply 8#8 tycoonworld's post
out of the 3 L & O shows, i prefer criminal intent because original i find boring and SVU i find too disturbing to watch, you really need strong stomach to watch it.Author: bala Time: 4-21-2010 06:15 Subject: Broad Channel
This was good episode we get new team handle their first case and i liked how both of them different at how approach the case but i thought it obvious that it end up being corrupt cop. Author: bala Time: 4-21-2010 06:37 Subject: Delicate
Wow I heard good friends but what a way to prove your friendship to her by killing her rival. Author: cshapiro Time: 4-21-2010 07:41
Without Goren and Eames it's not much of a show anymore. This episode was just too obvious. I knew it was that girl after 10 minutes. I think this will probably be the last season for CI. Author: cshapiro Time: 4-21-2010 07:44 Subject: Reply 9#9 bala's post
I did agree with you. CI was my favourite L&O until now. SVU is definitely very disturbing. Author: bala Time: 4-21-2010 07:53 Subject: Reply 13#13 cshapiro's post
i am surprised you would find it disturbing since your doctor you must came across the stuff that on that type of crime. Author: bala Time: 5-14-2010 10:55 Subject: Inhumane Society
This was a disturbing episode but a couple who enjoyed killing women . That nurse was good actress Author: bala Time: 5-27-2010 06:41 Subject: Traffic
Another good episode a mother kill her boss because her boss like her daughter work more than her and tried to make it look like she killed him because he was sleeping with the daughter. Human behaviour is really disturbing i mean she was even willing to let her daughter go to jail for kill him lucky her father helped proved it was the mother
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