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Subject: Very long loading time [Print This Page]

Author: stopey    Time: 8-6-2009 12:41     Subject: Very long loading time

I have been running Windows7 for the past 2 months and ever since I have had problems loading VIPTV. It can take up to 5 minutes just to open the start page. I have no problems with any other web sites it's strictly VIP and I have asked friends of mine to try and they say they do not experiance any problems.. Does anybody else have this issue or know how to resolve it? Cheeeeeeeeeeeeeeze
Author: SciFi25    Time: 8-9-2009 02:19

Exactly the same, never had an issue before, now it is taking 5 minutes to change pages. Oh and I am not using windows 7, just vista and xp machines with different security programs running which have no problems accessing other sites. Maybe time for you guys to get a new server eh? [ Last edited by SciFi25 at 8-9-2009 02:22 ]
Author: babaganoosh1    Time: 9-5-2009 16:56

hey guys, so there is probably something in the IE code itself (would explain why you are seeing the issue on multiple versions). I would try downloading Mozilla. it's all I use and is a much more stable/secure browser. If you are geeks, most of the commands are the same. If you are not technically savy it should be pretty much the same as IE except some of the vernacular is different. Hope this helps!
Author: waterlilybarb    Time: 9-5-2009 17:54

While it is fine to use other browsers, Mozilla Firefox is the recommended one for the site. Here is a link to the download. Hope that helps solve your problem.
Author: stopey    Time: 9-6-2009 05:36

. I have always been using Mozilla so it wasn't that.. However all of a sudden without making any changes that I am aware of the site has sparked back into life once more.. Thanks for all your advise tho ppl
Author: shinny    Time: 9-6-2009 12:32     Subject: Reply 5#5 stopey's post

Good to hear. Thanks for letting us know.

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