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Subject: Lost points - VIP Acct only showing 1pt [Print This Page]

Author: Gresk    Time: 8-15-2009 10:52     Subject: Lost points - VIP Acct only showing 1pt

After making 3 purchases of F$ on the 12th of July and transferring all to VIP Points all of a sudden roughly 600 points have just disappeared from my account and also neither friends vista, nor VIP are showing a true reflection of my account transactions. I have my paypal statement showing the purchase of the F$. I therefore ask those in Admin positions if you can assist in my obtaining the points returned. I'm hoping it's a network glitch and all will be rectified tomorrow but I thought best to notify you now. Regards Gresk
Author: spratt89    Time: 8-15-2009 10:54

Send a PM to LBJedward
Author: Gresk    Time: 8-16-2009 13:08

Still no response to the PM, may I ask how long I should expect to wait for a PM back from Lbj? Kind regards
Author: trulee    Time: 8-16-2009 13:29     Subject: Reply 3#3 Gresk's post

So long as you didnt tick the box saying 'save a copy' - he will get it when he is next online. If you did tick it, could you please resend it without saving a copy, that way he will get it. It may be a few days as they are in a different timezone and may have several PM's to respond to.
Author: Gresk    Time: 8-16-2009 22:29

Many thanks
Author: Gresk    Time: 8-19-2009 06:43

Still no reply, is there any other admin other than LBJ who can research this loss of points please as VIP is the only way in which I can watch any TV, I'm reluctant to try putting more points on seeing as I had 600+ points sitting there before the database decided to remove them. Any assistance would be appreciated.
Author: trulee    Time: 8-19-2009 07:10     Subject: Reply 6#6 Gresk's post

LBJ is the main admin who deals with matters such as these. I will send him a PM highlighting your situation. In the meantime please accept these forum points.
Author: Gresk    Time: 8-20-2009 02:31

Thank you kindly for your efforts.
Author: Gresk    Time: 8-21-2009 04:27     Subject: Many thanks

Just a reply to say a great thanks to LBJ for sorting out my predicament, it was a user error and not an admin error and for that I apologise should I have seemed in my posts to imply that. Thank you again LBJ and Trulee. Gresk

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